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"Going somewhere?" Rebecca asked Kol as she came into the house and as he was heading out.
I sat in the living room on the couch.
"I would if i were you. If Damon kills the hunter, Nik will not be pleased" Rebecca said.
"I told Nik i wouldnt touch the kid. I didnt." Kol said.
"Oh. Well that was clever. I'm sure he will really appreciate it." Rebecca said.
Kol walked around her and she stopped him and had the dagger at his back. I jumped up and ran over to them.
"You'd really dagger me?" Kol asked.
"If i do, Damon's compellion ends and this is over." Rebecca said.
"And then your no better than Niklaus. Daggering sibings and nieces when you disagree with them... look at what this family has become. I mean Elijah won't even show his face unless his daughter is in desperate need of him because he's so disgusted with out bickering and Niklaus threats. This cure has ruined us and it hasn't even been found just imagine what would happen if it is." Kol said.
"This family was ruined long before we knew about the cure." Rebecca said as Kol turned around and held the white oak above her heart.
"Kol!" I yelled as i ran and grabbed him but he pushed me off and i landed on the ground and looked at Rebecca.
"I wont let you raise Silas." Kol said.
That's when Uncle Klaus came around the corner and separated Rebecca and Kol throwing Kol across the room.
"Enough of this foolishness. Put it down Kol" Klaus said.
Kol ran out the door, disappearing.
"He was going to kill me" Rebecca said looking at Klaus and I .
Klaus turned and helped me up and then turned back to Rebecca.
"Well, then, i think you need a lesson in how to properly dagger a sibling" Klaus said.
"Burn in hell." Rebecca said as she walked out the door.
"I've herd you've had a eventful morning" Klaus said as he looked at me.
I looked at the ground.
"There's a reason your father prefers you didn't hang out alone with Kol and that's why. What will your father say when he finds out?" Klaus asked me.
"Does he have to know?" I asked.
"Maddie you need to stay out of this or you will get hurt" Klaus said.
"You guys don't give a damn about me! None of you guys ask me how i feel instead I'm dragged around by one of you guys forced to be on one of your guys sides and nobody asks me who i want to be with" i said.
"We are looking out for you. You are a child" Klaus said.
"A child?" I laughed. "A 1000 year old child! I'm sick of you guys treating me like im weak. I'm a Mikealson and I'm just as strong as you guys are!" I yelled as Klaus ran over to me and put me in a chokehold.
"Boom your neck is snapped now what?" Klaus said.
"Get off of me" i said as he let go of me and turned me around to look at him.
"I wish you had a kid so you would leave me alone" i said just above a whisper.
He of course ignored me.
"Listen to me Maddison. Don't get in the middle of Kols or Rebecca's plans they are dangerous" Klaus said.
"And yours is any less dangerous?" I asked.
"Just bare with me okay please" Klaus said.
I nodded and sat back down on couch.
Later that night Klaus came in.
"Ready?" Klaus asked me.
"For?" I asked
"A visit. I'm giving you a choice to come with me to see the Gilbert's or you can stay here" he said.
"I'll come with. Just promise me nobody had to die tonight. I'm tiered of seeing people die" i said as i stood up.
"You have my word" he said.
I followed Klaus to his car and we headed over to the Gilbert's house and he knocked and both Gilbert's answered the door.
"Good evening, Gilbert Clan" Klaus said with a smile.
"What do you want Klaus?" Elena asked.
"I've come to fetch my hunter. Seeing as my brother's become a liability, Jeremy will be safer with me." Klaus said.
"I think I'll pass." Jeremy said.
"I've killed enough people for you today." Jeremy said.
"You think you're  safer here? Hmm. Clearly you don't know Kol. He'll stop at nothing to get what he wants, so as strange as it may seem, I'm your best bet" Klaus said.
"Sorry, but i think we will take our chances." Elena said.
"Fine but when Kol comes and he will come... be sure to let me know, preferably before he burns nice little home to the ground" Klaus said.
"Why can't Maddie stay?" Jeremy asked.
"Because she can't put down her uncle if she had to. If you want her then you have to have me. And hunter, there is no shortage of people to turn and loved ones to threaten, so sleep well. We'll plan to finish our work tomorrow." Klaus said as the two of us walked away and went home.

