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As we approached the compound i heard screaming.
Rebecca and Josh were walking behind me and i vamped inside.
"That's enough of you" Davina said knocking my uncle out.
He had be forced into wolf form or partly wolf.
"Davina, you don't have to do this." I heard my father said.
I looked over and seen him and Marcel also on the ground and I looked up and seen Timothy sitting high above everything.
"You..." Davina said as she raised my father up.
"You looked me in the eyes and lied to my face,  is that what you do to your daughter? You pretended you wanted to help me." Davina said.
"Listen to me" my father said as he noticed me.
He lightly shook his head. I was feeling angry and protective and the angry built inside me.
"You call yourself the noble one, but you're a killer just like your brother. For 1000 years, you fed on innocent blood. Why don't you choke on it?" Davina said as she choked my father.
I watched as blood pooled in his mouth and he started coughing until he too laid on the floor motionless.
"That's enough!" I screamed as the compound shook.
Davina turned and looked at me.
"I'm not scared of you" she said.
"I am much more powerful than you are!" I said as I pushed her back.
"Best you have?" She asked.
"No. But i dont want to hurt you i want to help you" i said as i tried to claim down but it was hard after seeing what she did to my father.
"Davina" Mercel said.
She turned away from me and focused back on him.
"And you Marcel. I trusted you. I loved you, but you were just using me to stay in power. You don't care about me." Davina said.
"You're wrong." Marcel said.
"When you lost to Klaus, you handed me over like some trophy. Maybe i should boil you in bronze." Davina said.
"I care. I took you in like you were my own blood." Marcel said.
Davina started to sob and then suddenly Marcel got stabbed and I seen Rebecca behind him.
"Come on now, luv. Don't tell me you were falling for that." Rebecca said.
Davina looked at her.
"It's it about time ya girls had a little chat?" She asked.
I ran over to my father.
"He'll be fine Maddie" Rebecca said as she stood there.
I looked up at her.
"Come" she said.
I walked over and stood by her.
"Now, that is impressive and well-deserved in my opinion. Now, before you turn on me, and then you and my niece have an epic fight, i have a surprise for you." Rebecca said as Josh walked in.
Davina turned and seen him.
"Josh, what are you doing? Get out of here." Davina said.
Rebecca vamped over to him and grabbed his throat.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Now, if i were Klaus, I would rip joshs head from his neck, feed it to the night walkers, and that would be the end of your friend..." Rebecca said as she let go of Josh.
"But hurting people is such a boyish thing to do, right Maddie?" Rebecca asked.
"Right." I said nodding.
"For an example. Klaus compelled your fiddler on the roof, and, while I am many things, I'm certainly not my brother. It's okay, Timothy. You can come down. No one is gonna hurt you." Rebecca said.
"He told me i couldn't climb down off this beam." Timothy said.
"Then don't climb silly. Am i the only smart one in the room? Jump." Rebecca said.
"Rebecca that's too high!" I said.
"Relax niece" she said as she walked over and caught him placing him on this feet safely.
Davina walked over and hugged him.
"Davina, how did you do all that? How did i even get here?" He asked her.
"I'll explain everything, i promise." Davina said as he hugged her again.
He then turned around and face Rebecca as i walked over.
"Why are you doing this?" Davina asked.
"Seems to me that you're the one holding all the cards, but you don't know who to trust. I've just proven that you can trust me and my Niece. Now I'd like to show you one one thing. Won't take long, you can bring your friends" Rebecca said as she walked past them with me following.
We all followed Rebecca to where Marcel buried the vampires, alive.
"Don't worry they aren't really dead, just really hungry, and I'm not helping" josh said to Tim.
I rolled my eyes as Rebecca stopped.
"You think my brother Nik is awful? Marcel learned from the best. This is how he treats his so-called friends who betray him. Most of what these poor souls did is no worse that what Josh did." Rebecca said.
"Take Thierry for an example. He was marcels most trusted friend. Klaus tricked him into breaking one of Marcels rules." I said as i looked at Thierry.
"Marcel knows this, and yet he keep  Thierry locked in here day after day suffering." Rebecca said.
"This is insane" Tim said.
I turned and looked at him, something seemed off. My uncle had to have compelled him to do a lot more than stand on a beam and not climb down but what?
"Why are you telling me this?" Davina asked as she looked around.
"Because you need to know who you're dealing with" Rebecca said.
"And who you can trust and not trust" i continued.
She looked around i could feel her fear and sadness.
"Hey, hey, it's going to be ok. I mean, you're going to be all right." Timothy said as he walked over to Davina with some kind of liquid.
"Here. Drink something." He said handing it to her.
She put it up to here mouth and was about to drink it when i ran over and took it from her.
"Something's not right" i said.
"What are you doing?" Davina asked.
"Showing you who you can trust" i said looking at Tim.
"Give that back to her" he said.
"I better drink it before i drink you" i said as i drank the liquid.
Rebecca looked back at Davina.
"Davina, you, me and my niece have been lied to and taken advantage of by Klaus and Marcel. Maybe the three of us can give them a little payback." Rebecca said as Davina took the liquid from me.
Maybe i was being paranoid.
Davina took a drink of the liquid as well and Tim turned away.
Then there was gagging as Tim fell to the ground.
"Tim?" Davina said as she ran over to him.
"It was Klaus. He made me do it." He said.
"Do what?" I asked as i joined Davina in front of Tim.
"I didnt even know what i was doing until you..." Tim started.
"Until she what?" Rebecca demanded.
"Drank" he said.
Tim started coughing and gagging more.
"Klaus poisoned the water" i said as i looked up at my aunt.
"I knew i wasn't crazy" i said as i looked back at Tim who was laying on the ground.
"Tim?" Davina said.
I started to feel light headed and Davina groaned in pain.
"Davina?" Josh said.
Davina fell next to Tim and my eyes met my aunts.
"I was trying to protect her. I failed" i said as i too fell on the ground next to Davina.

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