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I stood by my father as they loaded Kieran's casket into the horse drawn Hirsch. It was a rainy kind of day.
We soon began to walk down the streets giving Kieran one last walk through the city. I walked beside my father and then it was Hayley and then it was Uncle Klaus. Sad music filled the streets we walked.
Hayley coughed and my father looked over as did I.
"You alright? You look..." my father started.
"A hundred months pregnant and pissed off at the world?" Hayley asked.
"I was going to say, you look lovely." My father said.
I looked ahead and seen the human pretending to whip her eyes. Pathetic if it wasn't for Hayley i would have burnt her house to the ground last night and not thought twice about it... Wait i sound like my uncle what am i turning in to.
"Do you think i was the target of those bombings?" Hayley asked.
"Of course you were the target, were I to wage a war on the wolves, you'd be my first kill. I would string you up for all your worshipers to see." My uncle said.
"How tactless Uncle Klaus" i said looking over at him.
"I believe that was my brothers way of telling you he'd like you to return home with us. Perhaps try a different approach, Niklaus, with fewer references to murder." My father said glancing at Hayley and my uncle.
"As much as i would hate to throw you over my shoulder and drag you kicking and screaming to the compound, we both know i will for the sake of my child." My uncle said with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes.
"One bad dream, and suddenly you want to be a responsible daddy like your brother" Hayley said.
"Let me put this in perspective." My uncle started as he put him arm around Hayley as we walked.
I watched my dad shake his head ever so slightly.
"My father lived to torment me. It is not my intention to become him, i would rather be more like Elijah when it comes to being a father. This cycle of misery ends with my child." Klaus said.
"Hmm. You forgot one thing in your attempt to plead your case. She's not your child. She's ours." Hayley said as she took my uncles hand off of her and walked ahead of us.
"Very heartfelt, Niklaus." My father said.
"I bloody hate funerals" my uncle said.
We walked and i saw Hayley talking to Cami and then she was coughing and went to the side by a pole.
"Hayley!" I said as i ran past my father and uncle and through the crowd.
I saw and smelled the blood and Genevieve yelled for my uncle and that's when my father and uncle knew something was wrong. Hayley fell and i caught her and sat her down.
"Hayley!" I heard my dad day as he ran over.
He scooped her up and we went back to the compound, Klaus, my father, me, and Genevieve.
My uncle cleared the table and my dad laid her on it.
"I can help" Genevieve said.
"Help how?" I asked standing by my father.
"Don't you touch her" my father said looking at her.
"Let her be, Elijah. She was a nurse." My uncle said.
"Yeah so was Cassandra's mother and we seen how that played out" my father said looking at my uncle.
"There's a spell i can do." Genevieve said.
"I'll help her make sure it's not a trick" i said.
She nodded.
"Klaus, get chamomile from the pantry." She said.
My uncle nodded and walked away.
"She trembling" i said.
"Your jacket, Elijah." Genevieve said.
My dad took it off and handed it to her.
"She's not breathing." My father said.
"I can hear the baby's heartbeat, but not hers." I said looking at my dad.
He nodded as Genevieve felt for a pulse.
She shook her head and placed a hand on her head.
"Coeur blesse, battre avec mwen...." Genevieve said as my uncle walked back in.
The spell wasn't working so my uncle bit his wrist and shoved it in her mouth.
"She's still not breathing." My father said.
Elijah flashback
"Elijah! It's Cassandra" my mother said as she rushed into the house.
"Is she okay?" I asked as i stood up.
"She's dying Elijah" my mother said
I ran to Cassandra's house and her mother was delivering a small baby.
"Cassandra?!?" I yelled as i ran over to her.
"Elijah" My mother said from the door way.
I felt for her pulse and found nothing.
"She isn't breathing! Cassandra!" I screamed as i started pressing on her chest.
"We tried that Elijah, she's gone we have hope that we can save the baby." Cassandra's mom said as she held the baby in her hand.
I heard a small cry from the baby and i walked over whipping my tears.
"Maddison Grace" I whispered as i took the baby and looked at Cassandra.
"Elijah lets go" my mother said.
"What will i tell my daughter when she's older and asks about her mother" i asked as i stayed looking at Cassandra's bloody body.
"The truth. She died during childbirth" Cassandra's mother said as she looked at her daughter.
I nodded and walked out of the house and back to my own.
"It's not working." My father said as he turned and threw a chair at the wall.
"Father?" I said.
My uncle looked at me and shook his head.
Genevieve continued the spell.
"I'm taking her to a real doctor. We are not losing her the way we lost Cassandra." My father said as he walked over to Hayley.
"If you move her from here, my spell will break. There won't be enough time to get her to a hospital." Genevieve said looking at my dad.
"Will the baby survive if delivered now? I'll rip it out of her myself." My uncle said.
"Hayley will bleed to death" i said pushing my uncle back.
"I wont lose that baby." Klaus said.
"I wont lose either of them. That baby will not grow up without a mother the way my daughter had to because i couldnt save Cassandra." My father said.
"I know what to do. Maddie get my bag... the Gris-Gris pouch. Now!" She said.
I nodded and grabbed it and handed it to her.
She started pouring salt around Hayley and told me to make symbols in the salt and told me what symbols to put. We were stopping a spell from another witch.
Suddenly Hayley took a deep breath.
"Hayley!" My father said as he ran to her sitting her up.
"You're all right, love. You're all right." My uncle said.
"I saw him, an he tried to kill me. I saw Mikeal." Hayley said as she looked at my uncle.
My father and uncle looked at each other in horror.

