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"Maddie the phones for you" Klaus said as he walked over to me.
"Hello?" I said as i answered the phone.
"Maddie. I need you to come back to mystic falls. Connor has Jeremy hostage at the grill" i heard stefan say.
"I'm half way around the world Stefan and besides why do you need me. Jeremy doesn't even remember us kissing let alone me failing to save him twice" i said.
"Your a witch you can figure out away. And i didnt compel him to for get your kiss. In fact he thinks you guys went on a date that night" Stefan said.
"He does?" I asked.
"Yes now will you help me? Damon wants to kill Connor and i have to stop him." Stefan said.
"I cant get away from Klaus" i said.
"Maddie we have til sundown or Jeremy will die. Please" Stefan said as he hung up.
I went and gave Klaus his phone back and he took it and continued to boss the diggers around. I headed to a place where nobody was and used the spell Kol had taught me many years ago. To my surprise it worked and i was back in mystic falls. I went to the Lockwoods house figuring that's where they would be seeing as tyler couldn't leave and i was right.
"Maddie you made it" Stefan said.
"Yeah i wont make it out of here with out being put in a box so let's get a move on" i said as i walked into the living where the entire gang was minus Jeremy and Matt.
Stefan and I went on hunt duty to figure out how many hostages Connor had. Suddenly Stefan got a call and it was Klaus.
Stefan told him what was going on minus the me part.
"you expect me to care about bloody hostages?" Klaus said threw the phone.
"Well you should, Damon does, so does Caroline, Elena, and Tyler. If any of them get to Connor you wasted a trip to Italy. I can buy us sometime but Damon's getting antsy. So if you want Connor alive, you better get your hybrids onboard with my plan." Stefan said as he hung up.
"He doesn't suspect you here at all Maddie just relax" Stefan said as he called Elena from the square.
"What did you find out?" Elena asked threw the phone.
"I could only make out the voices." Stefan said.
"How many hostages?" Damon asked.
"Three. But Elena its Matt. And April Young" Stefan said.
"What?!" Elena asked.
"Those two idiots. They're like danger magnets." Damon said.
"We have to get them out of there" Elena said.
"Yeah i just need a little more time" Stefan said.
"The clocks ticking brother" Stefan said.
"You know I could do with out the color commentary." Stefan said as he hung up.
We walked into an apartment that looked over the square.
"Did you find the tunnel map?" Stefan asked as she walked in.
"What's little Elijah doing here?" Damon asked.
"Helping. I'm a witch remember" i said.
"Got it" Damon said.
"It was in his weapons drawer with Seven stakes, a weird macgyver crossbow, and the last remaining vervain in mystic falls. So how about we get this party started?" Damon continued as he walked over to us.
"Not yet. Klaus is sending one of his men." Stefan said.
"Little Elijah wasn't enough" Damon asked.
"He didn't send me. He doesn't even know I'm here" i said.
"Oh. So your going against your uncles wishes" Damon said.
"I'm doing it to save Jeremy" i said.
"Oh that's right you have a thing for him don't you?" Damon asked.
"Damon stop" Elena said.
Damon stopped and turned back to Stefan.
"The hybrid will take the front. Maddie, you and I will take the tunnels." Stefan said.
"Since when do we team up with Klaus and the lollipop guild?" Damon asked.
"Well, i already told you, Connor has werewolf venom. We need someone to draw his fire, the hybrids are immune to it, so they're our best bet." Stefan said.
"Well how are you so sure he has werewolf venom? Why is Klaus and little Elijah even involved, Stefan?" Damon said.
"Oh, stop being paranoid Damon" Stefan said.
"Start telling the truth Stefan. Why is Klaus and Baby Mikealson involved?" Damon asked.
Stefan shot me a glance.
"Did he compel you?" Damon asked Stefan.
"I am telling you the truth, this is the best way to get everyone out." Stefan said.
"What is it with you two? We're wasting time!" Elena said.
"I agree with Elena we are wasting time let's do Stefan's plan and get it over with" i said.
"Or little Elijah you can go in. The werewolf venom won't harm you because your an original" Damon said.
