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I woke up with the sun in my face and i looked over and seen my dad sitting next to my bed. I slowly sat up and looked at him.
"What's wrong?" I asked feeling panic rise inside me.
"Nothing, why" he asked.
"You haven't sat by my bedside in a long time. Normally when something was wrong" i said.
"Nothing is wrong i was just thinking" he said.
"About?" I asked.
"You" he said.
"What about me?" I asked afraid that my uncle had told my dad that i had used magic.
"When i was with Davina she said she wanted to be normal and it made me think of you. Do you wish you were normal?" He asked.
I laughed a little and then looked at him he wasn't kidding.
"Yeah i mean don't we all?" I asked.
"What is normal to you Maddie?" He asked as he moved a piece of my hair behind my ear.
"I ... I dont know... i guess my normal is different than day Davinas normal" i said.
"And what is it" he asked.
"A witch. Just a plain old witch" i said shrugging "I've never known anything but witchcraft"
"I see. I'm sorry" he said looking down at the floor.
"Sorry? It's not your fault, none of this is your fault. Me being a witch is something i was born with and then be being a vampire is because of grandma and grandpas stupid plan to make sure none of us died. None of that's your fault dad" i said.
"I help your grandfather force blood down your throat so you became a vampire" he said.
"If you hadn't i'd be died" i said.
"Just know I'm sorry i took your life away" he said as he got up placing a kiss on the top of my head and walking to the door.
"Dad?!?" I called.
"Yes darling?" He said.
"You aren't going to leave again are you?" I asked.
"No. I'm going down stairs I'll see you in a few?" He asked.
"Yeah" i said with a smile as he left shutting the door behind him.

I walked down stairs and into the living room where classical music was being played. I seen both my father and my uncle reading books. I stood by the door and watched a couple minutes. My uncle kept glancing up at my father. There was a dead body laying on the coffee table drained of blood probably a peace offering from my uncle to my father. Just as i was about to walk in Rebecca appeared beside me.
"What are they doing?" She asked.
"Your guess is as good as mine" i said.
She rolled her eyes and walked into the room standing behind Klaus and I followed her standing next to her.
"So this is what you do the first time we're back together as a family... vampire book club." Rebecca said.
"Reading edifies the mind, sister. Isn't that right, Elijah?" My uncle asked glancing up at my father.
"Yes. That's quite right, Niklaus." My father said glancing back at him.
"And what is this business?" I asked referring to the body.
"This is a peace offering." My father said looking up at me.
"I presumed, after so much time desiccating in a coffin, that my big brother might be a bit pecking." Klaus said.
"So i explained to my little brother that forgiveness can not be bought and that my 13 year old daughter even knew that. I'd simply prefer to see a change in behavior that indicates contrition and personal growth, not this nonsense." My father said going back to reading his book.
"I couldn't very well let her go to waste, could I?" Klaus said with a smirk.
"Well, I suppose Maddie and I will fetch the rubbish bin because she staining a 200 year old carpet." Rebecca said as she headed for the door dragging me behind her.
Rebecca and I returned into the kitchen to find my father and Hayley.
"Listen. i know im the only one in this house that actually drinks milk, but would it kill any of you to make sure it's on the grocery list?" Hayley said from the refrigerator.
"Speaking of, add bleach." Rebecca said as she walked off of the room leaving me with my father and Hayley.
"You know, i do hope my siblings were hospitable toward you in my absence." My father said from the cupboard he was in.
I leaned on the island in the middle of the kitchen and took a bite of an apple.
"In your absence... as you like to call it, which is a way-too-polite way of saying that your brother put a dagger in your heart... I have been attacked by French quarter vampires. I've had to live in a house with a secret dungeon full of coffins, and I was nearly murdered by witches who are convinced that my baby is Lucifer." Hayley said as my father grabbed the cereal, a bowl, and the milk and orange juice.
He poured the cereal and the milk into the bowl which caught Hayleys attention.
"Oh... milk" Hayley said.
"They've been... fine... your siblings are weirdly protective. I know i have you to thank for that, and your daughter has tried to step into your shoes as well but they are pretty big shoes to fill i assume." Hayley said
He smiled a little and then looked at her.
"I'm just happy to see that you're in once piece. So back to the murderous witches, i have some concerns" my father said handing her the bowl and a spoon.
"They're evil, and my life is still magically linked to Sophie Deveraux, which is not comforting." Hayley said.
"I've been working on that" i said jumping into their conversation.
"I am all for Maddie getting them unlinked so we can leave this crap town" Rebecca said dragging the body behind her.
I jumped up on the island to be out of Rebecca's way.
"Who do we have to kill?" Rebecca asked.
"Hopefully no one." I said.
Hayley looked between my father and I as i looked at my father.
I rolled my eyes as i watched Rebecca and then i looked at Hayley.
"Probably everyone" I groaned.
My father turned and started to put everything away while Hayley smiled as she ate her food and I wanted to figure out away to not have people die but i knew there was a fat chance of that.

"Nonsense. Elijah is back. In his presence, all problems turn to pixie dust and float away." My father and I heard Klaus day to Rebecca as we were walking back to the living room.
"Strange, I dont recall any pixie dust from the darkness of the coffin i was recently forced to endure." My father said as we walked in seeing Klaus still reading and Rebecca scrubbing the floor.
My father opened the book that he had been reading early and I noticed right away that it was my grandmas spell book and i wasn't the only one who noticed.
"What are you doing with Mothers spell book?" Rebecca asked.
"Well, in exchange for my freedom, i promised the witch Davina that i would share a few pages from mothers grimoire. It'll help her learn to control her magic like Maddie has been learning" my father said as he tore a page from the book.
"I thought we would begin with a simple unlinking spell" my father said.
"I've been working on that" i said slowly.
"Your still working on it. Just with help since Davina can freely use magic and Marcel will try and find you if you do" my father said looking at me.
"Your going to use her to unlink Hayley from Sophie Deveraux and not your own daughter?" Rebecca asked.
"If i allow Maddie to do it Davina will tell Marcel and he will know we are up to something if i have Maddie do it with Davina then Davina won't think anything of it and we somewhat stay off the radar" my father said looking at Rebecca and I.
"Sophie brought us to this town under false pretenses. She doesn't just want us to take down Marcel and his minions. She wants to take Davina back. So she yoked her own cause to ours with magic, threats, and half-truths. Well, no more. As of now, our deal with Sophie Deveraux is null and void. Niklaus, you are coming with Maddie and I, we need 5 minutes alone with Davina and you need to make certain that we are not interrupted. You Rebecca stay here and watch Hayley." My father said as he headed out of the room.
"How did I get elected supernanny?" Rebecca asked.
"More importantly, who put him in charge?" Klaus asked as he got up and the two of us followed my father to the car.

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