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"I told you Agnes, i feel fine" Hayley said as she sat on the couch opposite of Agnes as she flipped through a magazine.
Rebecca and I sat at the table in the living room looking at stuff on the computer.
"You are over due for a check up" Agnes said.
"What am i going do, pop into the quarter for a quick ultrasound? A pregnant werewolf escorted by a witch? Nothing to see here" Hayley said.
"A lot of women would kill to have a child. Strikes me as odd that you're not taking better care of yours." Rebecca said from next to me.
I looked up from the computer and looked at my aunt and then at Hayley.
"I know a doctor out in the bayou off the beaten path. Now I took the liberty of making an appointment for you tonight after hours, just us. Vampires will never get word of it." Agnes said.
"Ok. Fine. Bayou baby doctor it is." Hayley said as the two of them left the room.
I looked over at Rebecca who was looking at google maps on the laptop that sat in front of her.
"Please, sister, tell me you're not still at it with the internet search." Klaus said as he walked into the room and headed over to Rebecca and I .
She didn't say anything to him.
"How does one begin anyway, just type in "anonymous attic"?" My uncle said as he poured himself a drink.
"If I could do magic I would be able to pin point exactly where my father was" i said turning and looking at my uncle.
"Ah yes Maddison the power Mikealson witch Hybrid not going to set off Davina in any sort of way" my uncle said.
"I was in her mind! I seen the place she was at just bit where the place was located beyond the inside of the attic" i said.
"Yes a very dangerous spell that could have blown everything out of the waters" my uncle said.
"She was weak it was perfect" i said proud of myself before turning back around.
"Someone other than our niece has to find Elijah, even if i have to search every bloody attic in New Orleans" Rebecca said.
"Like looking for a needle in a rather large pile of needles." Klaus said as walked over to us drink in hand.
"I remember details about the attic Marcel took us to. And with what information that Maddie has given from being inside Davinas head helps narrow it down." Rebecca said.
"Shutters on the windows" i said.
"Well that should narrow it down immensely" my uncle said with sarcasm.
"Myself, i prefer actual strategy as opposed to mind-numbing labor. Marcels delay in returning Elijah makes me suspect he's no longer in charge of the situation. If davinas loyalty to Marcel is strained perhaps the young witch will be open to discussing a new alliance." Klaus said as he sat down across from Rebecca and I .
"As usual your power grabs are more important then rescuing your brother." Rebecca said.
"I prefer to think of it as killing two birds with one stone... rob Marcel of his secret weapon, and bring Elijah home" my uncle said with a shrug.
"Let's go Maddie we have things to do" Rebecca said as she stood up.
"What are you doing?" Klaus asked.
"That brother is none of your concern" Rebecca said as i got up and followed her out the door.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Somewhere. You will see" Rebecca said as we drove to a house in the quarter.
"Marcel was just showing off for Klaus. Can't wait till his ancient ass is out of here" Rebecca and I heard as we walked into the house.
"You and me both" Rebecca said as we shut the door behind us and headed over to the vampire who was talking to Josh.
"Look alive, boys. We got ourselves two high-class original vampires." He said as he turned and looked at the two of us.
"Hmmm. A real charmer. What if i told you that my niece and I could help you out with your Klaus problem in exchange for the tiniest bit of gossip?" Rebecca said.
"Like what?" He asked.
"You might have heard the rumors that Marcel and I were quite the item back in the day. He seems to have moved on, and I'd like to know with whom." Rebecca said.
I looked at her confused because she knew the answer to the question so what game was she playing and why did she drag me with her.
"You've seen him with the bartender." He said as he turned and walked away.
"What that plain Jane that he carries on with? Well, only a blind man would choose her over me. There must be another girl in his harem." Rebecca said.
The guy shook his head.
"Look, all she needs is a little bit of closure, and then we will leave New Orleans." I said joining in on whatever my aunt was up to.
"And we will most definitely take Klaus with us won't we niece?" Rebecca asked.
"Absolutely" i said.
"Look. Marcel has a full plate. If he's seeing some other honey, she's somewhere in the quarter. She's probably close by, and that, my lady, is all i got." He said.
Rebecca nodded and turned around and I followed behind her as we left the house full of vampires.
"What exactly was your plan?" I asked as we slid into her car.
"Don't worry Maddie I've got this under control. I think tonight we are going to a party a event rather so we best get home and get ready." Rebecca said.
"I dont know. I think we should pay attention to Hayley i dont like the idea of Agnes taking her to the bayou alone" I said.
"She'll be alright" Rebecca said.
"I would feel better if one or both of us went with" i said as Rebecca drove home not replying to me.
Something just felt off about the situation.

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