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"Rebecca!" Klaus yelled.
"Walk away" my father said.
"Don't move!" Klaus yelled.
"Leave us, now" my father said to Rebecca.
"I cant. I'm stuck here." Rebecca said.
My uncle stood and pulled out the white oak.
"Elijah he has the white oak stake." Rebecca said.
"I brought it for you, sister." Klaus said.
"Get out of his sight. Your presence here only serves to anger him. Leave him to me now." My father said.
She vamped off and my uncle put his arm down.
"I'm asking you brother to brother, we end this nonsense now." My father said.
"You would side with that traitor?" My uncle asked.
"I am not choosing sides, but i will not allow you to hurt our sister." My father said.
"We cannot leave this cemetery, Elijah. How long do you think you can defend her?" My uncle asked turning around before he vamped off.
"As long as it takes... by whatever means necessary." My father said as the two of us met Klaus at his next spot.
"Maddie go figure out how to get this spell down." My father said.
"And leave you here with him?" I asked.
"I'll be okay" he said.
I nodded and went to one of the exits and started working on the spell. Night turned into day and i still couldn't get it down then again i wouldn't know seeing as the spell doesn't stop me from leaving but that candle Celeste broke last night probably had something to do with it.
"You've been around this for hours to what end?" My father asked my uncle.
"Niklaus, I know you, and I grew up fighting you. I cant be beaten, nor can i be persuaded. You can not get past me." My father said.
I rolled my eyes as i continued to work.
"I could get past you, although it might have to be over your dead body. You did let Maddie stab me with that blade, forcing me to endure hours of unspeakable pain. Perhaps i should direct my rage towards you or Maddie." My uncle said.
I swallowed hard and pushed past what i was hearing between my uncle and my father.
"You should see yourself... the murderous expression, the self-righteous posturing. You look like father." My father said.
"I'm not him. Rebecca's betrayal justifies my anger. His was that of a madman. You were never the recipient of his cruelty. None of you were.. Not Kol, Not Finn, Not Maddie, none of you! I think you've forgotten what he was truly like." My uncle said.
"No. I have not forgotten." My father said.
They were silent for a second and then the talking got farther away.
"Niklaus, i understand your anger, but, i implore you, be better than him. Do what he could not. Demonstrate the grace of mercy rather thank this petty cruelty." My father said.
"You ask me to show mercy to one who has wronged me. You really don't know me at all, do you, brother?" My uncle said.
"Enough" i heard Rebecca said.
I got up and ran to find them all which wasn't hard. My father has his back to my uncle as he looked at my aunt.
"Whatever I have fine wrong, my guilt is nothing compared to yours. You want revenge? Fine, but before you have it, i will look you in the eye and tell you why it was your cruelty and your spite that led us to this." Rebecca said.
"Go on, then. Speak your piece, and when you are finished, i will grant you the punishment you deserve, even if i have to go through Elijah and Maddie to do so." My uncle said.
My father turned his head and looked at my uncle.
My uncle stood on top of the tombs with Rebecca, my father and I standing in front of him.
"And it begins. The trial of Rebecca Mikealson." My uncle yelled.
"What a relief. His ego is in check." Rebecca said rolling her eyes.
"Just speak your truth." My father said without breaking away from his stare down at my uncle.
"We will make sure he behaves himself" i said looking at my father before looking at my aunt.
I had no clue what to do in all honesty. I needed to be breaking the spell that held us here but i couldnt tell if it worked and my uncle was trying to kill my aunt and my father and I were the only ones that could protect her.
"You stand accused of betraying your own blood. How do you plead?" Klaus asked.
"Oh great this is Judge Judy" I said as I watched my father sit down on a tomb.
"I plead you to shut up and listen." Rebecca said looking up at Uncle Klaus.
"You summoned our father. You brought him to our home. What possible defense could you have?" My uncle asked.
"I knew he was the only thing that you feared, and i wanted you to run." My aunt said.
"Well she's digging a deep hole for herself. I'm going to work on that spell if you dont mind" i said as i turned and started to walk away.
"Stay put Maddison, please" My father said in his ever so calming voice.
"Yes sir" i said as i turned back around and stood in my spot.
"Because you hated me." Uncle Klaus said.
"Because you were hateful. You denied me the freedom to love." Aunt Becca said.
"Oh, so that's your defense?" My uncle asked.
"Oh boy" i mumbled.
"You called Mikeal the destroyer, the hunter of vampires, because I detained you from pursuing some dull suitors." Klaus said.
"You were cruel and controlling and manipulative. Wasn't he Maddie" Rebecca said turning to me.
I looked at my dad and he shook his head.
"Um sorry Aunt Becca i dont want to get into this Mikealson sibling fight" i said slowly.
Klaus laughed a little before looking at Rebecca again.
"I was trying to protect you from imbecile and leeches." He said waving the white oak around.
I wanted to just run up and grab it from him but then if i failed he would stab me or dagger me or bite me.
"Not to mention your own poor judgement." He continued.
"And what about the one that you loved enough to call friend? Why do you forbid me to love Marcel?" Rebecca asked.
My uncle jumped up and so did my dad ready to protect her.
"Do not mention his name" my uncle said.
"What has happened to you? I remember the sweet boy who made me laugh and gave me gifts, who loved art and music. I wanted to be just like you. How could you have fallen so far?" Rebecca asked.
My uncle stood there not knowing what to say because everything Rebecca said was true. Uncle Klaus used to make Becca and I laugh and laugh all the time and he used to make us things with the wood, he taught me to paint and because of him i love all kinds of music and i even like to sing. My father taught me to play the piano and taught me to read but i looked up to my uncle Klaus more than any one of my uncles. I was never close with Finn and Kol only taught me magic and Henrik was my best friend because we were so close in age. My father was a young father he didn't know how to care for a baby he barely knew how to care for himself and Grandma agreed to help him raise me along side Henrik we were like twins almost. It was my uncle Klaus that was the first to tell my father it was okay to let me sleep in there room with them because i would cry all night if my father wasn't present and when my father freaked out because he couldn't figure out why i was crying it was Uncle Klaus even as young as he was that would clam both me and my father down. Uncle Klaus was 12 when i was born and Kol was 8 and Rebecca was 4 and Henrik was a year old. My father and mother were 16 and i don't blame my father for being scared.

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