"No! Kol!" I screamed as i sat up in my bed.
Klaus came running ready to attack but nothing was there because it was a dream.
"Maddie, love what is wrong?" He asked as he walked over to my bed.
"Where's Kol?" I asked.
"Not sure he didn't come home" Klaus said.
"Where's my dad? I need to talk to my dad" i said.
"Very well" Klaus said as he called my father.
My father wasn't far he was nearby just choose to stay hidden and out of the way unless needed because Klaus was still threatening him that if he took me then i would he daggered again and nobody would have me.
"Maddie what's wrong darling?" My father said as he walked into my room with my uncle close behind him.
"I had a dream. Jeremy killed Kol with the white oak to finish his mark" i cried.
"Nobody is killing Kol" Klaus said.
"What if it's true. What if that's what's going to happen?" I asked.
"It won't now child go back to sleep" my father said as sat on my bed.
I nodded and laid on my bed as my father stroked my hair and i quickly fell back to sleep.

The next morning Klaus and I went to Rebecca's and Stefan was on his why out.
"Leaving so soon?" Klaus asked Stefan.
Stefan said nothing only backed up and let Klaus and I in.
Stefan turned around and went and woke her while Klaus and i sat in the living room.
"This is my place Nik! I dont appreciate you invading my privacy like some kind of creeping Tom" Rebecca said as she walked into the room with a robe on.
"Well i apologize for breaking up this sordid little tryst, but i do have some urgent business. Or have you forgotten that our paranoid brother Kol is running around with the white oak stake and homicide on his brain?" Klaus said.
"He tried to kill me last night. I didnt forget." Rebecca said.
"Yes well, unfortunately, he seems to have absconded with my set of daggers." Klaus said.
"Oh, poor Nik. However will you get your way without your precious daggers?" Rebecca asked.
"Wait he took the daggers?" I asked.
"Don't even think about it Maddison" Klaus warned.
"They were so handy when you wanted to end a conversation with one of us." Rebecca said.
"Kols irrational fear of Silas has pushed him off the edge. We need to put him back down before he does more damage. Now, i know you have the last dagger, and i know you have some white oak ash so hand it over." Klaus said.
"Hmm. And leave myself unprotected? You can file that request under the "not a chance in hell" be gone by the time I've showered. Lurkers aren't welcome here." Rebecca said as she walked away.
"I need that dagger Stefan. Talk some sense into her. " Klaus said.
"Why don't you talk some sense into her? I'm heading home to play prison guard to Damon. He's on lockdown ever since Kol compelled him to kill Jeremy yesterday." Stefan said.
"You see that's my point exactly. If you let Kol run free, then Jeremy won't live to see his junior prom, and we can kiss our map to the cure goodbye. But if you help me dagger Kol, Damon will be uncompelled. Jeremy will live and we'll all be on our merry way to a human Elena." Klaus said.
Stefan said nothing just looked at my uncle.
"Alright come with me"Stefan said.
Klaus and I went to the Salvatore house and we waited in the hall of the basement until Stefan gave my uncle the nodded and then we entered.
"Hello mate" Klaus said as he walked up to the door of the cell.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Damon asked.
"Babysitting" Klaus said.
"Oh." Damon said.
"Give him a vile of blood every couple hours so he doesn't desiccate. If he gets too much strength back or if he just annoys you, bleed him out again." Stefan said
"Silent treatment, huh? Is that your best shot? He still pissed at me for sleeping with Elena." Damon said.
"You sure about that?" I asked.
"Yeah i just caught him sneaking out of Rebecca's bed this morning." Klaus said with a smirk.
"Which would suggest he's moved on." I said slowly.
"Well well looks like my brother ripped outa page of my revenge sex handbook" Damon said.
"Well why don't you guys enjoy your little, uh, villain bonding time? Sorry Maddie. I'll let you know when i get the dagger from Rebecca" Stefan said as he walked away.
"Hold on" Klaus said.
"What?" Stefan asked.
"Maddie's going with you" he said
"Fantastic" Stefan said as he continued to walk away and i followed behind him.

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