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Rebecca and I sat at the school preparing for the next decade dance. The twenties, personality not my favorite but Rebecca choose and even though i told her Caroline wouldn't be happy she only said "that's the point little niece"
Klaus has been avoiding me probably because he has a guilty Conscience after all. You see i am by blood Elijah Mikealsons daughter through and through but I'm also kinda like my uncles daughter guess that's what Uncles are for i suppose.
Kol is in Denver watching Jeremy Per Klaus request. I don't dare tell uncle Klaus i like Jeremy it would only make things worst. Uncle Kol would also make things worst if he knew i liked Jeremy.
My father says he will be back soon and that i have his word but he's keeping me out of the loop as to where he is. I told him to just take me away from Mystic Falls But he for some reason insist i stay here for a while and be an normal kid and go to school and make friends.
Right now Rebecca and I are at the school with a bunch of the kids preparing for the dance. I looked up and seen Caroline walk in and Matt walk up to her. I focused really hard to hear what they were saying. I wasnt the only one who noticed her, my aunt did to.
"What is this?" Caroline asked.
"It's the decade dance. Remember you made us all sign up" Matt said.
"No. This! The twenties. We're doing the 70s." Caroline said.
I laughed a little it was a bit funny to see her all fired up. But if i wanted to keep her as a semi friend i could laugh to much.
"It's too flashy people. It's supposed to be speakeasy not the world fair" Rebecca said as she walked over to Caroline.
Caroline turned around and faced her.
"Good Your here! We need tables set up. So get to it" Rebecca said.
"What do you think your doing?" Caroline asked.
That was my cue to get up and join them before things got ugly.
"Somebody has to be in charge" Rebecca said in a duh tone.
"Yeah, me. I'm the chair of the dance committee. The theme of the decade dance is the 1970s" Caroline said crossing her arms.
"So you'd rather dress in tacky colors with bad hair? Than be a classic flapper from the Jazz age? Right Maddie?" Rebecca asked.
"Oh I'm staying out of this one. Either decade is fine with me" i said shrugging my shoulders.
"You aren't helping" Rebecca said looking at me before looking back at Caroline. "Honestly. I dont see what my brother sees in you"
"Maybe he sees a challenge." Caroline said.
"Uncle Klaus does like a good challenge" i said with a smile.
"See unlike some other people i dont sleep with everyone i make eye contact with" Caroline said.
"Maybe we can do both decades" Matt said.
"No" Caroline said.
"Go on Matt, don't be a coward. You know you loved my twenties idea when i presented it to the group" Rebecca said.
"Trader!" Caroline said turning and looking at Matt.
"Bell bottoms and disco. I dont know this just seems cooler." Matt said.
"See, it's just cooler" Rebecca said.
"Whatever. Have fun at your stupid dance" Caroline said as as she walked away.
I ran after her.
"Caroline wait!" I said.
"What? Here to rub it in my face?" She asked.
"No i liked your idea it seemed fun but the twenties, give it a shot i think you will like it" i said with a smile.
"Why are you so much different than your aunt and uncle." She asked.
"Different genes" i said with a laugh.
"How are you? Bonnie said your dad left" Caroline said.
"Better. He's coming home soon" i said.
"That's good" she said with a sad smile.
"I'm sorry about your dad." I said.
"It happens" Caroline said not wanting to talk about it.
"Caroline! Wait!" Matt said as he ran out after us.
"Impressive. You sold it." Caroline said with a smile.
"Wait. What's going on?" I asked.
"And you brought yourself a day" Matt said.
"Thank you. Just keep her occupied... be careful" Caroline said as she got into her car.
"Wait What Just happend?" I asked.
"Acting Maddie" she said
"So you aren't upset?" I asked.
"Not really no but don't tell your aunt" she said.
"Okay i wont your secret is safe with me" i said.
Matt and i headed back inside and Caroline drove off.
After we finished Matt drove us home in his blue pick up truck.
"Here we are home sweet home" Matt said as he parked.
Rebecca looked at Matt and he looked at her.
"Cool. Thanks for the ride" i said popping up between them.
"Ugh your a little brat" Rebecca said as i climb over her.
"That's what it's like to have a semi little sister" i said with a smile.
I jumped our and watched them.
"Alright spill why are you being nice to me" she said.
"Must you ruin everything Rebecca" i asked.
"You go inside" she said.
"Nah I'm good right here" i said.
I was bores so i was going to annoy her and then hopefully find Klaus and annoy him until he told me what is major problem was, or until he daggered me.
"I drove you guys home. You don't have a car" he said.
"Not just that... i mean helping me with the dance and standing up to Caroline. I don't buy it" she said.
"Buy what?" He asked.
"The whole gentlemanly thing. After everything my family's done to you. What are you up too?" She asked.
"Rebecca your being paranoid like Klaus" i said.
"Your right. Im sorry" she said.
He smile. "Goodbye Rebecca" he said.
"Goodbye Matt. Thanks for the ride" she said as she got out.
The two of us walked into the house together and found the last person we wanted to see standing in front of the fire.

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