"Maybe so but i would still need the cure and that's my uncles blood and he's unavailable at the moment. The longer we debate this the more chance that Connor kills Jeremy and the rest of the hostages" i said.
"Why do you care so much?" Elena asked.
"Elena i like Jeremy, a lot and the other day we shared a kiss and it was the first kiss I've had in years and i feel like i owe it to him to save his life and succeed" i said.
"I'm a failure at most things because I'm always over looked as the weaker Mikealson and that's not true. I'm more powerful than my family i just haven't tapped into my magic because i have nobody to teach me my family aren't even witches anymore"
Elena nodded and for once said nothing.
"Elena is right. Screw your plan. I'll kill Connor myself." Damon said.
Damon went to walk around Stefan and he grabbed him and broke his neck and then he put vervain in his system to keep him down.
"Stefan why are you doing this?" Elena asked as Stefan laid Damon on the couch.
"Damon has the right idea with the tunnels, but I'm not going to go in there if i cant count on him to do it my way." Stefan said as he sent the pictures of the tunnels to his phone.
"If you cant Count on him? You just vervained him!" Elena said.
"Do you think he cares about April or Matt? He'll get Jeremy out for you, but then he will go right after Connor no matter who gets hurt." Stefan said.
"Then I'm coming with you" Elena said.
"You're not coming with me elena" Stefan said.
"You need my help!" Elena said.
"What if Connor attacks and you can't defend yourself? And what if you kill him? The guilt will reck you." Stefan said.
"You don't think that I'm afraid of that? Of course i am. Stefan I'm barely holding it together. If Jeremy gets hurt..." Elena started.
"We'll get Jeremy out, okay?" I said.
"I promise you Elena. Listen to me, Maddie and I will get Jeremy out. This is the most important thing I've ever asked you to do. I just need you to trust us. Please." Stefan said.
She nodded and then they kissed and i smiled a little. As much as i didnt like Elena they were a cute couple.
As soon as they were done kissing Stefan and I were gone in a flash.
We walked the woods and Stefan called the grill.
"I want you to free the hostages." Stefan said.
"I'll free them. As soon as you give me what i want... you and everyone like you dead." Connor said.
"What do your hunters mark can grow? Yeah i know all about that. What it means. What you are. Listen you free the hostages and you and i can have a little chat. Maybe Maddie and I can tell you about the brotherhood of the five." Stefan said.
"That's a weak move. You must be desperate." Connor said.
"Think about it Connor. Klaus saved your life he needs you alive. Aren't you the least bit curious why?" Stefan asked.
Suddenly the phone went dead.
"Come on we have to hurry" Stefan said as he looked at me.
We jumped into the tunnels and walked along the path that lead us to the grill and we heard pounding.
We got into the building just as a bomb went off and April and Matt jumped. Stefan grabbed April and told them both to be quite and then handed the phone to Matt that lead him through the tunnels.
"Follow this map, get out of here. Take her to Caroline's so she can..." Stefan said.
"Okay but Stefan... Maddie he's armed if you guys go out there he will kill Jeremy" Matt said.
"Nobody's killing anyone. Now go" i said.
I watched as April and Matt went into the tunnels.
Stefan and I crept around the corner but Connor seen us and grabbed Jeremy and started shooting at Stefan and I and we ducked for cover.
"Connor you don't have to do this" Stefan said.
"Stefan?" Jeremy said. I heard his heart speed up and Stefan and I looked and he was standing on the thing that would let a bomb go off if he stepped off.
"Don't move Jeremy" i yelled.
"Maddie?" He questioned.
"Connor we can end this right now. Just put the gun down and come with me" Stefan said.
"Sure come out. I'll hand the gun over." Connor said.
I looked at Stefan and he looked at me.
"Think about this, no one has to die. Maddie and I will tell you everything you need to know." Stefan said.
"I dont make deals with vampires! Especially originals" Connor yelled.
"Listen to me. If you die right now, then your whole life, all that killing, it will all be for nothing." Stefan said.
"I can give you the truth Connor. Just put the gun down and let Jeremy go." I said.
