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"I guess we have a party to invite people to" my dad said
"No you do. I want nothing to do with Genevieves like party" i said.
"Maddie you are a witch you need to be with witches sometimes." He said.
"Alright fine lets go" i said.
He grabbed both mine and his jacket and we headed to go talk to the vampires.
"Elijah. Maddison. What do we owe the pleasure?" Diego asked as we walked over to them.
"We are holding a witch event and we would like you to attend. Bring a gift for the harvest girls" my father said.
"You want us to go to a witch event on bender knee and give them a gift?" Diego asked.
My father nodded.
"I'm sorry, but i just remembered. We're busy doing just about anything else that night." Diego said.
"Diego, this isn't a request. Your names on that treaty. Now, if you have any difficulty whatsoever with your newfound position, I'd be more than willing to remove you." My father said.
Diego took a deep breath.
"I never thought I'd see the day. Vampires bowing down to witches." Diego said as he glanced at me.
"I see it as a demonstration of strength... acknowledging a lesser faction." My father said.
"Hey!" I said.
Diego laughed.
"We will be there" he said.
"Good now off to our next spot" my father said as we walked away.
"Lesser faction?" I said.
"You are superior my dear half witch and half vampire" he said.
"Klaus is superior. Half vampire and half werewolf" i said rolling my eyes.
"Once we get you in control of your magic you will be stronger than ever love" he said as we entered the Casino owned by the human.
My father talked to her and said the same things he said to Diego to her.
"You're not asking, are you?" She asked.
"No we aren't" i said.
"Well i see it's true what they say about you Elijah and your charming daughter. You make even strong-arming seem noble. Well... the tourists do eat this stuff up." She said as she took a sip of her drink.
"Can you imagine what they'd think if they suddenly found out it was all real? I take it you want me at the public show and the private party afterward?" She said.
"That is correct." My father said.
"I'd be happy to attend. And in return, you will owe the humans a favor." She said.
I laughed.
"I wasn't joking" she said as she looked at me.
"Alright" my father said as we got up and headed for the bayou where the werewolves were.
Same speech different crowd.
"You people are uniquely poised to set an example for the rest of the French quarter. Which is why it's important for the wolves to attend." My father said to Hayley, Jackson, and Oliver.
"Thanks but no thanks?" Hayley said.
"Let's hear the man out" Oliver said.
"The witches are the ones that cursed your pack. And they've been nothing but crap to me since i first came to town. The only witch i trust or even like is Maddie. So no. We're not going." Hayley said.
"It's a new day in the quarter, Hayley. I agree with Oliver. If we're going to coexist, we have to play ball. We'll send a representative with a gift." Jackson said.
Hayley looked at my dad and I and walked away.
He vamped to her and i followed.
"That was too easy" he said to Hayley.
My dad looked past Hayley and at Oliver and Jackson.
"Don't trust him. Don't trust any of them." My father said as he grabbed my arm and we walked away.

A few days later the party took place starting in the streets.
"You my dear may join the harvest girls in the parade" Genevieve said as the girls were raised up in chairs to wave to all the people who gathered in the streets.
"No thanks I'd rather say with my dad" i said as i stepped closer to him.
"Your loss" she said as she walked away.
The parade began Monique sat tall in her chair waving and smiling as they were carried down the streets of New Orleans.
We watched as they all were helped down off the chairs and onto a plate form and Genevieve joined them the harvest girls i mean.
"Now, in accordance with fete des benedictions, the witches of New Orleans bless you all." Genevieve said.
People clapped and cheered.
"No we don't" i said rolling my eyes.
"Maddie" my father said in a warning tone.
I turned and smiled at him.
Monique stepped up and made the ground shake and everyone looked around.
"Big deal i can do that" i said as i leaned on the building behind me.
The next girl made wind blow like crazy.
"I can do that too" i said boringly.
"Maddison please" my father said as he watched.
"I'm just saying they aren't special" i said.
"No they aren't they are just ordinary witches" he said.
Lastly Davina lite up the Mikealson mark which was a little fascinating.
With a snap of my fingers fireworks blew up in the sky and my father smiled at me proudly as he held me close to him as we watched the fireworks. I was and will always be his greatest gift or so he says.
My father and I walked to the gates of the house that was holding the event and we greeted the girls as they walked in. Davina was last of course.
"Davina" my father said.
She turned and looked at him.
"Elijah." She said
"It's lovely to see you and under far better circumstances." He said.
"Is it? My friend Tim is still dead and your brothers still breathing." She said.
"Davina that's enough" Genevieve said as she walked up.
I rolled my eyes.
"Elijah has been a patron to us this evening. We will show him respect." Genevieve said.
Davina looked at them both and walked away.
"I didnt need you to step in" he said.
"Well i wont stand for her disrespecting you. You've honored us with our event" she said.
"I can handle a teenage attitude ive been dealing with one since before you were born" he said.
