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"Hey what's going on?" I asked as i walked up to Elena decorating a locker.
"Its Caroline's birthday" Elena said as Bonnie walked up.
"Hey sorry I'm late. I uh, got held up." Bonnie said.
"It's okay. I just got here too" Elena said as she continued to decorate Caroline's locker.
"Can i help?" I asked knowing it was a long shot.
"Sure. Can you pass me the balloons?" Elena asked.
I nodded and handed her the balloons.
"Thanks" She said with a smile as she taped them up.
I nodded.
"What got you running late?" Elena asked Bonnie.
"I , uh, was working on some new spells" Bonnie said.
"Anything i can help with?" I asked with hope.
"Not right now but I'll let you know if i need help" she said.
She was lying i knew it.
"Okay" i said as i stood there.
As much as i disliked Elena, her and her friends were the only people i really knew at school and they weren't forcing me away. Yet.
"How about you? Why were you late?" Bonnie asked Elena.
"Working out with Alaric" Elena said.
"So uh. I have something i need to tell you Bonnie" Elena said.
"Okay" Bonnie said.
"And you're not going to like it" Elena said.
"What happened?" Bonnie asked.
She looked at me and then at Bonnie then back at me.
"Okay i get the clue" i said as i turned away.
"No wait Maddie I'm truly sorry" Elena said.
"Jeremy's gone out of town for awhile" Elena started.
"I have to go" i said.
"I thought you wanted to know where Jeremy was?" Elena asked.
"I do. Just if you tell me then my uncle will find out and I'm assuming that's who your keeping him safe from even though he spared him" i said slowly.
"Okay. It's your choice if you want to hear or not" Elena said.
"Thanks but it's safer if i was left in the dark you were right" i said as i walked away.
I walked to my locker and put my stuff in it and waited until i though the conversation was over and then i shut my locker and joined them again.
"Is it safe?" I asked.
Elena laughed and nodded "yeah Bonnie knows were Jeremy went"
"Cool. So is this normal? To decorate at locker for someone's birthday?" I asked.
"Yeah sometimes" Bonnie said.
"And it's Caroline's birthday today?" I asked.
"Yeah it is she would be 18" Elena said.
"Oh. Well where is she?" I asked.
"Probably blowing off school. Let's get Matt and head to her house she's normally not this late to school" Bonnie said.
"You want to join us?" Elena asked.
"As long as you promise not to stab me" i said.
"We won't you haven't really done anything" Bonnie said.
"Then yeah I'll come but how will i get in i haven't been invited in" i said as we went to find Matt.
"Well you will wait outside until we find out what we are doing." Elena said as we found Matt and told him what was going on and then we went to Caroline's house and they went inside and i hid in the bushes until she walked up and i heard the other three yell surprise and then i stood at the door.
"What are you guys doing here?" Caroline asked.
"Well you blew off school and missed our, work of art, so, uh change into warmer clothes, we are going to the falls" Elena said placing a birthday crown on Caroline's head.
"S'mores, campfire" Bonnie said.
"Cake. Like when we were little" Elena said.
"Except with tequila" Matt said with a smile.
"Thanks guys really. Um I'm just not really feeling my birthday this year" Caroline said.
"I'm sorry. What? You've already claimed your birthday as everyone's favorite day of the year" Bonnie said.
"Yeah and now it's just a reminder, that technically I'm dead. Look i didnt even like 17, the only point to 17 was to get to 18. It's a filler year. I am stuck in a filler year." Caroline said.
"Your not stuck, Caroline" Elena said.
"Yeah i am. But it's ok" she said.
"I know the feeling" i said from the door way.
Caroline turned around.
"I didnt even know you were here" she said.
"Yeah i came with them. But i know how you feel. I'm stuck at age 13, i didnt have a choice or even a chance to grow up my grandparents made my choose for me. It sucks but life goes on i guess." I said with a sad smile.
They all looked at me.
"I think i need time to wallow in it" Caroline said.
"Okay then i have another idea" Elena said with a smile.
"I'm going to go. You guys have fun. And Caroline don't let the age get you down" i said with a smile.
I walked home kicking rocks and thinking what it would have been like had i been able to grow up or at least get to a better age then 13 because it sucked being 13 sucked i was able to make myself look older in fact i have been doing that since I arrived in Mystic Falls but somethings it wasn't enough.
I walked up to the door of the house that my uncle was remodeling for the family and pushed the door open.
"Maddie i thought you would be at school" my uncle said.
"I was but i skipped with Elena and them. It's Caroline's birthday she bummed about being 17 for the rest of her life. I feel bad for her, like me i never asked for this and neither did she" i said.
