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I stood next to Damon as his phone rang, it was Elena. I was standing close enough to him that i would be able to hear every word Elena said to him.
"Let me guess, calling to see if the grim reaper's paid a visit?" Damon said as he answered the phone.
I rolled my eyes.
"How are you feeling? Any symptoms yet?" Elena asked.
"Not yet. But I'm sure we'll have a laugh when we find out that Klaus is a big fat liar" Damon said.
"He wasn't lying" i said looking at Damon.
He glanced at me and then back at the coffin that my uncle laid in.
"Yeah I'm sure we will" Elena said.
"Hey where are you?" Damon asked.
"Matt's taking me home" Elena said.
"To Stefan" Damon said seemingly broken heartedly.
"Not Just Stefan... Damon. To Tyler. To Caroline." Elena said.
"No, Elena i get it.." Damon said.
There was a pause between both of them.
"So, since I'm possibly a dead man. Can i ask you a question?" Damon said.
"Yeah of course" Elena said.
"If it was down to just me and Stefan and you had to make a choice who got the final goodbye, who would it be" Damon asked.
"I love him Damon. He came into my life at a time when i needed someone, and i feel for him instantly. And not matter what i feel for you.. i never unfell for him." Elena said
"Hey i get it. It's Stefan. It's always going to be Stefan." Damon said sadly
"I cant think about always. All i can think about it's right now. And i care about you Damon. Which is why i have to let you go" Elena said.
"Ouch" i whispered but of course Damon could hear me and he looked at me and then back at the ground.
"I mean... maybe if you and i met first..." Elena said.
"Maybe" Damon said.
"You're going to be fine. You hear me? You're going to be okay and I'm going to see you soon" Elena said as Damon looked over and i followed seeing Alaric standing there.
"Real soon" Damon said still looking at Alaric.
"Goodbye Elena" Damon said s he hung up.
"I see you're still pissed" Damon said to Alaric.
"I take it my aunt got away" i said with a smirk.
Alaric came over and punched Damon. And i pushed him away.
"He's already a dead man. Leave him be!" I said.
"You child. You are getting on my last nerve always there" he said to me as he pinned me up against the car.
Rebecca POV
"He's gone Elijah. There was nothing I nor Maddie could do to stop it." I said as i walked forward and cried on my brothers shoulder we hugged and then he stepped back.
"Where is Maddie?" He said in a panic.
"She was... oh my god... i ran Elijah i left my niece in the hands of a killer she saved me and i left her" i said.
"It's okay. She's okay I'm sure of it" Elijah said trying to remain claim even though his daughter could be dead by now.
"Tyler Lockwood is dead. But the rest of them survived. You said that Niklaus turned their bloodline" he said looking at me.
"I thought he did" i said
"It wasn't me and it wasn't Kol" Elijah said.
"It wasn't me Elijah. Is it Maddie?" I asked.
"No she's never turned a single person Niklaus and I made sure of it" Elijah said.
"It was Niklaus I'm sure of it" i said.
"Then how are they still alive?" Elijah asked.
Klaus POV
"I know Your here" i heard Bonnie say.
I walked our of the shadows and straight into the light.
"I must say, you executed the swapping spell rather brilliantly. I didn't think you had it in you. Oh wait you didn't my lovely niece helped you" i said.
"I didnt to save my friends and my mother, not you Klaus." Bonnie said as she walked up to me.
"The spirits wont be happy with you or Maddie" i said worried about my nieces safety rather than Bonnie's.
"The spirts don't get to tell me what to do anymore. And something tells me Maddie's never listened to the spirts" Bonnie said.
"The spirts protect her when we can't. She is special but you know that" i said.
She shrugged. "She made her choice i didnt make it for her. And I'm done being pushed around by all of you" Bonnie said.
I could kill her for putting Maddie in danger but she was right nobody forced Maddie to help she did it to save me.
"I did it because i wanted to" Bonnie said.
I nodded.
Rebecca POV
"Hello?" Stefan said thru the phone.
"You're alive, congratulations" i said.
"Rebecca" Stefan said.
"Elijah spoke to Elena. Her and Matt should be back in town any minute." I said looking around me.
"Yeah he told me that, he also said you two would be long gone out of town by now" Stefan said.
"That's the problem. Elijah says we have to run, that the hunter will keep coming after us, but i dont want to run anymore Stefan. I've spent my whole life running." I said.
"What are you talking about? We had a deal" Stefan said.
"I'm sorry but Klaus is dead. There is no deal. If my brothers, niece, and i are going to survive, we need to get rid of Alaric, and the only way to get rid of Alaric..." I said.
"Rebecca no!" Stefan yelled through the phone as Matt's truck came into site and i hung up and stood in the middle of the road.
Matt swerved to miss me and went over the bridge and into the water.
Maddie's POV
Alaric let go of me and continued to hit Damon.
"Stop it leave him!" I yelled.
"You aren't going to fight back?" Alaric asked as he threw Damon to the ground.
"You're kind of invincible, Ric" Damon said.
"Don't call me that" Alaric said as he kicked Damon.
"We aren't friends" Alaric said.
"You use to be. Don't tell me you don't have a single memory of how your life use to be before my grandma did this to you" i said.
"Stay out of this little Mikealson" Damon said.
Damon jumped up and they fought and then Alaric got weak.
"What's happening" Alaric asked.
"Oh no. No" Damon said as Alaric started falling to the ground.
"No, no, no" Damon said repeatedly.
"No Ric!" Damon said as he turned gray.
"Damon" i said as i walked over.
"No! You're not dead" Damon said.
"Maddie" i heard my dad say.
I turned and see my dad.
"Dad!" I said as i ran over to him and hugged him.
"You're okay" he said as he kissed my head.

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