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"Klaus I'm here! Let's do this!" I heard stefan say.
"Oh goodie a hero" Klaus said as Rebecca, Klaus and i walked into the room that Damon was in.
"What do you want?" Klaus asked.
"I'm here to make a deal" Stefan said throwing down a bag of stakes
"Stefan What are you doing?" Damon said weakly
"Eight stakes made of white oak. The part of wickery bridge you forgot to burn" Stefan said
Klaus looked at Rebecca.
"That's impossible" she said
"Actually it's not. Finns dead" Stefan said
"What?" I questioned.
"You killed my brother?" Rebecca asked.
"Damon in exchange for the last eight weapons that can kill you." Stefan said.
"And how do we know there aren't anymore left?" Klaus asked.
"Because there aren't" Stefan said.
"Let's be certain shall we?" Klaus said as he walked over to Damon.
"Leave" Klaus said to Damon.
"No" Damon said.
"Come on leave" Klaus said.
"Nik, he's my play thing, not yours" Rebecca said.
Klaus grabbed Damon by the throat and looked him in the eyes.
"I said go... home" Klaus repeated.
Damon ripped his arms out of the animal traps which or tried to which was gross and caused me to almost be sick.
"Alright stop! Stop! Your going to hurt yourself" my uncle said.
"Wow i can see that you can finally be compelled" Klaus said to Damon with a smile.
"Minus the stake that's in my brother how many stakes are out there that can kill me" Klaus compelled.
"11" Damon said.
"11! Really?" Klaus said looking at Stefan.
"So not 8 then" i said.
"You really shouldn't have lied." Rebecca said.
"I'll get you the other three" Stefan said.
"Yeah? That would be nice" I said.
"Or since you lied maybe ill compel your brother to chew out his own tongue" Klaus said.
"Okay come on that's sick" i said.
"Nobody said you had to be here Maddie" Rebecca said.
I rolled my eyes and looked at Klaus
"What is wrong with you?" Stefan asked
"What is wrong with you! Do you really have no appreciation for me? I have given you someone to hate; to loathe, a target, for all your anger. So you don't have to turn it on yourself. I have given your life purpose as your friend." Klaus said walking towards Stefan.
"I really think you should be thanking me." He continued.
"Enough!" Stefan said as he pinned my uncle up against the wall with a stake in hand.
I went to save my uncle but Rebecca grabbed me.
"Don't" She said
"Step down. Or you both will die" Klaus said as the white oak stake was held above his heart.
Stefan stopped down and Klaus has the stake in his hand.
"There. Now you only have to get me two more" he said looking at Stefan.
"This is ridiculous." Rebecca said as she walked over to Damon and opened the traps.
"What are you doing?" Klaus asked.
"I brought him here. I get to release him. My rules now. Bring us the stakes and you both live. Take your brother as a sign of good faith" Rebecca said as she picked up the bag of stakes and walked out.
"Bring is the stakes. All of them or I'll wage war against everyone you love. I hope I'm being clear" Klaus said as he walked out and i followed him.
The three of us sat in front of the fire while we burned the stakes.
"I cant believe Finn is dead" Rebecca said.
"Good riddance. He was an embarrassment Rebecca." Klaus said.
"He was still your brother. Mind your tongue" Rebecca said.
"Fine lets all say a little prayer for Finn, who slept in a box longer than he lived life as a man. He was a lovesick fool. He's better off in death" Klaus said.
"Is that how you would speak of me or Maddie if one of us died?" Rebecca asked.
"Well you let the Salvatore's loose with two stakes that can kill us, so i guess we will find out soon enough. And since when did you have a soft spot for them?" Klaus asked.
"The Salvatore's May fight like dogs, but in the end they would die for each other. At least they know what family means. You destroyed ours" Rebecca said
"I wanted a family. They just didn't want me. And now we are unlinked so we are no longer responsible for one another." Klaus said.
"So are you leaving?" Rebecca asked.
"As soon as i get my stakes I'm gone. I'm going to take Elena and use her blood to create a new family of hybrids." Klaus said.
"And if i choose to stay" Rebecca asked.
"Then your just as pathetic as Finn" Klaus said looking at Rebecca straight in the face.
"And what about me?" I asked
"You'll stay with Rebecca until your father comes back to get you" Klaus said as he walked away.
"Uncle Klaus! Please!" I yelled as i chased after him.
"Don't leave me. Don't do this to me" i cried
He stopped but didn't turn around he just stopped for a few seconds and then went into his study we're all his art stuff was.

"Hello? Dad?" I said into my phone as i sat on my bed.
"Maddie" he said.
"Uncle Finn is dead. And the spell Bonnie and I did worked" i said.
"I'm proud of you darling" he said.
"Uncle Klaus is leaving." I said.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"He's leaving after the Salvatore's bring the last two stakes here he's leaving me and Rebecca behind" i said.
"I'll be home soon. I love you Maddie" he said.
"I love you too dad" i said as i hung up
I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling until i fell asleep.

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