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Klaus, Rebecca, and I walked into the party Rebecca and I on either side of Klaus. Some might count him lucky to escort two beautiful ladies such as ourselves to such a party. Definitely a wild thing this party in our old home. I loved this place so much we all did. The three of us looked around as people were dancing on ropes and what not above us.
"Well, this certainly is a fitting backdrop for tonight's events i must say" Klaus said to the two of us.
We looked over and seen the one and only Cami walking in from the other side.
"What's she doing here?" Klaus asked.
"What better way to distract Marcel than to put his very human, new girl in a room chock full of vampires?" Rebecca asked with a smile.
Rebecca left Klaus side and walked to Cami and I stayed put as i was told i would do before we left.
I looked around and seen Marcel who had now noticed Cami and then i looked at my uncle who was still staring at Cami and my aunt.
Cami then looked over at us and I listened to what her and Rebecca said.
"Is he the infamous on-again/off-again standing with your niece?" Cami asked.
I chuckled as Klaus and I headed over to them.
"He's the brother and the uncle, actually" He said with a smile as we joined Rebecca's side.
"And my sister is right. You do look stunning" Klaus said.
"You clean up pretty well yourself" cami said with a smile.
"Well, don't be fooled, luv. I'm the devil in disguise" Klaus said with a smile.
"You two chitchat. I need booze" Rebecca said as she walked away.
Oh, how badly i wanted to go with her but i promised my over baring uncle i would not leave his side it was the only way i was aloud to go to the party and it was a way to make sure i didnt sneak off and use magic to find my father.
"Shall we?" Klaus asked her.
She nodded.
"Go straight to Rebecca" he said as he walked to the dance floor with Cami.
I rolled my eyes and did as told and found Rebecca ordering a drink.
"Scotch please" Rebecca said.
"Make that two" i said as i joined her.
She looked over at me and smiled.
"He let you go?" She asked.
"To come straight to you and nothing in between" i said.
That's when Marcel walked over to us.
"You trying to be cute inviting her here?" Marcel asked as Rebecca looked at him.
"I think she's darling. I can tell you fancy her pure heart. Perhaps I'll feed it to you" my aunt said before looking away from him.
"Hmm, jealously looks good on you, Becca." Marcel said.
I rolled my eyes and looked over at my uncle who was no longer dancing with Cami so i walked over to them.
"The guy that Rebecca was talking about, I'm sensing that would be Marcel." Cami said as i joined her and my uncle.
"I wouldnt worry about it." Klaus said.
"It's ancient history" i said.
"I'm being to think Rebecca is a bit of a bitch" cami said.
Klaus started laughing and i glanced at him waiting for him to say his next thing which would be him sticking up for her or him agreeing. It was the latter option.
"It's as though she invented the term." He laughed as they both caught each others eyes.
My uncle broke away from the glance they shared.
"Listen." Klaus started as he looked over and Marcel was leaving my aunt.
"Pardon is for a moment" Klaus said as he walked way grabbing my arm so I'd follow.
The two of us joined Rebecca and we watched Marcel and Cami.
"You both realize how creepy this is right?" I asked as i looked at the both of them.
I was standing between them.
"You really are a hideously little evil thing aren't you Rebecca?" Klaus said totally ignoring my comment.
"Nonsense. They're perfect for each other. You wanted Marcel distracted. Voila" Rebecca said looking at my uncle.
Just then one of Marcels inner circle guys walked up to Marcel and whispered something into his ear.
"My cue to leave. Come Maddie" Rebecca said.
"No she stays with me" Klaus said looking at Rebecca.
"Alright" she said as she walked away.
Then Thierry walked in and took his hat off looking very ashamed, my uncles plan seemed to of worked.
Marcel left Cami in the middle of the dance floor and tended to his vampire problems and Cami watched Marcel as he went to the balcony and she watched him then from below.
"You alright, Luv?" Klaus said as we approached her.
"He's got a temper, doesn't he?" She asked.
Klaus and I looked up were she was looking.
"I guess this is the moment I remember i know better." Cami said as she walked away.
As she walked away Josh filled her spot and i watched my uncle hand him something out of the corner of my eye and then he too walked away and ended up on the balcony with Marcel and the others handing Marcel the very envelope that Klaus had given him.
I listened I'm so i could know what was going on.
"We found this at his girls place" Josh said handing over the envelope.
Marcel opened it and looked at Thierry.
"Still my friend huh?" Marcel asked.
"What is it?" I questioned as i turned to my uncle.
"Shh" he said without looking at me.
I looked back up and listened.
"That's funny because it looks to me like that little witch of yours got her hands on a spell that i keep locked away." Marcel said.
"Marcel, i have never seen that." Thierry said.
"Shut up. I see on your hand, you still have the daylight ring i gave you. So what would you need with the recipe for making new ones? Unless maybe you and Katie were gonna go off and start a little kingdom of your own." Marcel said.
