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I walked into the Salvatore house and the girls were having fun drinking and dancing.
"Have room for one more?" I asked.
"Hey Maddie! Of course" Elena said.
"I though your father was coming tonight" Caroline said.
"He was but I decided i wanted to be a teenager tonight and be the kid who needs her daddy tomorrow" i said.
"Alright" Caroline said with a smile as she poured me a drink.
I drank and danced and we all had a good time.
We all ended up in the bathroom laughing and what not.
"Check this out... vamp speed video" Bonnie said as she handed Elena her phone.
"I look like Superman" Elena said with a laugh.
"Watch this." She said as she paused the video on a part.
"This year's Christmas card" Elena said as she showed us.
We all laughed.
"Being a vampire is so weird. Oh my god i love this bathtub. Why don't we come and hang out here more often?" Elena asked.
"I'll tell you why. Cooties." Caroline said.
We all looked at her.
"Think of all the germ-ridden skanks that Damon has lured into his den of iniquity." Caroline laughed.
Elena and Bonnie shifted and then looked at her again.
"Ok. I'm sorry. I've been good all night. I am stopping now" Caroline said.
I looked at Elena who had her thinking face on.
"No. Don't stop on my account. Rip away. I mean, it's only Damon right?" Elena said.
"Well, day what you want about ripper Stefan, but at least he wasn't a man slut." Caroline said.
"Come on" Bonnie whispered to Caroline.
"So what exactly was it about him that made you jump right into bed with him as soon as you meet him?" Elena asked Caroline.
"I didnt know what a sociopathic narcissist he was." Caroline said.
"He's always been there for me when I've needed him." Elena said.
"Yeah, because he's hoping you'll sleep with him." Caroline said.
"Well, maybe i did" Elena said.
"You did what?" Caroline asked.
"You didn't" bonnie said looking at Elena.
"Yeah i did" Elena said.
"Look i know you guys have issues with him, but I'm happy and i wanted to spend tonight with my best friends so that i could tell them about it." Elena said as she stepped out of the bathtub she was in and walked out of the room.
The three of us followed her down stairs where she started cleaning up the mess.
"Elena, come on" Bonnie said.
"The parties over you guys need to leave" Elena said.
"Don't be mad, ok? We're just looking out for you. Maddie included" Caroline said.
"Do you think it makes me happy that you guys hate him? I get it. His track record has been kind of spotty, but i dont hate him. I can't... he's... i think I'm falling in love with him" Elena said.
"Ugh. Your not falling in love with him Elena. You're sired to him!" Caroline said.
I looked at Caroline she was supposed to keep that a secret.
"What?" Bonnie asked.
"What are you talking about?" Elena asked.
"I ... look. I'm sorry that came out like that, but it's true. Damon's blood turned you. You couldn't feed from animals or blood bags because he told you so. Then he suggested that you try again with blood bags, and suddenly.." Caroline started.
"No there's no way..." Elena started as she cut Caroline off.
"Are you sure?"bonnie asked.
"Yeah. Just ask Stefan or maddie about it. They can explain it better than i can" Caroline said.
"I'm sorry you talked to Stefan and Maddie about it?" Elena asked.
"It's not your fault Elena, okay? Damon took advantage of you." Caroline said.
"Okay you need to leave.." Elena said.
Caroline stood there and looked at Elena.
"Now" Elena demanded as she walked past us.
"Elena.." Bonnie said.
"Come on" Caroline said as Elena opened the door.
"I said leave" Elena said as we seen two hybrids standing in the doorway.
"Hello girls" the girl said.
They walked in and shoved Elena aside.
The girl grabbed Caroline and the boy grabbed Elena.
Bonnie and i looked at each other and used magic to mess with the electric.
"Stop" the girl said as she looked at us.
"One nite from a hybrid and she's dead, remember" she said.
Bonnie and i stopped and the boy threw Elena and then they disappeared with Caroline.
"Caroline?!?" I yelled as i ran to the door by they were long gone.
Bonnie called Tyler and Tyler was over at the Salvatore house in an instant and Elena and I went with Tyler to find Caroline.
"I get it Hayley. I'll find them and I'll get them in line" Tyler said as he hung up the phone.
"Bonnie says no luck with a location spell." Elena said.
"They've got to be here. Theyre not dumb enough to risk getting caught by Klaus in town." Tyler said.
"Well, What do they want with Caroline?" I asked.
"Kim is trying to prove she's alpha. If i can make her submit, the pack will fall in line, and we can finally be free of Klaus." Tyler said looking at Elena but i could tell he was hoping i would repeat anything i was hearing.
"You'd think they would play along with as much as they hate him." Tyler said.
"But Adrian doesn't does he? I mean he's still sired to Klaus." Elena said.
"Being sired doesn't mean you feel differently about someone. I hated Klaus, but i still did everything he said" Tyler said.
"The bond affect how you act, not how you feel" i said.
Suddenly there was a scream.
"Caroline!" Tyler said as the three of us ran for where the sound came from.
"Stop! Stop it, Kim" Tyler yelled as the three of us ran into the barn.
"Caroline is with us, all right? We're all on the same team." Tyler said slowly.
"She's on your team. Not mine. Heck you even have his niece on your team." Kim said.
Suddenly the entire place was full of my uncles hybrids and there was no way out. Kim continued to break Caroline's wrists over and over again.
Two hybrids held Tyler back while she broke her wrists. One hybrid held Elena and another one held me.
"Stop it! Stop!" Tyler yelled.
Caroline kept crying out in pain.
"My uncle won't like this. Hurting the girl he fancies and his niece. Are you guys stupid?" I laughed.
They hybrid holding me held tighter which only made me laugh harder. I was gathering the strength to blast these no good piece of shits out of my way.
"Ease up Kim. Klaus won't like this." Adrian said.
"That's a very good point. Do you think he'll like this?" Kim asked as she picked up a stack and held it above Caroline's heart.
"Kim! Don't do it! I swear to god!" Tyler said.
"No, wait, wait, wait" Elena said.
"If you really want to hit Klaus where it hurts, then torcher Maddie. She might be his niece be she's also like a daughter to him" Elena said.
I nodded.
"She's right. Klaus is very protective of me always has been. If you want to hurt him then hurt me" i said.
She moved away from Caroline and charged at me and she grabbed my throat and i laughed at her as Tyler got lose and ran to her shoving his hand in her chest and holding her heart.
"Stay back! I'll rip her heart out right now!" Tyler said.
I ran over and untied Caroline and helped her up.
"Kim put you all in danger today, and I'm not going to hurt her. I'm not Klaus. I dont kill and torture my own friends to get what i want. Now, we broke a sire bond, but if we want to be free, we have to work together. No one can step out of line. Now, your either with me or your against me. Submit" Tyler said to Kim still with his hand in her chest.
"Submit, or you die" he said.
She kneeled down.
"I'm... im sorry." Kim said.
Tyler then took his hand out of her chest and stood up and every hybrid submitted to him.
Elena and Caroline then hugged and forgave each other.
Caroline took me home and i ran into the house and found my dad sitting in the study with my uncle.
"Dad!" I said as i ran to him.
"Hey Maddie" he said as he hugged me.
I looked over his shoulder as i was on my tip toes and i mouthed thank you to my uncle and he smiled slightly and looked away.

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