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"Desperate times i take it." Klaus said as the two of us entered the Salvatore house where Caroline was cleaning up after a possible party.
"What are you doing here?" Caroline asked.
"Not judging you for starters, although if you are determined to get drunk, then perhaps i might recommend something a little more sanitary." My uncle said.
Caroline looked at him and took another sip from a cup she had picked up.
"Well, then. You showed me." Klaus said.
"Shouldn't you be out chasing Tyler, to the ends of the earth, or are there some hopes and dreams you want to crush around here." Caroline asked.
"Depends. Do you happen to know where the young Brutus is?" Klaus asked.
"I know where he's not—with me. He gave Matt the deed to the house, so he's gone for good." Caroline said as she continued to clean.
My uncle nodded and headed towards her.
"Tyler made it his life's mission to kill my uncle. You can't hate him for driving him away." I said.
"No. I can, and I do. Now if you don't mind I'd like to go back to spiraling, so go away." Caroline said.
"Actually i asked him to be here. We need his help. I think Silas is in Mystic Falls" Stefan said as he walked into the room.
"Why do you think that?" I asked.
"Blood is missing from multiple hospitals" Stefan said.
"Okay. So blood is missing from a couple hospitals. What about Elena?" Klaus asked as he poured himself a drink.
"Don't vampires with there humanity off tend to overindulge in human blood?" I asked.
"Or are you the exception?" Klaus asked.
"Nevertheless Stefan if Silas was here, wouldn't we have seen him? A new face in mystic falls is easy to come by" i said.
"My niece is correct in her theory" Klaus said looking over at me with a smile.
"It's not Elena" Stefan said.
"Alright so it's not Elena" i said shrugging.
"Well, let's say for a moment that it was Silas. I'm struggling to see how this affects me" Klaus said as he took a seat.
"Look. Silas wants to die and be reunited with his one true love, but he's supernatural, so if he takes the cure and dies, he gets stuck on the other side." Stefan said as Caroline joined the three of us in the room.
"How Shakespearian." Klaus said with a smile as he took a sip of his drink.
"But if he destroys the other side altogether, he can take the cure and die and pass on. But in destroying it, every dead supernatural being will return to our side" Stefan said.
"That means every werewolf, every witch, every vampire. I wonder how many of those you personally killed." Caroline said.
My uncle looked over at her.
"Care yet?" Caroline asked.
"My interest is piqued. How do we stop him?" Klaus asked.
"Bonnie says that Silas needs 3 massacres to do this spell." I said looking at my uncle.
"Correct. Before professor Shane died, he convinced the pastor to blow up the council. Next he had you kill your hybrids, and now he only needs one more massacre. So if he's here that's what he's doing. We need to find him." Stefan said.
"Alright" my uncle said.
The four of us got into my uncles car and drove to the college that Shane worked at and we went to his office.
"What are we looking for?" Caroline asked.
"Well, if Shane really was working with Silas, chances are he walk helping him plan his next move" Stefan said as i closed the door.
We scattered the room each in a different corner.
"Where on his evil villain to-do list..." Caroline said.
"Ah. Probably not quite a to-do list Caroline" i said
"Steal blood, Preform 3 massacres, pick up dry cleaning" Caroline said as she searched a book case.
"Alright a list but probably not written down" i said as i searched in my corner for anything.
"Actually not to nit pick, but we evil villains usually use minions to pick up our dry cleaning, that sort of thing" Klaus said from his corner.
"You mean like how you use your niece and you don't let her be with her father?" Caroline asked.
"Precisely. But i don't use her all the time only in desperate times. Her father is more than welcome to visit her" Klaus said.
"The dagger threats are what keep us at bay" i laughed.
"Why is he necessary again?" Caroline asked.
"Well, we don't know what Silas can do, so if we have to go head to head with him, two original hybrids of different kinds that can't die might come in handy." Stefan said.
"Well said Stefan" i said.
"Her i don't  have a problem with it's him" Caroline said.
"Besides, Stefan and I work well together, or at least we did in the twenties." Klaus said.
"Well, granted my emotions were off." Stefan said.
"And that's why you were more fun. Just as Damon is probably relishing in Elena's emotionless company in New York." Klaus said.
"My brother knows what he's doing." Stefan said.
I looked over at Caroline who had pulled something off the shelf before looking back at my uncle.
"Does he?" Klaus asked with a cocked eye brow.
