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"Well well well there's our girl" Kol said as Rebecca walked into the room.
Kol jumped up and stood in front of her
"Get out of my way Kol" she said.
I looked up at dad who was looking over the sage that had burned the night before.
"Out all night what a scandal. I trust you did better than that commoner. Matt was it?" Kol said.
I looked over at Klaus who was drawing something.
"If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of them will be your teeth." Rebecca said.
My uncle Klaus laughed and glanced up at the two of them.
"Don't start Nik" she said as she pushed past Kol.
"I didn't say anything" Klaus said looking back at his drawing.
"I'm bored" Kol said as he sat back down next to me.
"Our sister is a strumpet, but at least she having fun. I need entertainment" Kol said.
"What are you waiting for? Go on. Have at it." Klaus said looking up at Kol.
"It's not fun to go alone. Join me Nik" Kol said.
My uncle gently shook his head as he continued to draw.
"It's the least you could do after sticking a dagger in my heart" Kol said
My uncle looked up at the other. "Okay why not" he said to Kol.
"I didnt have nearly enough to drink last night. What with you trying to murder Rebecca date" he said as he got up from the couch and heading out of the room.
Kol smiled and got up and followed.
"Yes please go. This house enough me rolling around in it" Rebecca said.
"Just like you Becca" Kol said turning around to look at her then back around to follow Klaus.
"Good riddance both of you!" She said throwing her purse at him.
"Rebecca" my father said.
I looked up at him as he walked over to Rebecca.
"Not you too Elijah" she said.
He fixed the cuff of his suit.
"I'm worried about mother. Have you not noticed her strange behavior?" He said.
"She's been dead for a thousand years. What's strange for her?" Rebecca said.
"She had Finn snap my daughters neck in the middle of a party. She was burning sage, she was doing a privacy spell." My father said.
"You know she fancies such things. And as for Maddie i dont know what to say about that. Why don't you talk to Finn, he's been doting over her" Rebecca said.
"I dont trust Finn" my father said.
I started to get up from my seat.
"Sit down Maddison i didnt tell you to get up" he said looking at me.
I sat back down. That was my punishment for being disrespectful i had to go everywhere with my dad and not talk unless spoken directly to, which only half of it was really much of a punishment.
"Finn hates what we are. He always has." My father said.
"That's not true. And as for our mother, she returned for one reason, to make her family whole. She loves us. What trouble are you looking to find?" Rebecca asked.
My father didn't say anything and Rebecca went up to change her clothes. I looked at my father he was deep in thought.
"Do you still believe Elena?" I asked.
"No. Now sh" he said looking at me.
"Come on we going to make a visit" my father said as he headed for the door. I jumped up and followed. We ended up at Elena's house and my dad knocked and Elena answered the door.
"Elena" my father said.
"Elijah. Maddie" she said with a nervous laugh.
"We don't mean to intrude. I was hoping you might accompany my daughter and I. I want to show you something.
She agreed and the three of us headed out to the woods in my dads car.
"I forgot how much i missed this land" he said as he got out of the car. Elena and i followed his lead.
"Can't even imagine what it must have been like a thousand years ago." Elena said as her and i met my father in front of the car.
"You know your school was build over an Indian village, where i saw my first werewolf. The town square is where the natives would gather to worship. Matter of fact near that was a—there was a field where wild horses would graze" my father said as we walked through the woods.
"That's incredible" Elena said.
"Come" he said as he led us farther into the woods.
The sound of nature was beautiful as we walked through the woods. My father led and Elena followed behind him and i followed behind the both of them.
We can to a small opening in the woods.
"Do you know this place too?" Elena asked as we stopped walking.
"I do. Below us is a cavern i use to play in as a boy, and then i use to bring Maddie here to play when she was little. It connects to a system of tunnels that stretch across the entire area. Perhaps it's nature's way of providing us with shelter against the savagery of the full moon." my father said Crouching down.
"My mother said there must be a balance." My father continued.
"Elijah, i should probably go home." Elena said as she tucked her hair behind her ear and looked around.
"I admire you Elena." My father said as he got up.
"You remind me of the qualities i valued long before my mother turned us. It's not in your nature to be deceitful and yet she. I asked you about your meeting with my mother last night, you lied to my face." My father said without looking at her.
She looked surprised, shocked that he found out, maybe it was luck that he discovered the truth that i had been telling him for the last 12 ish hours. I knew she couldn't be trusted and my father thought he could trust her and that was his first mistake. I could tell she was wondering what he was going to do to her for lying to him when all he asked was a simple question the same question i had asked her only minutes after she lied to my fathers face. She knew she couldn't run she was out numbered.
"That's not true" she said as my dad looked at her.
"Are we really going to lie to protect another lie?" I asked.
She looked at me and then back at my dad who knew she was covering up her lies.
"I told you that all your mother wanted was a new start." Elena said
"I can hear your heartbeat. It jumps when your being dishonest with me." My father said looking at Elena.
He was right her heart did jump every time she lied.
"You lied to me at the ball. You are lying to me now. Tell me the truth." He said as he walked towards her.
"I never wanted this to happen." She said shaking her head.
"What, Elena?" My father asked.