I laughed, which caused my dad to glance at me and i stopped laughing .
"Thank you anyways for all of this" she said.
"This isn't for you. You know as well as i that your people would never accept a truce unless we showed them some respect. So be it." My father said.
"Be careful Elijah your daughter is one of us" she said.
"She's also a vampire making her half one of you and half one of us but make no mistake she is 100 percent Mikealson, my blood.. enjoy your party" he said with a smirk.
"Behave" he whispered to me.
"Always" i said with a smile.
After she walked in Hayley walked up. A eight month pregnant Hayley might i add.
"Hayley!" I said as i hugged her.
"Hello Maddie" she said as she hugged me.
I had grown to like Hayley, maybe even love her like family an aunt or even a sister. If things go right between her and my father i wouldn't mind having her as my mother since I never really got one of those.
"Strange. I thought you'd be in the company of your colorful friends" my father said as i stepped back by his side.
"Oh. You asked for a representative for the werewolves, so... take me or leave me." She said.
My father smile and offered his arm and she took it with a slight bit of hesitation. He then looked at me and offered his other arm to me and i took it and the three of us walked into the party.
Eventually Genevieve stood in front of the party and tapped her glass with her knife to quite everyone down and we all looked at her.
"Welcome. As is our time-honored tradition, you are all welcome to deliver your offerings. It is our cost on that no one should be turned away, no blessing be denied." She said as she walked away leaving the three harvest girls in front.
They all sat down and Hayley was first to give her gift.
"I should go with her" i said.
"No, that's not how this works" my father said as we watched and listened.
Hayley was going to place her gift with Davina but the witch directing people didn't let her and she placed it with Monique. I watched as each person was made to place the gift with one of the other girls and not Davina. It was some kind of punishment for her and it was embarrassing.
I saw Monique smirk at Davina and i watched Davina get your and walk away and i followed her.
"Josh. What are you doing here?" Davina asked.
"What are you kidding? No way I'd miss out on your big day. Besides music, wind, fire... the club kid in me is, like, in heaven" He said.
Davina laughed a little.
"It doesn't look like your having much fun, though." He said.
"Do see why she would be. Everyone is being forced to only place offerings with Monique and the other girl" i said as i made myself known.
"What for real?" Josh asked.
"It's rubbish if you ask me" i said.
Davina smiled at me a little.
"In that case let's get out of here." Josh said to Davina.
Davina looked at me.
"Go you deserve to have fun and not be embarrassed in front of everyone" i said
She nodded and the two started to head for the door.
"Joshua. What a fortunate coincidence finding you here. We have unfinished business." My uncle said as Davina, Josh, and i turned around facing him.
"You need to leave here. Right now" Davina said to him.
"Now, to be fair, you're not quite as powerful as you once were, are you? You're in no position to give orders." My uncle said as he vamped over to Josh and grabbed him by the neck.
"Come on lad" he said as he started to walk away.
"Hey, can we talk about this?" Josh asked.
"Josh." Davina said as her and i ran after them.
My uncle stopped at the stairs and stood a few steps up.
"Ladies and gentlemen, may i have your attention, please. We are gathered here today to pay homage to our beloved witches, but one very special witch has been utterly ignored. That seems a little unfair to me." My uncle said as he presented Davina with a small box.
"No." She said as she shook her head.
His face was priceless.
"I dont want your gift." Davina said.
"I understand why you would reject me, given our past. In truth, many of us here today have been wronged in the conflict which my brothers treaty ended. Your friend Josh was involved in a plot to kill me. It would be well within my right to execute him here and now." My uncle said.
I worryly looked for my father and when my eyes found him he shook his head.
"But. In the spirit of solidarity, and for your favor, Davina, i hereby pardon him. Josh... from this day forward, you have nothing to fear from me." My uncle said to Josh before turning to Davina and presenting her with his gift again.
"Please" he said.
She took it and Genevieve looked pissed and Klaus seemed happy about it. Something was up and my father and I were sure to hear about it later.
Josh and I stayed by Davina.
"So are you going to open it?" Josh asked.
She glanced up at him before she slowly opened the small box. I stood beside her and as she opened it i seen a ring and a note of which she grabbed as she opened the box.
She opened the note and looked over to where my uncle had walked and I too wondered why my uncle gave this to her.
"What? What is it?" Josh asked us.
"It's a spell that makes daylight rings" i said.
Josh smiled at Davina as he could now have a daylight ring. But that's not the reason it was given to her that much I'm sure.
Men dressed in white descended from the staircase playing the drums and that was my cue to find my father who was standing next to Hayley.
"Happy fete des benedictions. We have a message for all of you for Marcel Gerard." The man in front said.
They all pulled out a knife at the same time and cut their wrist and the veins under a vampires eyes came noticeable on every vamp but us Mikealsons who stood in the room. My father walked up and stood in front of the men.
"You will all control yourselves. This is a vulgar trick" my father said as i watched their blood drip from their wrist to the ground.