"Don't underestimate the allure of darkness, Stefan. Even the purest hearts are drawn to it." Klaus said as he glanced at Caroline who looked up for a split second and then looked back down at the book she was holding.
Stefan chuckled.
"Still I'm sure it will all be fine." Klaus said as he turned and continued to look in his corner.
"I think i found something" Caroline said as we all headed to the middle of the room.
"Symbolic figures in the dark arts. Didn't Bonnie talk about expression triangles?" Caroline asked as she sat the book on the desk.
"Here" she said pointing to the triangle.
"In some schools of magic such as expression, human sacrifice can be used as a focus for power. It's rumored that addition of two supernatural sacrifices compounds the mystical energy, creating an expression triangle." Stefan read.
"Humans" i said.
"That was the council fire" Caroline said.
"Demons" i said.
"Klaus hybrid failure" Caroline said.
"Well i wouldn't exactly call it a failure. What's the third" he asked.
"Oh no" Caroline said.
"What's the third?" Klaus asked.
"Witches" i said as i looked up at him.
Stefan left the room to call Bonnie.
"Alright so where have they all been?" I asked as i grabbed a map.
"Okay so we have the one at Pastor Young's farm" Caroline said as she circled where that was in the map.
"Then the old Lockwood cellar, where Klaus spitefully killed 12 of his hybrids" Caroline said as she circle where that was and then made a line.
"According to the book the expression triangle is equilateral, putting it here." Caroline said as she drew the lines going up from the two sites.
"Somebody's been skipping their geometry classes." Klaus said as he looked at the triangle.
Caroline looked at him.
"There are actually two places where the third massacre could be." Klaus said as he drew the triangle the opposite way.
"Well you didn't let me finish" Caroline said just as Stefan walked back in.
"What's going on? Did you find Bonnie?" Caroline asked.
"No but i talked to her dad. I think i found Silas" Stefan said.
The four of us got into the car and went back to mystic falls and we split up well Stefan went his own way and the other three of us went another.
"I just want to see where we are" Caroline said.
"You know when we split up, you did have the opportunity to go with Stefan." Klaus said as the three of us walked in the dark woods.
"Yeah? And leave Bonnie and possibly Maddie's life in your hands? Fat chance" Caroline said.
"I've been caring for my niece for longer than you've been born" Klaus said.
"I've been in a box every time my father or myself upset you. That's hardly taking care of me" i laughed.
"Do you even know how to read a map?" Caroline asked.
"Yes, and do you know who taught me? My friend Magellan" Klaus said.
"Wow. You had a friend. Was he drawn to your darkness too?" Caroline asked.
"Actually i was referring to Damon and Elena when i said that, but clearly it struck a cord with you." Klaus said.
"It's because it's not true! There is no allure to darkness." Caroline said.
"Really? So you've never felt the attraction that comes when someone who's capable of doing terrible things for some reason cares only about you?" Klaus asked as he stopped waking.
"I did once when i thought he was worth it, but it turns out some people can't be fixed. People who do terrible things are just terrible people." Caroline said.
My uncle sadly nodded.
"We're here" he said.
Caroline and I looked around.
"Although judging by the lack of witches, here is not the correct location." Klaus said.
Stefan called us and told us he found them and the three of us ran to where they were.
"They are linked Bonnie is going to kill them" Stefan said.
"Not if the witches kill her first" Klaus said as he pushed Stefan up against a tree.
"Klaus we need to save her" Caroline said.
"How? The only way to stop the witches is to kill them and then Silas get what he wants" Klaus said.
"Spirts take her soul." the witch began.
We all looked over.
"Free her from darkness" she continued.
"No! Nobody is dying tonight" i said as i ran our there.
"Stop! Just stop!" I said.
"You! The all mighty Hybrid witch" she said.
"We can save her. Just channel me inside" i said.
"You think i trust you?" She said.
"Please. Nobody needs to die tonight" i said.
"She does she's to far gone, working for Silas" the girl said.
"Listen if you use me i can give you enough power to save her" i said.
"Maddie! Get back here!" I heard my uncle yell.
She nodded and channeled me and the other witches but she tricked me and held the knife above Bonnie and i couldnt stop her. I felt my power go into the girl and i saw Caroline run over and make the girl stab her self.
"No!" Klaus yelled.
I watched each of the witches fall over dead and i started to freak out because i was linked to them and even though i couldnt die not fully anyway i would still get knocked out. As the witch next to me fell i looked back at my uncle as i too hit the ground.

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