I walked Hayley up to change and clean the blood off her face. She sat on the bed after and i left when my uncle came in.

"Father?" I said as i entered his room.
"Maddie" he said.
"You had a PTSD moment down there. Hayley dying was like watching my mom die all over again" i said.
"I didnt watch her die Maddie i got there too late and i couldn't save her." He said.
"Hayley and the baby are fine" Genevieve said as she walked in.
"I'd take her to a doctor when she's gotten some rest, if you want, but she's in the clear." Genevieve said as my father looked out at the party in the streets.
"I'll see myself out." She said as i watched her turn away.
"Genevieve... thank you for your help." My father said turning to look at her.
"You're welcome" she said.
"You tore my sister from my family. I cannot forgive that. However, i may be inclined to show a degree more of kindness if you were to help me with a slight issue." My father said.
"Anything" she said.
"When the baby arrives, Hayley will once again transform with a full moon. Now, i would like to create for her a gift, a ring of empowerment, something to control this curse." My father said.
"What kind of spell would..." she started.
"One of my grandmother's spells, from her grimoire" i said.
"which, as i understand, you have been rather eager to obtain." My father said.
She smiled and walked out.
My uncle, father and I stood outside enjoying the music at least i was.
"Hayley has agreed to return home to us..." my uncle said.
"Of her own freewill?" I asked.
"Of her own freewill" he repeated.
My father didn't say anything instead put his arm around me and kissed my head.
"When Mikeal is truly gone, do you think then I'll find peace?" My uncle asked.
"I certainly hope so. Although it's not only our father that haunts you, Niklaus." My father said.
My uncle looked over at us.
"You might want to make peace with the living." I said as my dad and i walked away.
We walked up to Hayley's room. She turned and looked at us both and my dad smiled.
"If i died and someone threw a party, i would be so pissed." She said looking out the window.
"You almost did" my father said as he joined her.
I stayed put at the door.
"I'm a thousand years, there has only been one time I've ever felt so frightened." My father said.
"When Maddie's mom died?" Hayley asked still looking out the window.
"Yes" he said.
She didn't say anything and he turned away heading for the door.
"Elijah.." she said as she turned around.
My father also stopped and turned around and she walked over and kissed him.
I smiled because my dad loved her and she loved him and i wanted nothing more than my father to be happy. He stopped the kiss and disappeared leaving me still standing in the doorway as i watched Hayley smile and bit her lip.
I walked away and went to my own room laid on my bed.

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