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"Let's pay Marcel a little visit" Klaus said as the three of us headed out the door.
"Damn girl! Not bad!" Marcel said from his balcony that over looked the opening of the old family home.
Klaus vampires in and snapped the girls neck and my father and I walked in behind him.
"Good evening. I'd like a word." My uncle said.
"What do you think you're doing?" Marcel asked.
"It appears that we've interrupted a collection of filthy amateurs." My father said as we joined my uncle in the middle of the circle of vampires.
"We've come here for the girl." I said looking up at Marcel.
"Give her to us, or... we kill everyone here. Starting with you" my father said looking up.
"You three have a lot of nerve coming into my  home and making demands." Marcel said.
"You're home, is it?" Klaus asked.
"The girl. I will not ask again." My father said.
"I assume you're talking about Hayley... yay high, dark hair, bitchy attitude. Who is she, anyway?" Marcel asked.
"She's an old friend. You know how sentimental i am about old friends." Klaus said.
"Well, I ain't got her, and before you start whining, I did pay her a little visit earlier tonight. I was feeling nostalgic. So i took a trip out to the plantation where I used to be a slave, and imagine my surprise when I realized that the original family of vampires had taken up residence. Your girl Hayley answered the door, we exchanged hellos. That was it. You don't believe me, look around. Hell, I'll even help you find her, but the question is ask is, if Hayley isn't here, then where is she?" Marcel asked.
We sat down at a table as Marcel gathered some of his night walkers.
"Not the most attractive community are they?" my father asked.
"You do realize they can hear you" Klaus said.
"You do realize i dont care" my father said as he picked up a drink.
"You know, Elijah, I liked you better in that box" Marcel said as him a a couple of vampires walked over.
I jumped up and stood in front of my father.
"Relax littlest Mikealson I'm not making threats. Klaus, my sire line, you I owe the world, and i always show respect to my elders.
If your special lady friend is missing, you can benefit from the help of a witch, and since I control all the witches in this town, I'll grant you one little locator spell." Marcel said as two vampires walked Sabine in.
"Okay hold up. I'm a witch and I dont need Sabine to do the spell and i definitely don't need your permission" i said
"Sabine is the best guide in the quarter. You need to find someone, I guarantee she's your girl." Marcel said ignoring me.
"Again I dont need her" i said.
"You do need her because you don't know all the hiding spots in town" Marcel said.
"Fine whatever use her. You do realize I'm more powerful than her, you would be surprised with what I know and can do" i said as i sat back down.
Marcel nodded and turned around.
"Where are you going?" Klaus asked.
"I hate to cut this short but the sun is coming up soon. My night walkers need to get inside, and I've got a city to run. I'll leave you to track down your lost sheep." Mercel said as he walked a way.
"Can you find her?" My father asked looking at Sabine.
"Yes Sabine can you?" I asked.
"Maddie no need to be rude" my father said placing a hand on my shoulder.
"I can try," she said.
"Wonderful she will try. While she wastes time trying and failing I could have actually succeeded" i said shrugging my shoulders.
"Let her have a stab at it little niece and if she fails you can save the day" Klaus said.
"Lovely I'm the savior" i said crossing my arms and leaning back in my seat.
Klaus filled a cup up with his blood and Sabine put it on the map and started her spell.
I watched as the blood slowly moved.
"She's in the back country, way out past Houma, deep in the Bayou." Sabine said.
"I dont suppose you could be more precise." My father asked.
"What's the matter, Elijah, you worried a bit of splashing about in the big might ruin your expensive shoes?" Klaus asked.
"Your the one pacing" i barked not taking my eyes off the map.
"As a matter of fact, after my recent confinement, i could use a decent stroll through the country side." my father said.
"There are stories of exiled werewolves, encampments. If Hayley went out that far, chances are, she went to find them." Sabine said.
"Clearly, she hopes to make the acquaintance of more like herself. I suppose our company wasn't good enough for her." Klaus said.
My father looked away from him and back at the map.
"We're going out there aren't we?" I asked as my dad stood up.
"Indeed we are" Klaus said as we both followed my father to his car.
We drove out to the Bayou and parked the car by the woods and got out.
"We should head south towards the water." My father said as we started walking away from the car.
"You seem quite determined to find the little wolf." Klaus said from behind my father and I .
"If I'm moving to fast for you, Niklaus, you're welcome to wait in the car." My father said.
"Don't forget to leave the windows down." I said with a smirk.
"Ah, so I've touched a nerve. You both have begun to admire this girl, Elijah more than Maddie i assume. Perhaps that's why you've been barking orders since your return, hoping to impress Hayley by assuming the role of family patriarch." Klaus said.
My father stopped walking and turned around.
"Oh boy" i said rolling my eyes as I too stopped and turned.
"If you want to insist on treating her like a walking incubator then that's your mistake." My father said as my uncle looked up.
"What? Have you found her scent?" My father asked.
"No.... but i found someone else's" my uncle said as he lead us to a truck.
He got into it and started searching it.
"This vehicle reeks of someone I thought I was rid of..." he said as he threw stuff out of it.
"Who?" I asked.
"Tyler Lockwood." Klaus said as he slammed the door shut.
"I thought he was running from you. And you promised Caroline you wouldn't do do anything to him" i said.
"Yes well he's come seeking me out obviously" my uncle said as he headed down the path.
"Why would your little hybrid sidekick from mystic falls have any interest in Hayley?" My father asked
"He wants revenge because I went after his girl." Klaus said.
I snorted.
"That's not why he's mad! You killed his mother!" I yelled.
"You killed his mother?" My father asked.
"Back when I had the means to sire hybrids, he was my first, although I didn't give him much choice in the matter. He was loyal in the beginning, but he grew insubordinate, turned my other hybrids against me. I couldn't have that. So I massacred the lot of them. Tyler ran like a coward before I could finish him off." Klaus said as he smelled the blanket from the back of the truck.
"Anything else you would like to share?" My father asked.
"Well, there was this business with his mum." Klaus said.
"That's wonderful Niklaus, you killed his mother." My father said.
"He needed to be taught a lesson." Klaus said.
"The same lesson I or my father learned when you daggered one of us?" I asked as i leaned on the truck.
"What lesson will you be taught, Niklaus, if he retaliated by harming Hayley?" My father asked.
"So you do care about her. Well, go on, then. Have at it, brother. Save her. Claim what spoils you can. I've sampled what she has to offer, and, let me tell you, she is exquisite." My uncle said.
I rolled my eyes.
"Niklaus, so help me..." my father started as he pushed my uncle away from him.
"Enough. I'll kill Tyler Lockwood myself." My uncle said as he disappeared.
"We can't let him kill Tyler!" I said in a panic.
"We won't" my father said as we followed his direction.

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