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My father and I went after him.
"Niklaus" my father said as we followed him.
"It's a trick Elijah." Klaus said.
"No, brother. It's a gift. It's your chance. It's our chance." my father said as he glanced at me and then back at my uncle who had stopped walking.
"To what?" Klaus asked.
"To start over. Take back everything we lost. Everything that was taken from us. Niklaus our own parents came to despise us. Our family was ruined we were ruined" my father said.
I looked up at my uncle who was crying.
"Since then, all that you have ever wanted all that we have ever wanted... was a family" my father said.
"I will not be manipulated." Klaus said as he turned away from my dad but he vamp speed and was in front of Klaus.
"So they are manipulating you. So what? With them, this girl and her child, your child... live" my father said.
"I'm going to kill every last one of them." Klaus said as he pushed my father and turned around facing me.
"And then what? You return to mystic falls?" I asked.
"To resume your life as the hated one?" My father asked.
"As the evil Hybrid?" I asked.
"Is it so important to you that people quake with fear at the sound of your name?" My father asked.
"People quake with fear because i have the power to make them afraid. What will this child offer me? Will it guarantee me power?" Klaus asked.
"Family is power. You taught me that" i said.
"Love, loyalty. That's power. This is what we swore to one another a thousand years ago before life tore away what little humanity you had left before ego, before anger, before paranoia created in this person before me. Someone i can barely even recognize as my own brother as the uncle to my daughter" my father said.
Klaus just looked at us.
"This is us. The original family. Now, we remain together... always and forever. I am asking you to stay here. I will help you, Maddie will help you, we will stand by you. We will build a home here together. So save this girl. Save your child." My father said he put his hand on Klaus shoulder.
Klaus put his hand on my fathers shoulder. I thought for sure he was going to cave.
"No" Klaus said as he turned and walked away.
My father called Rebecca.
"Well, he's doing what he does. Given a chance at happiness Klaus runs in the opposite direction." My father said.
"Then let him run. That child if it's even his is better off without him" Rebecca said.
"He's not better off without that child, Rebecca and neither are we." My father said.
"Darling, kind Elijah. Our brother rarely brings us anything but pain. How many years has he stolen from you and your daughter alone? At what point in your immortal life will you stop searching for his redemption?" Rebecca asked.
"I'll stop searching for his redemption when i believe there is none left to be found" my father said as he hung up the phone and put it in his pocket.
We walked down the street and found Klaus sitting alone on a bench and we joined him.
"Are you here to give me another pep talk on the joys of fatherhood?" Klaus asked.
"I've said all i needed to say." My father said as he put his arm around me.
"I forgot how much i liked this town" Klaus said.
"I didnt forget. All the centuries we've spent together and yet i can count on one hand the number of times our family has truly been happy. I hated leaving here." my father said
"As did i" Klaus said with a smile.
"Me too" i said butting in.
They both smiled and looked at me.
And then Klaus looked away and looked at the ground.
"What is in your mind brother?" My father asked.
"For a thousand years... i lived in fear. Anytime i settled anywhere our father would hunt me down and... chase me off. He made me feel powerless... and i hated it. This town was my home once. And in my absence Marcel has gotten everything I've ever wanted. Power, loyalty, family. I made him in my image and he has battered me. I want what he has. I want to be king." Klaus said.
"And what if Hayley and the baby?" I asked.
"Every king needs an heir" Klaus said as he looked at my father and I .
The next morning my father and I met with Sophie.
"So how do you propose this all works?" My father asked.
"Your brother needs to cement his place in marcels world. His inner circle, his day walkers. That's where we begin. They're his friends, his family, we'll be hitting him where it hurts." Sophie said.
"And that's what he will do" my father said as he opened the car door for me.
I got in and he joined me and we headed to mystic falls so i could pack my things.
After i packed up my things we went to Rebecca's and my father told her to pack her things.
"So that's it? I'm just supposed to pack up my things and leave for good? Forget my life here and my pursuit for the cure?" Rebecca said.
"The cure was a fool's errand." I said.
"Taking it would strip you of everything you are for what? More high school proms?" My father asked.
"I wanted to be human. I wanted children and a family." Rebecca said.
"I stand before you offering you both" my father said.
"And if i decide against you? A dagger in my heart and back in a box?" Rebecca asked.
"I've made my case. Your family needs you. What choice you make right now is your own." my father said.
Rebecca thought for a second and then walked towards us.
"I owe him nothing. I wish him no joy. No love. I will stay here and live my life the way i want to, and if you're smart i would suggest you do the same for both you and your daughter" Rebecca said as she walked out.
My father stood there thinking.
"She right" said a female voice from behind us.
I turned around and seen Katerina.
"Be smart, Elijah. Klaus is stark raving mad not to mention completely irredeemable. Leave him to set off on this new adventure and let's you, Maddie and I go out on ours" Katerina said.
"Please save it. You never cared for me" i said.
"I do care about you Maddie. Your his daughter" she said
I rolled my eyes.
"I have lost so much of my life to Klaus and so have the two of you. It's our turn" Katerina said as she grabbed my dads hands.
He said nothing.
"Elijah please." She said.
"Katerina." He said as he placed his hand on her cheek and kissed her head.
"Goodbye" he said as he turned and walked out and i followed behind him.

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