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I sat a drank my coke as Stefan and my uncle tortured Ray Sutton until he agreed to bring us to his pack.
Unfortunately Klaus couldn't make his hybrids they failed so we ended up in Chicago. That's where we are now chicago.
"You need something from the original witch why not use me?" I asked. "I am an original witch a hybrid witch."
"What i need i something from Rebecca bring me her and I'll figure out why the hybrids are failing.
Klaus killed the entire pack just trying to make hybrids and Stefan is acting funny like he knows something but what.
"Time to wake Rebecca up" Klaus said as we left the bar.
We drove to where Klaus was keeping all the coffins and as he woke up my aunt i went searching for my father but Klaus being Klaus was one step a head of me.
I opened my dads coffin.
"Daddy!" I cried as i went to take the Steak out of his heart.
"I wouldnt do that love" Klaus said from behind me.
"Please uncle Klaus i have seen him since the early 1900's" i cried.
"No He's being punished" he said closing the coffin and dragging me back to Aunt Rebecca's coffin where Stefan was.
"I wish he would have killed you!" I screamed pushing him away from me.
"Your upset so I'm going to let that go love but you need to calm down" he said walking towards me.
"I'm not going to calm down! I want my dad!" I cried as i ran for the door.
"Stefan go get her" i heard Klaus said as he threw a blood bag on Rebecca's chest.
"Leave me alone Stefan" i said standing by the car.
"Can't do that Klaus wants you back with him" he said as he approached me.
"I said leave me alone" i yelled sending Stefan to the ground.
"Maddison Grace Mikealson stop that now" i heard my uncle say. I stopped and fell to the ground sobbing.
"There there love he will be awoken as soon as i figure out why my hybrids aren't working you have my word" Klaus said picking his niece up.
I nodded and hugged my uncle. I loved him no matter what he did i loved him.
We went back into the warehouse and to Rebecca's coffin and it was empty and the human Guard was dead.
"Rebecca where are you little sister. I have Stefan here and our niece" Klaus said looking for my aunt.
Suddenly she came out of no where and stabbed him in the heart with her dagger. He looked at her and pulled it out.
"Don't pout you knew it wouldn't work" my uncle said throwing the dagger into Rebecca's coffin.
"No but i was hoping it would hurt more" she said as i came out from behind Klaus laughing.
"Maddison" he said as she grabbed me and hugged me.
"Aunt Becca!" I said hugging her back.
"Family reunion over. Gloria needs something from you to figure out why my hybrids aren't working" Klaus said.
she felt around her neck.
"Where is it nik!" She yelled
"What?" He said.
"My necklace" she said searching her coffin.
"Please tell me that's not what she needs" he said.
"Where is it! I want it back now Nik!" She yelled
"Tell me that isn't what she needs" he repeated as he grabbed her.
She pushed him away and kicked her coffin over.
Again I'm supposed to be the child 13 to be exact and she's throwing a fit about a necklace she hasn't had since the 20s and Stefan is looking uneasy.

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