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Stefan, my uncle, and I got into my uncles truck and headed to the school where both Elena and Caroline were. Damon and Bonnie went to the Salvatore's house and waited for Bonnie's mother to get there to help her with a spell that i haven't learned yet but i was hoping to learn so i could help Bonnie put Alaric down.
"Abby just arrived" Stefan said as the three of us got out of the car.
"Good then this plan won't be an epic failure after all." My uncle said.
Suddenly I was pushed up against the car by my uncle.
"You do as i say and nothing more or less. You will stay out of sight unless given the okay. Do you understand" he said.
"Yes! Now get off me" i said pushing him away.
I was going to do whatever it took to save Caroline, Elena i could care less about.
He let go of me and the two of us meet Stefan at the front of the car.
"You know, if this does go off and we drop the history teacher in the Atlantic, I'm still leaving with Elena" my uncle said looking at Stefan.
"I'll go with you" Stefan said.
"Really? What's the catch?" My uncle asked.
"There's no catch. I turn my back on everything here to make sure Elena's safe." Stefan said.
"And that's what makes you her better option. It's a shame it's not easier for Elena to see that. I mean, personally, i think she's wasting her time with Damon." Klaus said.
Stefan laughed a little.
"You know all this time and energy you spend trying to get me and my brother to hate each other... it's actually had the opposite effect." Stefan said.
Now it was my uncles turn to laugh.
"Has it? Has it really? Well, then perhaps i should let Elena decide which Salvatore will be joining us i mean if you and Damon are so close" Klaus said.
"Ah, go for it. Damon and I have been through a hell of a lot worse than you." Stefan said as he walked away.
My uncle said nothing only grabbed me and we followed Stefan. Stefan headed over to where Jeremy day and where Bonnie and Damon joined him.
"Look at this one big happy family" my uncle said as we walked up.
Bonnie rolled her eyes. "Drink this. It's my blood it bridges us all together so that when i stop Jeremy's heart, you will have the power to stop Alaric's you need to make a physical connection to his bloodstream... a vein, artery,
Something connected to his heart." Bonnie said handing the blood to Damon first.
"One Of us gets a clean shot, take it, the other three hold him down." Stefan said as he took a drink of Bonnie's blood handing it to my uncle.
"Before we all walk through these doors, let's get on the same page, shall we? My niece will have no part in grabbing Alaric in fact she will stay in the hall hidden until Alaric is down and she will save Elena and Caroline. Second i was the one that created your vampire bloodline, therefore i am responsible for your lives just as I'm responsible for my nieces life and Tyler's life and Caroline's life, and of course Abby's life. Should anything go wrong." Klaus said.
"Or your just lying to save your ass." Damon said.
"He's not lying. But go ahead call his bluff see what happens" i said.
"You can let the teacher kill me. You'll all be dead soon thereafter." My uncle said with a smirk as he took a drink of Bonnie's blood and handed the veil to me.
"Let's just get this over with, shall we?" Stefan said.
I took a drink and handed it back to Bonnie and went to follow the boys when Jeremy grabbed my arm.
"Maddie be careful" he said with a smile.
I smiled back and nodded and ran and caught up with the boys.
We walked into the school and seen Caroline run down the hall and my uncle ran up and grabbed her putting his hand over her mouth and i caught up with them.
"It's okay. Its okay. It's me. It's okay your safe" he said as he took his hand off her mouth.
"We will save Elena" he continued to whisper.
"You go straight home, you stay inside, you understand?" Klaus asked Caroline.
She didn't say anything.
"Do you understand me?" He asked again a little more rough.
She nodded. "Thank you" She said.
My uncle disappeared and i stood in the hall with Caroline.
"Go your safe at home" i said.
She too then disappeared and i went after my uncle.
I watched at Stefan and Damon both got there necks snapped by Alaric and i watched as my uncle made the connection Bonnie was talking about and i felt the power as she started the spell to desiccate Alaric.
But Alaric threw my uncle across the room and he walked towards him and threw him again and got him pinned to the floor about to stab my uncle with the white oak stake but i ran over to him and made the connection myself as i pushed Alaric up against a wall with all my might.
"I told you to not interfere!" I heard my uncle day from the floor.
Bonnie started the spell again and i fought not to lose the connection but Alaric was strong. He got lose again and had me pinned up against the wall. My uncle jumped up and went to push him off but Alaric pushed him across the hall.
"Stop! Let them go Or I'll kill myself!" Elena yelled as she held a knife to her throat.
"Put it down Elena" Alaric said as he turned and looked at her. He didn't let me go though and i glanced at my uncle who put his finger to his lip.
"It's okay" he lipped.
"Why? Because you still need me alive? There's a reason Esther used me to make you, isn't there? She didn't want you to be immortal. So she tied your life to a human one—-mine. That way you only have one lifespan to kill all the vampires, and then you'll be gone. So when i die you die too. That's it! It has to be." Elena said.
"You're wrong." Alaric said.
"Am i ?" Elena asked.
Suddenly i smelled the blood and i looked over and she was slicing her neck.
"Stop, stop, stop, stop!" Alaric said.
That was my uncles perfect time to push Alaric off of me and grab both Elena and I and get out of the school.
