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Klaus and I drove over to the Salvatore house. And he and I walked in. Damon turned around and seen us standing there.
"I think it's about time we had a drink, don't you?" My uncle asked Damon.
"Id say we were over due" Damon said.
"Well you've been so busy what with your plotting and scheming." Klaus said.
"You know me, never miss a chance to plan an epic failure" Damon said with sarcasm.
"Don't be so hard on yourself" my uncle said as we ventured into the living room where Damon was at.
"Who could have guessed your own brother would betray you" Klaus said.
He likes to push peoples buttons, he's a button pusher.
"Well i did have a front row seat when we all including your sister made your niece lie to you" Damon said.
"Yeah, well, she's fickle that one" he said talking about Rebecca.
"And you say you have no idea of her whereabouts?" Klaus said.
"That's the thing with younger siblings. You just never know what they are going to do" Damon said.
My uncle and Damon both chuckled and Damon took a drink.
"Drink?" Damon asks.
"You see i happen to know you were there when she was stabbed in the back" Klaus said. "Or rather the one who cleaned up the mess"
Damon glanced at me and i smiled proudly.
"Odd" Damon said as he poured a drink for my uncle and handed it to him.
"Cheers mate" Klaus said holding his glass up
"Down with the hatch" Damon said holding his drink up.
They both took a drink.
"You know we both have a lot in common, you and i" Klaus said.
"Really? Well yeah maybe we can... bond over mutual loathing of my brother" Damon said pouring another glass.
"Why are you so mad at him? He stole something?" Damon asked.
"My family. The originals." My uncle said as he looked at me and then looked at Damon.
"I had them daggered and boxed up. Awaiting the day i saw fit to wake them. And he went in and pinched the bloody lot." Klaus continued.
"Of course he did" Damon laughed.
"You think it's funny?" I asked.
Damon looked at me it was the first time i actually spoke since we had been there.
"My father is in one of those boxes my uncle kept!" I yelled as things flew off the shelf.
"Maddie, claim down love we talked about this" Klaus said putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Sorry" i said looking at Damon.
"My baby bro, such a buzz kill" Damon said looking out the window.
"I'd love to find him. Just the trouble is i sure as hell don't work for you and little Elijah" Damon said walking back over to my uncle and I .
"You know your drink stinks of vervain, so i cant compel you. There would be no point in killing you, because you actually the one with the most hope of getting me what i need. And yet, it would seem a demonstration is in order. Perhaps i wasnt clear enough when i told you to find Stefan" Klaus said
Damon smirked his famous Damon smirk.
"Oh, well. It seems you people respond best to displays of violence. Why don't you take this as an example of my reach?" Klaus said as he pulled out his phone.
He dialed a number and put it to his ear.
"There he is. So that thing i told you to do. Why don't you go ahead and get on with it?" Klaus said as he hung up the phone.
Damon just smirked.
"What are you doing?" I asked him.
"Don't worry Maddie" Klaus said.
"Who did you call!" I demand.
"Shh little niece" he said looking at me then back at Damon.
"Well we have to get going. House renovations and such. Let's go Maddison" he said looking back at Damon as we walked out.
We drove back to the house that Klaus had gotten.
"Compel the men to open up this wall" Klaus said to one of his hybrids.
"We need sun. I want a fortress not a dungeon" Klaus said.
I sat on the chair that sat in the middle of the room and just listened to everything around me.
"There he is. Man of the hour." Klaus said. And i looked up and seen Tyler Lockwood.
"So everything went okay?" Tyler asked.
"Tony ran down Alaric instead of Jeremy but apples, oranges. Message learns the same" Klaus said.
"You tried to run down Jeremy!" I said jumping up.
"What of it?" He asked as he looked at me.
"I like him Uncle Klaus he's my only friend at school" i said looking down.
"Well did you miss the part where he was fine?" He asked me.
I turned away and sat back down in the chair.
"You said you were sending them a warning." Tyler said.
"And i did.. an effective one. Elena's family suffers, she's motivation to get me what i want." Klaus said
"I didnt think we would actually have to kill anyone" Tyler said.
My uncle sighs.
"Tyler mate. What your feeling is the remnant of a guilty conscience. I need you to get over that. Okay?" my uncle says.
I rolled my eyes.
"End of the day, human life here is just a means to an end. Our means to our end. You do well to remember that." My uncle says as he walks away.
Tyler stood there and i turned and looked at him.
"He tells me that all the time too" i said.
"What do you do?" He asks.
"Let it go in one ear and out the other. I actually hate killing people. Sometimes though the power i hold darkens my mind and i get angry and i cant control it. It's a first born Mikealson witch thing" i said.
He nodded and walked away.
Day turned to night and i sat in the same spot and read 3 no 4 books before my uncle came to get me.
"Elena's called for us to meet her at the Salvatore house let's go" he said.
I got up and followed him to the car.
"This is boring" i said "going everywhere you go"
"I cant trust that they aren't going to try and stab you and hold you hostage like the rest of our family" he said.
"Right because only you can stab me and hold me in a box for decades" i said as i looked out the window.
"I can handle myself" i mumbled.
We arrived at the Salvatore house and my uncle knocked.
"Thank you for coming" Elena said as she opened the door.
"I trust you have news of Stefan" my uncle said as we walked in.
"I couldn't find him." She said as my uncle turned and looked at her.
"But i have something else" she said.
He nodded and she brought us down to the basement and showed us Rebecca.
"My poor sister. I cant turn my back on her for a moment." Klaus said looking at my aunt who laid on the ground.
"You have Rebecca" Elena said. "A deal is a deal"
"The life of my sister in exchange for your brother. Yeah I'd say that's a bargain. Consider him spared" my uncle said.
"You should know. I was the one that daggered her. When she wakes, she'll come after me." Elena said.
"I know. I can control Rebecca. Besides i still need your help finding Stefan" my uncle said bending down to Rebecca.
"I told you. I dont know where he his." Elena said.
"You're lying" my uncle said as he pulled the dagger out of my aunts back.
"Fortunately, you have no shortage of loved ones" Klaus said looking up at her.
"If i dont find my family, the question you should be asking yourself is, who's going to die next? Bonnie? Caroline? Damon?" He continued.
"It's only a matter of time before Stefan gives me what i want." My uncle said standing up.
"He doesn't care about me any more. You made sure of that. You turned him into a monster. Now he's your problem" Elena said
"And just so you know, I'm not the only one Rebecca wants dead. She knows what you did to your mother. She know that you killed her" Elena said as she walked away.
"You can let yourself out" she said before completely leaving us in the basement alone.
"Did you?" He asked.
"No i swear i didn't! Please Uncle Klaus i didnt they don't even know i knew please don't tell them. She'll hate me my dad will hate me" i said quickly
He looked down at Rebecca.
He picked her up and we went back "home"  he laid her on the table.
"Here we are Rebecca. Home sweet home. Only took 1000 years. And to think i was counting on you being here with Maddie and I. But that's all ruined now, isn't it? He asked as he color started to come back.
He walked over to the table and leaned over her.
"I'm so sorry sister. We'll meet again one day" he said as he stabbed her.
"No!" I cried.
"It has to be done for now little niece" he said as he turned to me.
I shook my head.
"There's always another way. Uncle Klaus" i said as i looked  at him.
"Not right now" he said as he kissed my head "now right now"

"Not right now" he said as he kissed my head "now right now"

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