"Marcel, no. Here's a lesson in friendship. Friends don't lie to me, they don't break my rules, and they do not steal what is mine." Marcel said as he turned away from Thierry.
Klaus and I continued to watch and listen.
"Oh... for the crime of murdering one of his own, I sentence Thierry Vanchure to 100 years in the garden." Marcel said as he turned back around and faced Thierry and the rest of his crew who stood above us.
"And it begins little niece" Klaus said with a smirk as he looked over at me.
We stood and watched them walk down the steps and head out of the party the whole lot of them.
We followed them outside and Katie was walking down the street chanting a spell.
"Katie no!" Thierry said.
Sparks flew.
"Like clock work" Klaus said as he looked over at me.
I nodded Everything was going to plan assuming that Sophie was doing the tiny spell that would locate my father.
The vampires that stood in the street in Katie's path fell to the ground holding their heads.
"My favorite spell" i said with a smile.
Every time Marcel got up to go after Katie she knocked him down breaking bones as she did it.
"You sure i cant just go help?" I asked.
"Absolutely not you will stand here and act innocent" my uncle said.
"I am innocent" i said with a smile.
I wasnt innocent by any means I too was doing a spell that would link my mind to Davinas mind temporary. You see with all this magic going on she will be weak and there for she won't be able to block me and I'll be able to locate her and see everything that she's seeing and feeling.
Suddenly i felt panic and confusion meaning both my spell and Katie and Sophie's spells all worked.
"No!" I screamed.
My uncle grabbed me and put his hand over my mouth quickly that way nothing in the streets where ruined.
"What have you done?" He demanded.
"She's over welmed" i said as i looked our into the streets.
"You're here to save your man." Marcel said as he stood with all his strength.
"No!" I said.
"What?!?" Klaus said.
"She's Give Marcel that power to fight" i said.
"Good she's focused on them and not Sophie" Klaus said.
"Well, come on, little girl." Marcel said.
He charged at her but Katie knocked him down again and he fell to the ground. I too fell to the ground and Klaus caught me.
"Die, you son of a bitch." Katie said holding a stake.
"No! Katie! Stop!" Thierry yelled.
Klaus set me down and ran over and snapped Katie's neck and the magic was released and all the vampires that where in the middle of the street were now free to stand.
I too stood up not feeling over whelmed or anything in fact i wasnt in Davinas mind anymore.
"Damn it!" I yelled as i got up and ran over to my uncle.
"No. Katie. No,no,no" Thierry said as he crawled over to her and picked her head up off the ground.
Marcel looked over at my uncle and slightly nodded in thanks.
My uncle and I sat and waited for Marcel to come back after he took Thierry to the garden, whatever that is. Once he returned we followed him up to the Balcony that looked out over the streets. The trumpets played and my uncle handed Marcel a drink.
"How much did Cami see?" Marcel asked.
"She just saw an argument, mate." Klaus said as he looked over at Marcel.
"Nothing you cant fix" i said i said with a smile.
Marcel took a deep breath.
"You really like her, dont you?" Klaus asked.
"I like that she's not a part of any of this. Sometimes it's good to see the world the way that humans do." Marcel said.
"I am sorry about Thierry, you know? I can tell he was a good friend." Klaus said changing the subject.
"I made him what he was. Obviously my trust was misplaced" Marcel said.
"Doesn't make it easier." Klaus said as he took a drink.
"You saved me tonight. I guess I owe you one." Marcel said looking at my uncle.
"You asked for your brother back, for the sake of his daughter. Seems like the least i could do." Marcel said looking at both Klaus and I .
I smiled.
"Go home Maddie, please" Klaus said.
I nodded and vamp speed home where Hayley was. I was excited Marcel was going to give my father back.
I walked into the house and seen Rebecca testing her head on the piano playing a couple notes.
"Evening Aunt Becca" i said.
"Why are you so chipper?" She asked.
"Klaus saved Marcel and in return he's going to give us back my father" I said.
"Saved Marcel?" Rebecca asked.
"Ineed. Katie was about to stack Marcel so Uncle Klaus killed Katie" i said.
"Did he now. That wasn't part of the plan." Rebecca said.
"Calm down Becca we got what we wanted and that's my father that's all I care about" i said.
"Yeah i bet Klaus felt the same way" he said with her voice dripping in sarcasm.
"I have no doubt that Klaus has other plans but can for one second we pretend his intentions are pure?" I asked.
"Are you blind? Maddie he's never had pure intentions, not for me, not for Elijah or Kol or Finn and not for you. When will you wake up and see Klaus for who he truly is?" Rebecca asked.
I looked our the window and seen Klaus walking up the drive and then i looked at Rebecca.
"I'll never stop believing that one day his intentions will be pure that one day he can be redeemed" i said as i turned and headed for my room.
"Father like daughter! You and your father trust Niklaus too much!" Rebecca yelled.
I laughed as i slammed my bedroom door shut.

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