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"Hate that" Hayley said as she walked into the living room pointing at one of Klaus paintings.
"Too much. I dont get that" Hayley said as she flipped through Klaus paintings
"Hmm i dont care" she said to another as she walked around the room.
"Oh. This one doesn't make me want to puke." Hayley said as she lifted it up and looked at Klaus and I .
Klaus chuckled a little bit.
"Why did you paint it?" Hayley asked.
"Painting is a metaphor for control. Every choice is mine... the canvas, the color. As a child i had neither a sense of the world, nor my place in it. But art taught me that one's vision can be achieved with sheer force of will. The same is true of life, provided one refuses to let anything stand in ones way." Klaus said as he walked to Hayley.
I stood back and watched them.
"So this is your thing? Show a girl a few mediocre paintings, whine about your childhood, and i swoon and spill all my dirty secrets?" Hayley said as she walked past him.
"I felt i had many charms, but, uh, regardless I'm enjoying myself." Klaus said.
"And you do whatever you enjoy, up to and including hunting my friend tyler for the next century." Hayley said.
"Oh surely not the next century. Only until i kill him." Klaus said as he pour himself another drink.
"You talk a good game, but the truth is you let him go. My guess: you know if you kill him, Caroline will hate you forever." Hayley said.
"If i simply killed Tyler, my revenge would be over in a moment. Sentencing him to a lifetime of paranoia and fear... that's Tyler's true punishment" Klaus said as he took a sip of his drink.
She lightly nodded.
"But come now. You never really thought there was a future for you two, did you?" Klaus asked.
"I don't know.  He might have left Caroline for me if id use the cure to kill you." Hayley said.
Klaus laughed.
"You know, if Tyler has even half of your resolve, he may actually make it through the year." Klaus said.
"It doesn't take resolve. It takes allies, a network of people willing to do anything for you, including chase down loose ends to their death. That's how Katherine has escaped you all these years." Hayley said.
"Perhaps you know the names of Katerinas special little helpers" Klaus said.
"Maybe i know one or two" Hayley said as she took a sip.
"Maybe I'll even tell you." Hayley said.
My uncle smirked.
His phone rang and he answered it and it was Rebecca. He hung up and turned around.
"My sister has informed my that your vampire assailant is dead, so your safe and free to go" Klaus said as Hayley stood by the fire.
I sat in the couch.
"And if more come for her?" I asked.
"She can stay if she so pleases" Klaus said as he walked towards her.
"I could be persuaded to stay, enjoy some of the good life. And maybe i can drum up a few more Katherine secrets and you can do something for me" Hayley said meeting Klaus in the middle of the room.
"I'm sorry love. You'll never convince me to let Tyler free" Klaus said.
"Well, i guess, I'll never get my chance with Tyler. Anymore than you'll get a shot with Caroline." Hayley said.
He turned and started to walk away from her.
"Do you know why i like that painting?" Hayley asked.
"Well, perhaps it was because it allowed you to see into my deep wounded soul." My uncle said as he turned around.
"I saw how twisted it really is. And maybe i can relate" Hayley said as she walked towards my uncle.
I seen her but her lip a little.
"So what's it going to be?" Klaus asked.
"Going... or staying?" I asked.
They both looked at me then back at each other.
"You like to be in control, you told me" she said.
I watched then for a second and then Vamp speed out i knew what was going to happen. I went to my room and pulled out my school books and looked over at my bedside table and there laid a new phone and a note.
"Maddie, now you don't have to use Niklaus phone. I will be back soon just finishing up a few things. I love you darling, forever and always. ~dad" the note said.
I smiled and picked up the phone and dialed him number.
"Hello Maddison" he said
"Thank you for the phone. I'm sorry i haven't called" i said.
"It's fine darling. I heard about you trying to protect Kol and how you went to help find the cure and how Bonnie drained the magic out of you" he said.
"Yes. I'm fine now though" i said.
"I know you are. Just be careful with what you do. Your my little girl and i hate hearing that you got hurt because I'm not there to protect you. I wish so badly that i could take you far away but your uncle threatens me with the dagger and i dont want you to be in the box again after you have been in it so many times" my father said.
"I know father." I said.
"Alright i have to go. But i love you" he said.
"I love you too dad" i said as i hung up.

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