We went back to the house and my uncle compelled a nurse to drain Elena of her blood she was knocked out cold after i patched up her neck with herbs. I sat in the couch next to my uncle as she woke up.
"Ah" She said as the nurse put the needle in her arm.
"Oh, be careful. Moving only makes it hurt more" the nurse said.
"What are you doing?" Elena asked.
"Draining you of all your blood" my uncle said.
Suddenly Tyler walked in.
"Elena!" He said as he stopped and looked at her.
"Tyler! Help me!" Elena said.
He dropped the box and headed to her.
"He can't. He needs to go fetch me more empty blood bags. About three liters worth, please, Tyler." My uncle said.
"Tyler please... get Stefan please." Elena said.
"No Tyler, get the bags." Klaus said.
Tyler looked between Elena and my uncle and then went to go to Elena and my uncle jumped up and stopped him. I got up and stood in front of Elena.
"I'm sorry" i said.
"No your not. Your just like the rest of them" she said.
"You know what your right. I'm not sorry. Your the reason my father abandoned me and left me with my aunt and uncle who by the way because of your teacher my aunt abandoned me as well" i said.
"I'm not sorry" Elena said through her teeth.
"Figure as much" i said.
"Forget the girl and get the bags." My uncle said to Tyler.
Tyler looked at me and i slightly shook my head no. He needed to get the bags so my uncle didn't know he broke the site bond.
"Now" My uncle said.
Tyler turned and walked out of the house. And my uncle walked and stood behind Elena.
"So that's it? You too are just going to bleed me dry?" Elena asked.
"Yes. But don't worry it will be completely painless. As the last drop is drawn, you'll simply fall asleep." Klaus said.
"What about your hybrids? You will need more than this to create your army." Elena said.
He grabbed a bag from the nurse. "These last few liters with have to suffice. You see... by attempting to kill us, my mother strengthened the bond between my siblings and i. I dont need hybrids. I have my family." Klaus said looking at me.
"If you believe that then why take my blood at all? You want a back up family. You know that your siblings will never trust you again, heck your niece will never trust you again."Elena asked.
"You know Stefan blames me for trying to tear him from his brother. But i think we both know who really came between them. You. That's why you won't choose. You know once you pick a Salvatore, you'll destroy there bond. Consider this me doing you a favor. Once your dead you won't have to choose. No broken hearts their family stays intact." Klaus said.
"But just between us girls, who would you have picked?" I asked her with a smile.
"Rot in hell both of you" Elena said.
"Ouch" i laughed as i sat back on the couch.
"Hmm you're welcome" my uncle said. As he stepped back from her.
"Sweet dreams elena. It's been fun." My uncle said as he walked out of the room.
She started trying to fight to get out of the rope that tied her to the chair.
"It isn't going to work" i said.
"Just shut up" she said.
Tyler ran in and untied her and i sat and watched.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Shh he will hear" he said looking at me.
"How do you know i wont tell him?" I asked.
"Because even though you hate Elena you know deep down your father would want her to live" Tyler said.
Unfortunately he was right.
Elena's eyes got big and i looked over in the direction she was looking and i swallowed hard.
"Tyler..." Elena said.
Tyler turned around and there stood my uncle both Tyler and I were going to get in big trouble. Tyler for trying to save Elena and me for allowing it to happen.
"So much for that sire bond" my uncle said to Tyler.
"I'm not your little bitch anymore" Tyler said.
"Tyler stand down" i said as i got up.
"Sit down little niece!" My uncle yelled.
"Yes sir" i said as i sat down.
My uncle walked into the room and to Tyler.
"How did you break the site bond?" Klaus asked.
"By breaking every bone in my body a hundred times for the girl i love" Tyler said.
"That's impossible" my uncle said.
"Is it? Or maybe real love is stronger than fake loyalty but what would you know about that?" Tyler said.
"You know you should be thanking me. I gave you a gift, i took away your misery" my uncle said.
"You didn't give a crap about me! You just didn't want to be alone!" Tyler yelled as he turned and picked up Elena.
My uncle ran over causing tyler to drop Elena which in turn caused her to bash he head on the floor. My uncle pinned Tyler up against the wall.
"Goodbye Tyler" My uncle said.
"No!" I yelled as i ran over and just as i did Stefan came in and grabbed my uncle and made the connection that we were supposed to make with Alaric and i felt bonnie start the spell.
"No!" I yelled as i tried to run over but Damon grabbed me.
"No!" I screamed.
My uncle looked at me and a single tear fell from his face and i started crying as Bonnie finished the spell and i heard my uncles heart slow down. Damon let go of me and went to Elena and i went to my uncle. Tyler slowly laid him on the floor and i sat beside him and cried.
"Why!" I yelled.
"Because he was going to kill Elena and Tyler!" Stefan yelled as Damon took Elena out of the house.
"He was going to take me to my father" i yelled.
"Well now your father has to come here and get you" Tyler said.
"Yeah fat chance I'm staying here with my uncle to make sure you lot don't kill him" i said.
They walked out and and looked at my uncle.
"I'll fix this. I promise" i said.
I put my uncles body in a box and loaded him up him his truck lucky for the two of us i know how to drive. I hopped in the driver seat and headed to god knows where just out of mystic falls at least for a little while.

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