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I sat at a small table next to my father who sat next to my uncle. My uncle was moping about like always as he and my father drank their alcohol while i sat and drank the soda and enjoyed the music that was being played through the bar.
"Look at these two pretending to be apart while so clearly a pair" my uncle said as he pointed across the room.
My eyes followed his finger to my Aunt Rebecca and Marcel.
My uncle stood up and my father grabbed him by his jacket.
"Niklaus, No now." He said.
"Why must you cause trouble?" I asked.
He ignored both my father and I as he clinked his glasses together to get everyone's attention and stopping the music.
"I was enjoying that" i mumbled.
My father glanced at me with an annoyed look because my uncle was acting like a child more or a child than I and I'm the actual child "forever and always".
"I'd like to take this opportunity to draw attention to two people who have been sneaking around behind my back together." My uncle said.
Both Marcel and Rebecca looked at the ground.
"As we move into a new era, we require more progressive attitudes to match. So... to my loving sister and my right-hand man and best friend Marcel, May they find joy in each other." My uncle said as he took a drink.
"This isn't real, he's got a plan to stick Aunt Becca back in a box" i whispered to my father
"You're probably right Maddison but we must pretend just for a second that we believe his little speech in real" my father said as he lend over and kissed the side of my head.
"Enough talk. Music" my uncle said as the music started back up.
My uncle then walked over to Rebecca and talked to her before kissing her cheek and walking away.
A week had gone by and Rebecca and Marcel ran about the city together with no worry.
"Maddison? Are you coming?" Rebecca asked.
"Yes. Hold on a second though" i said.
"No, come on. We are going to be late to the women's speech thing I'm talking at." Rebecca said.
"I'm here. Remind me again why i have to go?" I asked.
"You're father asked me to make sure you are involved with the women of the community" she said.
"I fancy the business side with father and Uncle Klaus" i said as we walked the streets.
"Being apart of both wouldn't hurt" she said as we walked into the building we were to be at.

My father and I walked into the cemetery and found Monique laying on the ground chanting and as we approached she stopped. I clung to my father as I was weak but i was trying my best to fight it until we found Hayley.
"When order is restored, your mind won't be allowed in here." Monique said.
"Maybe so but no matter what I am part witch therefore I'll always be allowed here." I said with a smirk.
"And fortunately, that day has not yet come. I need to find Sabine. I believe she's taken someone very important to me." My father said.
"And you thought I'd help you?" Monique asked as she sat up.
"Sabine is one of us, committed to the rise of the witches. As Maddie should be" Monique said.
"The only thing Sabine is committed to is the destruction of my family." My father said.
"And that would be a bad thing why?" Monique asked.
"Like your mother, my grandmother was also a witch, a very powerful witch. In fact, because of my family, her power now flows through your veins." I said
"Now, once Sabine manipulates those around her, she will do what she has always done. She will jump into another body and disappear, leaving your witches powerless." My father said.
"No. She has the faith. She will see our power restored." Monique said.
"There's a way of guaranteeing this. I'll also secure the safety of yourself and your kind. Here this is from my mothers grimoire. Celeste used a similar spell to body jump. If what Sabine says is true, when she sacrifices herself, all of her power will flow back into the earth." My father said.
"However, if she has lied and tries to take another body, this spell will deliver her to a very different destination." I said.
"And you cant do this why?" Monique asked me.
"Well you see Sabine put a spell on me that will put me in a coma for using magic and I've kinda already used my quota so i need to find her to reverse the spell." I said.
Monique looked between my father and I before looking back at the spell that she held.
"Now please locate Sabine." My father said.
Monique nodded.
Monique did as asked and found Sabine.
"She's in the bayou" Monique said.
"Thank you" i said as my father and I raced off.

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