"Please! Don't hurt him!" Elena said as she barged in.
"Come any closer and he's dead" Connor said pointing the gun at him.
"Elena, get out of here!" Jeremy said.
"He's the only family i have left. Just let him go" Elena said.
"You hear that? You're gurls watching. I will shoot the boy right in front of both his sister and his new girlfriend. On the count of three." Connor said.
Nobody moved.
"One!" Connor yelled.
I looked at Stefan and he shook his head.
"Two!" He yelled again.
I heard Jeremy's heart speed up again and Stefan shook his head as I stood up.
I put my hands up.
"You want a vampire fine. Here's one and original makes it even better now let him go" i said.
"Maddie why" Jeremy asked.
Elena still rushed him and he shot Jeremy and blood rushed from him and he started to fall off the bomb thing. I rushed over and grabbed Jeremy and the bomb went off and i protected Jeremy from at least that.
"Jeremy?" Elena yelled.
"Stefan go!" I said as he ran over to us.
Stefan ran over to Elena and connor and got Connor off Elena and disappeared with him.
Elena walked over and i could tell she was fighting because of the blood.
"Elena go. I got this" i said as i bit my wrist and shoved it in his mouth.
Elena stood there and looked at me and then at him.
"I'm sorry i .." she started.
"Hey, it's okay. You don't have to hide, i know you're not going to hurt me." Jeremy said as he sat there healing.
"How did this happen Jer? Why did Connor come after you?" Elena asked.
"He said i was like him, because i could see his tattoo." Jeremy said.
Elena turned around.
"His what?" Elena asked.
"His hunters mark. It's invisible to everyone but me. Stefan and Damon didn't tell you about it?" Jeremy asked.
"No. Who else knows about it?" Elena asked.
"Well that's the thing. I dont even know. Apparently i was with Connor all day yesterday but all i remember is going out on a date with Maddie. And me kissing her and Klaus catching us when i dropped her off" Jeremy said.
"Someone compelled you" Elena said as she looked at me.
"It wasn't me" i said.
"Elena she's innocent" Jeremy said.
"I think i know who it was" Elena said as she ran off.
"Are you okay?" I asked as i looked at Jeremy.
"Yeah you saved me" he said.
"Yeah. I guess i did. I'm not like my family" i said.
"I know you're different Maddie and i like that about you" Jeremy said with a smile.
I helped him up and i waked him home and i met Stefan and Damon in the woods where Elena was digging.
"Elena" Stefan said.
The three of us looked down at Connors dead body.
"I need to bury him" Elena said as she dropped the shovel.
"I killed him. I should... i should Bury him" Elena said as she picked the shovel back up.
Stefan looked at Damon and I and the. Walked up to Elena.
"Hey, hey, come on" Stefan said
"Don't! I heard you talking to him. Making some secret deal with Klaus? You said you were going to protect Jeremy! Keep me from... this. You said i could trust you stefan. You said i could trust both you and Maddie." Elena said.
"Elena is complicated." Damon said.
"No it's not complicated, Damon! You want to know why? Because... because now he's dead. You told me to kill him. So i did." She said.
She stood there for a moment and the. Started to freak out.
"I .. i killed someone. I killed someone." She cried.
"Elena it's okay we've all done it" i said slowly as i walked towards her.
"No you stay away from me. You have no idea" she said
"I have no idea? I'm the only original that doesn't kill for sport! I'm the only one that hates taking a life! But I've slaughtered villages a long side both Klaus and Kol for hurting my family" i said.
She just stood there and cried for a bit and then Stefan took her home and i went back to Italy where my uncle was waiting for me.
"Hey uncle Klaus i see you found the sword" i said.
"Where have you been?" He asked.
"Um around" i said.
"Don't lie to me Maddison Grace Mikealson!" Klaus yelled as he grabbed me.
"Ive been around" i said as i felt tears in my eyes.
"Very well. Let's go home niece" he said as we went to the plane.
He knows I'm lying i can feel it and I'm hoping that he just lets it go and doesn't dagger me.

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