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I woke up the next morning took Rebecca back to the island but i refused to stay. She went to find the cure hoping that Katherine was still on the island. I knew she wouldn't be but Rebecca needed to know for sure.
I went over to the Gilbert's house i got there when Matt did and we walked up stairs where Stefan, Elena, and a doctor was.
"Elena" Matt said as he walked into Jeremy's room.
Matt looked at Jeremy's body and i followed his gaze and i watched Matt tear up and i had cried enough last night in my uncles arms that i had no tears left.
"No. No. Matt. It's okay. It's fine" Elena said.
"Maddie! Your a witch you can help him" Elena said.
"I cant Elena. The entire reason why my family was turned into vampires was because my grandmother couldn't bring my uncle Henrik back. A witch can't bring him back" i said.
Matt just cried and Elena hugged him and told him everything would be fine and that if i wouldn't fix it Bonnie would.
We all went down stairs and Matt and Elena went to the kitchen and he got them drinks.
"You aren't dosing me again are you" Elena asked.
"Poison Your best friend once, and suspicion follows forever" Matt laughed.
"Does your uncle know you are here?" Stefan asked.
"He doesn't need to know my every move" i said.
"I'm bumping the AC but we won't be able to keep him in there must longer" the doctor said.
"Yeah, I know" Stefan said.
"I've been alive for almost two centuries now, you'd think with the amount of people that I've seen die, it would hurt less each time." Stefan said as he sat down on the top step.
"It never does" i said as i joined him.
"No, no it doesn't" the doctor said as she stood behind us.
"You liked him? Jeremy i mean" Stefan said looking at me.
"Ever since i came here. I've had to hide it from my family but then Uncle Klaus caught him and i kissing when he had Connor captured." I said.
"I think he liked you too" Stefan said.
"I think he liked Bonnie more" i said with a sad smile.
"Or he liked you both the same and didn't know which to choose" the doctor said.
"Doesn't matter now does it?" I asked.
Stefan looked at me with pity in his eyes.
"I think that denial is the worst part for people like us because we know the truth. We can see they're on a collision course with it, and all we can do is brace ourselves for impact." the doctor said slowly as Stefan's phone rang.
Stefan answered.
"Did you find her?" Stefan asked as he stood up.
"I'm still looking. How is she?" Damon asked.
"She's losing it, Damon. We can do what we can to delay things here, but we need to get Jeremy to the morgue before it gets ugly" Stefan said.
"Damn it. I cant just leave her behind. I can't just show up without Bonnie." Damon said.
"I think you have too. At this point the sire bond is probably the only thing that will keep Elena together. I can go back and find Bonnie" Stefan said.
"I'm on my way" Damon said as he hung up with Stefan.
Not even ten minutes later Damon called Stefan back again and said he found Bonnie and the plane was waiting to bring them home. After hanging up with Damon he called Elena because Matt had taken Elena somewhere.
"Stefan?" Elena said sounding freaked out.
"Hey, Damon found Bonnie. The plane is there waiting for them to get off the island. They will be home in a few hours." Stefan said.
"Thank god. Is she okay?" Elena asked.
"Yeah, he said she was fine. Listen, Elena. You might have been right. There might be something." Stefan said.
"She knows what to do, doesn't she?" Elena asked.
"Let's just see what she says when she gets home, ok?" Stefan said.
"Okay, we will be home soon" Elena said as she hung up.

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