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He let go of the hug and headed back towards the Gilbert house.
"Kol! What are you doing?" I asked.
He ignored me and continued and i ran after him. He walked up to the door and rang the door bell and Elena answered it just as i got up there.
"I've considered your request for a truce." Kol said.
He glanced at me then at Elena.
"Request Denied" Kol said as she shut the door in his face.
"I'm sorry. I've already been invited in!" Kol yelled as he busted the door down.
He walked in and i followed behind him.
"Hide and seek? Fine by me." Kol said as he started down the hallway.
"Kol please let's just do home" i cried as i grabbed his arm and tried to pull him back towards the door.
He shook me off and continued to search the house. He picked up his phone and called someone and i listened closely to the conversation.
"Well, if it isn't the happy homicidal maniac" i heard Klaus day through the phone.
"Do you know that your darling former blood bag and her brother are trying to kill me?" Kol said.
"What?" Klaus said.
"Don't pretend like your not in on it. You even sent Maddie up here" Kol said.
"Maddie is supposed to be with Stefan." Klaus said.
"Your obsession to find the cure clearly trumps any sibling loyalty you once felt." Kol said as he  continued to search for the Gilbert's.
"I dont know what your talking about." Klaus said.
"I'm going to rip off Jeremy's arm and kill Elena just for sport. Then I'm going to dagger Maddie and send her to her father and then Niklaus I'm coming for you" Kol said as he hung up the phone.
He stopped in front of the stairs and looked up and Elena was there with a crossbow and shot at Kol but i ran in front of it and it hit me in the stomach and i fell to the ground.
Kol kneeled down and pulled the arrow out of my stomach and then ran up the stairs.
I got my strength back and ran up the stairs just in time to see Kol catch a stake that Jeremy shot at Kol.
"Missed!" Kol said.
Jeremy shot the other stake and Kol caught that one too. Then Elena started shooting the gun and i jumped in front of Kol again taking shots for him. Kol throw one of the stakes at Elena hitting her in the leg.
Jeremy ran and Kol ran after him leaving me to pull the bullets out of me. Elena pulled the stake out of her leg and ran after Kol and i got up after getting the bullets out and watched Kol stake Elena through the stomach.
"That was for my niece" he growled as he turned away.
I looked over the railing and seen Jeremy on the ground.
"Now about that arm" Kol said as he walked over to Jeremy and dragged him down stairs.
"Kol! No!" I yelled as Kol fell to the ground.
"Maddie! Stop!" He yelled as he put his hands to his head.
"No you stop! Leave Jeremy alone!" I yelled.
The house started to shake.
"Maddie stop before you ruin the house" Kol said.
I looked at Jeremy who was on the ground next to Kol.
"I dont care! I'm sick and tired of helping you guys! I help you guys and this is what i get!" I screamed.
"Maddie. Please" Jeremy said.
I looked at Jeremy and claimed down and i bent down to help Jeremy up and Kol got up and pushed me across the room and i landed on the ground.
Kol put Jeremy on the table and grabbed a knife.
"Now like i said i dont fancy the hunters curse. So I'm just going to chop off your arm. Dont worry I'll heal you up with some blood after. Or maybe I'll let Maddie heal you up" Kol said.
I jumpEd up and ran over to Kol pushing him against the cupboards.
"Wow Maddie you surprise me with all this strength i take it back what i said earlier about you  it having a mind of your own." He said as he pushed me off of him.
"But I'm stronger than you on any given day darling" he said as i landed on the ground again.
"Kol don't do this please" i said.
"Nothing you say or do will stop me Maddie I'm sorry but i have to do this to protect you and me and everyone else" he said.
"No we can find another way please" i said.
"Sorry about the sting" Kol said as he raised the butchers knife.
"Now which arm is it? Left or right? I'll just chop off both to be safe" Kol said.
I took a deep breath and trapped Kol against the cupboards again with magic, i let the magic take over me and i watched as Kol fought the magic.
"Maddie stop this and let me go" Kol demanded
"No not until you stop" i said.
"Caring for a silly human. We've had this talk before" Kol laughed.
Jeremy got off the table and sprayed Kol with the vervain water.
"Stop!" I yelled as Elena came running in.
Elena grabbed me causing me to let go of Kol with the spell.
"Get off of me Elena!" I yelled as i lost control of my magic.
Elena let go of me and ran over to Kol and Jeremy and took the white oak out of his jacket and threw it to Jeremy and he stabbed him in the heart. Kol bursted into flames.
"No!" I screamed as the house started to shake more and tears came rolling down my face.
I got up and ran over to Kol but Jeremy grabbed me and pulled me away as Kol screamed.
"No!" I yelled trying to get lose.
We seen Klaus at the door and Jeremy let me go and i ran our the door to Klaus and he wrapped his arms around me and glared at the Gilbert's. As soon as i ran out of the house the house stopped shaking.
"What did you do?" Klaus said.
"We didn't have a choice. He was trying to cut off Jeremys arm" Elena said.
"I had him! I had him until we could get a dagger!" I cried.
"It's okay Maddie it wasn't your fault" Klaus whispered as he kissed my head and i buried my head in his chest and cried.
"Lies. He would have never gotten inside if you hadn't have set a trap for him" Klaus said.
"You said you were going to put him down too" Elena said.
"I was going to make him suffer on my terms! Oh. I want to burn this house to the ground, and then when you try to flee for your lives, I'll kill you both with out blinking." Klaus said.
"You Kill us, you'll never get the cure. You'll never be able to make any more hybrids" Jeremy said.
"You really think i care for an instant about my bloody hybrids? I want the cure so i can destroy it. I would've killed you all the second we dug it up, but now I'm just gonna watch you burn instead." Klaus said.
Suddenly Klaus let go of me and fell to the ground because of Bonnie.
"You don't want to challenge me Bonnie!" I said.
"No maddie don't" Klaus said as another wave of pain but him.
I looked at my uncle and then at Bonnie and i used my power to take down Elena, Bonnie, and Jeremy in a wave of my hand they too where on the ground crying in pain. I let the magic take over and the cry's continued.
"Maddie enough" i heard Klaus day but i couldn't stop and i started freaking out.
"Help me! I cant stop" i cried.
"Maddie claim down" Klaus said as he walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. I stopped punishing the three and Bonnie just took Klaus down again.
I had to get my strength back to preform that much power and i have yet to actually learn proper magic being as i have no teacher and the only one semi-qualified to teach me magic was laying in the floor in the Gilbert house.
Bonnie has Jeremy invite Klaus in and she trapped him in a room.
Jeremy grabbed the white oak from Kols chest and headed towards Klaus.
"No! Pleas don't! You've already killed one of my uncles tonight please don't kill the one that's like a second father to me" i begged.
Klaus banged his fists on the invisible wall around him. Jeremy looked at Elena and Bonnie.
"Witch you can do this to me." Klaus said.
"You have know idea what i can do now" Bonnie said.
"I will hunt all of you to your end! Do you hear me? Do you?" Klaus yelled as the three of them headed for the door.
Klaus claimed down and looked at me as i whipped my tears away as i stared at Kol.
"Maddie stop looking at him. I'm going to be stuck here for a while and you can't undo it because you don't know what spell she used. I want you to find Rebecca and stay with her" Klaus said.
I looked at him and nodded and walked out of the house and walked to Rebecca's constantly whipping tears away as they fell.

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