"None of us really did" he said as a hybrid walked in with a head wrapped up.
"What do you want me to do with her head?" The hybrid asked.
"Just get rid of it. Burn it. I honestly don't care Daniel" my uncle said looking at him.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Stefan cut Mindys head off" he said.
"Oh bummer. I liked her" i said looking at him.
"He wants me to get rid of the hybrids or he's dropping our family in the ocean starting with your father" he said.
"What?!? Then get rid of them. That's not really a let me think about it" i said.
"He's bluffing Maddie. Calm down" he said.
"You called?" I heard a voice behind me.
I turned and seen Tyler.
"I'm here. What happened?" he asked.
"What happened is, Stefan had 2 paths in front of him and he choose the one that made me angry" my uncle said walking towards Tyler.
"I need you to help me do something about that." My uncle said.
"Can't you just leave me out of it?" Tyler asked.
"What would be the point in that?" Klaus asked.
"Seriously man, can't you just get one of your other hybrids to do your bidding? I lost my friends and my girlfriend" Tyler said.
"Right your uh girlfriend. About her I'm going to need you to bite her." Klaus said.
"Klaus. No" i said
"Stay out of it Maddie." He warned.
"What?" Tyler said.
"Don't make me repeat myself" Klaus said.
"A hybrid bite will kill a vampire." Tyler said.
"Yeah, Yeah, i know exactly what it will do. Uh, Stefan pushed me to far so I'm pushing back." Klaus said.
"Tyler don't" i said "there's another why to get what you want Uncle Klaus please don't do this"
"I'm not biting Caroline" Tyler said.
"Maddie" he warned again not looking at me.
"Tyler, I've been supernaturally blessed with the good fortune of a sire bond to you, so one could consider this me putting your undying loyalty to the test." Klaus said looking at Tyler.
"What the hell is wrong with you?"Tyler asked. "I'm not hurting Caroline"
"Alright. I'm disappointed, but you know, it's your choice, free will and all that." Klaus said as he walked away from him.
"I'll find another way to strike at Stefan." He said slowly.
Tyler just looked at him.
"You can go now" he said to Tyler.
Tyler walked out and my uncle looked at me.
"I'm sorry im not going to let you hurt Caroline she been nice to me" i said.
"You disappointed me as well" he said.
"What? For really? I said there's another way to get at Stefan we don't need to kill Caroline" i said.
He just looked at me and smirked.
"What are you planning?" I asked.
"Don't worry about it Maddie. It's doesn't concern you" he said as he walked over to me.
"Don't. Don't do this Uncle Klaus" i said looking at an all to familiar look.
"We have a founders Council meeting to go to niece" he said grabbing my arm and dragging me out.
He's going to drag this out and then stab me and put me in a box like aunt Becca.
We pulled up to where the founders council was meeting to talk about the bridge.
"Why are we here we aren't on the council" i said.
"Ah well we are after all founders. Let's go" he said. I got our and followed him in.
We stopped and talked to someone and my uncle said he would match every dollar raised tonight and then he found the mayor.
"You know Carol, when i think of them now, i think of old fuddy Duddy, But you really have changed my perception" my uncle said.
I rolled my eyes barely paying attention to what he was talking about.
"Oh thank you" She said with a smile.
"You are just delightful" he said.
I looked over and seen Damon roll his eyes too.
"What color are your eyes? Are they?" My uncle started.
"They're blue." She said.
"Look at what the cat dragged in" Damon said as he walked up.
"Nice vest" he said to my uncle.
"Well thank you very much. Good to see you damon" my uncle said.
"Carol and i were just discussing whether you'd be tonight's other big benefactor" my uncle said with a smile.
"What do you say Damon? Klaus has made a very generous pledge. You know how we are chomping at the bit to begin the renovation." Carol said.
"Hmm Carol don't take this the wrong way, but do you release that you've been kissing the ass of an immortal hybrid who ruined your sons life?" Damon asked.
"Oh come now, some might say i saved it. What with all that nasty full moon business" Klaus said.
"I never had to go through it myself more than twice. To be honest, but still... I'm very sympathetic" he said looking at Carol.
"Klaus has promised to protect Tyler, Damon, and our town" Carol said.
"From who? His hybrids are the ones this town needs protection from." Damon said.
"Well I'd have no use for them if your brother would kindly return my family. This little girl is missing her father very much" Klaus said putting his arm around me.
"Not going to happen" Damon said.
