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"I smell of the bog" Rebecca said as we walked into the mostly empty house.
"Serves you right for your pathetic attempt to undermine my rule." Klaus said from the piano.
"Nik listen" Rebecca said as we three walked into the room he was in.
"When i order werewolves to be hunted to extinction, I expect you to stand aside and let the blood flow." Klaus said.
"How delightfully democratic of you." My father said throwing him the price from the guys neckless.
"Do you recognize it? Perhaps you don't... it has been 1000 years since you last saw it grace the hand of our mother. The necklace was in possession of one of the very wolves whose extinction you just ordered. So, naturally, I questioned him. He spoke of a legend, a legend wherein long ago, a chief of theirs had fathered a child to a very powerful witch. Their mythology further states, this child, a son, was later transformed into something this clan had never before seen, something werewolf and vampire." My father said.
"Uncle Klaus we are trying to make amends" i said.
"We found remnants of your family, the bloodline of your true father, and we saved them from being slaughtered at the hands of the vampires you command." Rebecca said.
"Niklaus, your ambitions have come before this family for far too long. I beseech you, please come home." My father said.
"What home?" My uncle asked looking up at my father.
"This pathetic substitute? You see, despite all your doubts, all your attempts to thwart me, I've reclaimed our true home. I took back the entire city." Klaus said with a smile.
"You have the audacity to boast of your victory when the mother of your child remains your prisoner?" My father asked.
"It all comes down to the pretty, little wolf, doesn't it, brother?" Klaus asked.
"Stop it, both of you." Rebecca said.
"Even if this is what you say it is, i have had enough family to last me a lifetime." Klaus said holding up the necklace as he stood up from the piano.
"Why would i possibility want any more?" He asked as he sat the necklace down and left.
Rebecca took a deep breath and headed for the door.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"I have a meeting with someone I'll be back" Rebecca said as she left.
I shook my head and headed for my room leaving my father by the piano, the piano he taught me how to play all those years ago when New Orleans was our home, the first time.

"That's lovely father" i said as I walked over to the piano my father was playing.
"You want to learn?" He asked.
"I wouldn't be any good," i said with a laugh.
"Nonsense Maddison you are good at everything you do" he said.
"I don't know I have magic to learn. Uncle Kol is taking me to the cemetery today" I said.
"What for?" He asked.
"Magic related business" i said as i kissed my fathers cheek
"Rain check?" I asked.
"Of course" he said with a smile

Elijahs POV
I watched Rebecca leave and my daughter went to her room and I went to visit Hayley. I found her on the balcony.
"Are they.." she started as she turned around.
"They're safe... all of them." I said with a smile.
"You have a quite extraordinary daughter, you know. I'll have to thank her when I see her again." Hayley said with a smile.
"She is very kindhearted better than the rest of us. She's committed herself to figuring out how to reverse the curse placed on your people" i said.
Hayley smiled.
"She'll figures it out. She smart and powerful" Hayley said.
I nodded.
"Thank you as well Elijah. What you guys did, it means a lot" she said as she walked over and hugged me.
"You should keep this covered" i said talking about her birth mark as i covered it with her shawl.
"I will" she said.
"If any of the others saw this..." i started.
"I promise" Hayley said.
We stared deeply in one another's eyes before i broke the eye contact.
"I should go" i said.
"Right" Hayley said looking out at the street.
I disappeared and found Klaus inside our families home.
"Haven't you had your full of telling me all the ways I've disappointed you, Elijah?" Klaus asked as he stopped on the staircase.
"Well, there is something important we neglected to discuss." I said as he turned and faced me.
"I accused you if having ulterior motives regarding your child. I was wrong. I'm sorry. And Maddie was very hesitant to believe they were true, she only followed what I said because I'm her father but know you're niece was on your side" i said.
"I imagine that must have been hard for you to say." Klaus said.
"You don't make it easy to love you, brother." I said.
"And yet you're obstinate in your desire to do so. When you and Maddie are ready, should you be so inclined, you guys and Rebecca included are welcome to join me here." Klaus said as he turned around and continued up the steps.
"It is after all, our family home." He continued.
I nodded and went home to get my daughter packed with what little we had left at the plantation.

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