She took a deep breath.
"We were told that whatever was gonna be in that coffin was gonna kill Klaus. When we found out that it was your mother... we didn't know what to think." Elena said.
"Since her return, she said she only wants this family while again." My father said.
"When she asked to see me, I ... i thought that maybe she could help, that she would find a way to kill Klaus. It's not just Klaus that she wants to kill." Elena said.
"She wants to kill us all, doesn't she?" He asked looking away.
"She wants to undo the evil she created." He continued.
"I'm so sorry Elijah" Elena said.
"Yes well i assume Maddie was left out of the killing because Finn snapped her neck and put her to bed" my father said Looking at Elena.
"She said nothing about her. Only you five" she said.
I looked at my dad and he looked at the ground.
"I wish there was something i could do to help." Elena said.
"You know one thing I've learned in my time on this earth..." he said as he looked at Elena
"Be careful what you wish for." My father said as he stomped on the ground above the cave and grabbed Elena and jumped down and i followed.
My father left me with Elena as he left telling me i was released of my babysitting duties as soon as Rebecca showed up.
"You aren't going to get cell service down here" i said as i watched Elena try to get cell service.
She ignored me of course and kept walking and when she seen light at the end of the tunnel she made a run for it but was stopped by none other than Rebecca.
"Going somewhere?" Rebecca asked.
"What are you doing here?" Elena asked.
"Not much, unless you try to run... in which case i get to kill you." Rebecca said with a smile.
"You are released niece go find your father" she said.
I nodded and walked past them and jumped out of the cave.
I ran to the Salvatore's house that's where my dad was heading and i arrived just in time it seemed.
"Hello, Stefan" my father said as i followed Stefan into the living room where my father sat.
"Ah Maddie. Come darling" my father said waving me to him. I walked over to him and sat on the arm of the chair.
"He has Elena" Damon said.
"Actually correction. She with Rebecca" i said with a smile.
"As you can imagine, my sisters just dying to tear the throat out. So if you want to save Elena's life, i need you to help me stop my mother." My father said.
"I'm a little embarrassed to admit, but when it comes to killing thousand year old resurrected witches, I'm a little rusty." Damon said.
"Yes unfortunately even when killed, my mother doesn't seem to want to stay dead, now with the spirts of nature at her side." My father said.
"So What are we supposed to do?" Stefan asked.
"The witches that released my grandma, she drawing her power from their bloodline. That line needs to be broken." I said.
"Broken?" Stefan asked.
"Yeah, she means..." Damon started as he imagined cutting his throat.
"You want us to kill them?" Stefan asked.
"You know I'd do it myself, but i have absolutely no idea where they are." My father said looking at the Salvatore brothers.
"Besides seeing me they'd immediately know my intent. They won't except to be harmed by the likes of you" My father continued.
"In any case you have until 6 minutes past 9:00 to find them." My father said as he got up.
"Oh, how super specific of you." Damon said.
"By 9:07 the moon will be full. And my grandmother with have the power she needs to kill my father and the rest of my family" i said standing next to my father.
"If you do not stop her before then, Rebecca will kill Elena. So we all have our timeline. I suggest you get started" my father said as the two of us walked out.
"Should we warn Uncle Klaus and Uncle Kol?" I asked my father as he drove.
He shook his head.
"Why would be Leave me out? I'm a vampire to" i said.
"But Your also a witch love. A powerful witch might i add and you my dear is one of nature's loopholes. The witches don't want you dead your There greatest alli" my father said.
"I could try a location spell" i said.
"Won't work they know you will try and they are prepared for that" he said.
"Dad i cant stand by and do nothing while you and the rest of my family is on the verge of death!" I cried.
"You will do nothing that could get you hurt. You are safe keep it that way" he said as we drove.
Suddenly my father gasped and the car jerked to the side going over the center.
"Dad!" I yelled as i took the wheel and Swerved back to the correct side of the road.
"Dad!" I said trying to stop the car.
There was only one way to stop it and that was crash it. So i let it crash into a tree and i jumped out and ran to the driver side and pulled my dad out.
"Dad! Please!" I cried shaking him.
He was turning gray like he had been daggered.
"What happens to one happens to all" i said out loud.
Suddenly the gray went away and my dad woke up.
"What happened. Are you alright?" He asked
"I'm fine dad I'm fine" i said as i hugged him.
"Sorry i sorta crashes your car" i said looking at the car.
"It's fine you did what you had to" he said.
"They must have stabbed one of you. My guess is Kol" i said as i got up helping my dad up.
My father and i ran to the grill and around back just in time to see Uncle Klaus charge at Damon.
"Leave him!" My father said as he walked down the stairs.
My uncle turned and looked at us.
"We still need him Uncle Klaus" i said from beside my father.
"What did mother do?" Klaus asked.
Neither of us said anything.
"What did she do Elijah?" Klaus asked again.
"You tell me where the witches are, or I'll have my sister kill Elena right now." My father said walking towards Damon.
I bent down and helped Kol up.
"You told me we had til after 9:00" Damon said looking up at the clock tower.
"I'm sure Rebecca would be more than happy to start her work early" my father said pulling out his phone.

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