"That's what i Thought. Which is why I've come to an agreement with the mayor. You and the council stay out of my hair, I'll stay out of yours." My uncle said with a proud smile.
"Your town get protected, my hybrids get left alone and everyone will be happy. All you have to do is tell Stefan to stop decapitating my friends" my uncle continued.
"Please, Damon Just get your brother under control or the council will be forced to take action against him" Carol said.
"You've gotta be kidding me" Damon said.
"Oh, come on mate, give peace a chance." He said as we walked away.
"Something isn't right" i said looking at my uncle.
Suddenly Damon pulled us away.
"What now? You pulled me away from a fascinating conversation about landscaping the town square" my uncle said.
"Stefan just grabbed Elena" Damon said.
I looked at my uncle.
"What? He's getting desperate" Klaus said.
"He's gonna try using her against you. Do what he says get rid of the hybrids" Damon said.
"Or what? Stefan would never dream of killing her" my uncle said.
"Are you sure about that? He just tried to behead someone in the middle of a council party." Damon said. "He's operating on crazy right now" he continued
"Crazy or not. That kind of love never dies. He bluffing" my uncle said.
"Uncle Klaus What If he's not?" I asked.
"Yeah what if he's not" Damon said. "If you don't want to believe him, believe me i know my brother better than anyone and right now i have no clue how far he's will to take this. So if he says blink, i suggest you blink."
Suddenly my uncles phone rang.
"Stefan how nice to hear your voice." My uncle said.
"Well that's not going to happen until i get my coffins back." My uncle said.
I focused really hard to hear what Stefan was saying on the other line. I had never done this before and it was a work out mentality.
"Okay. Well then I'm going to drive your blood source off wickery bridge" Stefan said.
"I dont believe you stefan. You won't kill her" my uncle said.
I heard Elena yelling no in the back ground.
"What's going on?" My uncle asked.
"I just fed her my blood. No more hybrids if she's a vampire" Stefan said.
"You won't do it" Klaus said.
"Really?" Stefan asked.
"Try me because your coffins are next to go" he said
"Say goodbye to your family Klaus" Stefan said. I heard the tires screeching in the back ground.
"Stefan slow down!" Elena yelled.
"Uncle Klaus" i said.
He didn't say anything.
"Stefan stop it!" Elena yelled.
"Fine. I'll send them away you win" my uncle said.
"Stefan! Stefan Stop!" Elena cried.
"Stop the car Stefan!" Klaus demanded.
I heard the car stop and i looked at my uncle and he nodded and i ran as fast as i could towards the bridge where Stefan and Elena were.
I opened Elenas door and helped her out.
"It's okay. Everything's okay" i said
She cried and whipped her mouth with he sleeve. And Stefan got out.
"Get back in the car" Stefan said.
"Stay away from her" i said.
"Elena get in the car" Stefan said again walking towards us.
"Leave her alone!" I yelled as i used magic to bring him to his knees.
"How could you!" Elena yelled.
"My parents died going over this bridge. I almost died!" She cried walking towards him.
He screamed in pain as i continued using magic.
"You knew that! Your the one who saved me" she cried.
"He had to believe i would do it all right?" Stefan cried.
I stopped.
"Your fear sold it" he said standing up slowly.
"What if he hadn't?" I asked.
"He did" Stefan said.
"What if he hadn't!" Elena yelled.
"He did Elena! He back down. He has a weakness" Stefan yelled. "If i know his weakness, i can destroy him!"
"It's not that easy Stefan! After everything that's what matters to you? Destroying my uncle?" I asked looking at Elena.
"Destroying Klaus is all i have left" he said.
I looked at him and then Elena looked at him.
"You had me!" Elena cried.
"I lost you the moment i left town with him. You just haven't let yourself admit that" Stefan said.
"Is that what your doing? Trying to make me hate you?" Elena asked.
"I dont really care what you think about me anymore Elena. He said as he got in his car and drove away.
Damon showed up soon after Stefan left and Elena got in.
"Do you need a ride?" She asked.
"No. I'll walk back home. Thanks though. Um have a good night Elena" i said.
She smiled and they drove off and i stood on the bridge in the dark. I wasnt sure if i was going to wake up tomorrow morning but i knew i had to go home. My uncle was mad at me and i knew it, what i didnt know was of he was going to box me up or let me suffer the fate of not knowing when he was going to do it. I walked home and went inside and nobody was there except the body of my aunt and i went to her room and looked at her.
"I dont know if uncle Klaus is going to dagger me or not Aunt Becca but if he does I'll see you when we both are awoken again." I said as i kissed her cheek and closed her box and went to my room and sat on my bed.

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