I took a deep breath and walked up next to my father.
"We do not violate our agreement." My father said as the lights went out.
People began to scream and the vampires attacked as people began to run and panic.
"Hayley!" My dad yelled.
The two of us ran about looking for her.
"Get them out of here" i heard Genevieve say talking about the harvest girls.
The lights came back on as the remaining people ran and Hayley was on the ground with blood on her head. I seen my uncle start to head for her.
"Elijah? Maddie?" Hayley said as she sat up in a panic.
"Hayley. It's okay. It's alright" my father said as he helped her up off the ground.
I watched my uncle walk out.
Hayley looked around and she looked like she would be sick. Bodies were everywhere and upon the wall "there will be no peace" written in blood.
Hayley looked at my father and back at the wall.
"Maddie we have work to do" my father said.
I nodded and we walked Hayley outside and to the edge of the bayou.
I followed my father over the River to where Marcel was staying.
"Marcel!" My father yelled.
I vampped in and knocked Thierry around a bit as my dad approached Marcel.
"I warned you" my father said as he pushed Marcel up against the wall.
"And yet still you return to the French quarter." My dad said as i walked over.
"You gonna kill me, Elijah? Go ahead. But then you won't know what Klaus has got going with that witch in his pocket" Marcel said.
"Oh, whatever shall I do? I suppose i could just ask him." My father said.
"Yeah. Make sure he tells you all about the secret meeting with the werewolves. That is, if he's still speaking to you once he knows that you killed me." Marcel said.
"Do you not know me?" My father asked as he went to pull Marcels heart out causing Thierry to vamp over and my father sticking him hand into Thierry instead pulling his heart out.
"For your violation" my father said.
I in voluntarily screamed as Thierry hit the ground.
"No. No. No" Marcel said.
"You live.... or you die according to my will." My dad said as he dropped the heart on the ground.
"Try to remember that." My father said as he let Marcel go and walked away.
My hand sat over my mouth as i watched Marcel five to the ground where Thierry laid.
"Maddison!" My father called.
I looked to where my father was and back at Marcel before running to catch up with my dad.
My father and I stood waiting for my uncle to return home. And he did so swiftly, he shut the doors and turned and seen us. My fathers hand stained with blood.
"Well i see you've avenge the little wolf." My uncle said.
My dad looked at his hand and then at my uncle.
"But judging by your look, you're still out for blood." My uncle said.
"If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results, the surely my quest for your salvation ranks me as one of the maddest men." My father said
"Come on, the. What horrible deed has the bastard done this time?" My uncle asked.
"Do you know, in the past, i actually appreciated the methods of your manipulations. However, now here we are, poised on the brink of a new era which will benefit not only your home but your child and my child, and you go behind my back to conspire with wolves." My father said.
"Conspire is hardly the word I would use for family council. Lest you forget, Elijah. They are my family as mush as any Mikaelson... a name, in truth, i cannot even call my own." My uncle said.
My father vamped down from the balcony and stood in front of my uncle as i stayed our and watched.
"How casually you disavow 1,000 years of allegiance towards you." My father said as he walked towards my uncle.
"And now that I've found the remnants of my other family, Am i to ignore their plight? I would've thought you'd support my desire to help them, when in doing so, i help Hayley and the child." My uncle said.
"Do not question my allegiance towards that child." My father said.
"Oh, and i suppose your affection for Hayley has nothing to do with your tireless dedication. Yes, you see, i saw how you and Maddie cared for her tonight. Called her name in the dark. The zeal with which you destroy those who would harm her" my uncle said.
Suddenly my uncle was up against the wall face first but only for a second before attempting to fight back and then being pinned up against the wall again by my father.
"I have denied every single impulse i have ever had for that woman. Out of some misbegotten respect for intentions that you don't even have." My father said.
My uncle pushed back.
"I'm warning you..." my uncle started.
"I'm warning you!" I said as i vamped to my fathers side.
"We've forgiven you. We've stood by you. I've forsaken every single one of my desires in the name of your ridiculous redemption. No more. If i want something... I'll take it. And nothing... nothing will stand in my way." My father said as he turned and grabbed my arm and left.

We went out to the bayou.
"What are we doing here?" I asked as she stood in the shadows.
"You will see" he said as we watched the wolves sit around a fire and laugh.
"She looks happy dad" i said as i sadly looked up at him.
He smiled a little as Eve came up behind up.
"You don't need to keep coming out, Elijah. I'd tell you if something was wrong. But she's doing ok. The girl has a natural gift for leading. She surprised everyone." Eve said.
My dad smiled.
"Not everyone." My father said.
We watched as the baby kicked and Hayley got so excited and grabbed Jackson's hand and let him feel.
"Do you both want to join us?" Eve asked.
"Yes." I said.
"What i want... is for that girl to be happy.don't tell her we were here" my father said as he looked at Eve.
Eve nodded as my dad walked way and i followed behind him.

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