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My uncle and I were walking through the woods when we spotted Stefan. My uncle speed to him and put him in a chock hold and i ran after him.
"In what world do the words tell know one mean tell your brother and every teenage sycophant in town?" Klaus asked.
"The secrets safe. No one who knows about the cure would endanger us. Trust me. You know i want to find it more than anyone else." Stefan said.
"Well than i suggest you find some vampires for Jeremy to kill before im temped to offer you up as a victim." Klaus said as he let go of Stefan.
"And try to keep this one to yourself would you?" Klaus asked.
Stefan nodded and walked away.
"I'm going to go help set up the miss mystic falls pageant. Is that okay?" I asked.
My uncle looked at me and raised an eyebrow.
"Caroline asked me to help out since Bonnie bailed" i said.
"Sure just make sure your helping and not cooking up more plans to get yourself in trouble. You still have a phone call to make to your dad that you are very clearly avoiding seeing as you have to tell him you put yourself in danger" he said.
"I will help and keep myself out of harms way i promise. You know Uncle Klaus you're my favorite Uncle when you're not being a psychopath" i said with a smile.
"Get out of here before i change my mind" he said.
I nodded and headed to where Caroline told me to meet her. On my way i seen Jeremy and Matt unloading the truck and i stood a bit away and listened to them talk.
"So your sisters making me be her date. Do i have to do that weird dance thing?" Matt asked.
"I'm pretty sure that's just for the contestants." Jeremy said.
"I heard that you're April's escort. How'd that happen?" Matt asked.
I felt tears build up in my eyes.
"She needed a date, and apparently you we're taken." Jeremy said as Matt went to grab the Kegs.
I felt a year slip down my cheek. How was i so stupid of course Jeremy didn't actually like me and of course he would escort April, she was beautiful and human. My uncle was right i was stupid enough to fall for a human just like my aunt.
"Uh. Ok, let's just take these, and we will come back for the kegs" Matt said. I started to walk away when i heard Jeremy.
"Wait. You want to see something cool?" Jeremy asked Matt as he hopped into the bed of the truck.
I watched him pick up both kegs like it was nothing. And then he jumped down and sat the kegs on the ground.
"How did you just do that?" Matt asked.
"Ever since i was awoken as a hunter, I've had all this energy all the time." Jeremy said.
"Jer, i think you need to talk to someone about this. I mean look at what happened to Connor, ok? A by product of this energy is that you're gonna want to kill vampires, and you happen to live with one." Matt said.
"Hey, i would never hurt my sister. I'll be fine." Jeremy said as he went to push the card of stuff on it and happen to see me.
"Maddie?" He questioned.
I just stood there and Matt looked over.
"Maddie? What are you doing here? Are you okay?" Jeremy asked as he walked over to me.
He gently whipped the tears away that i hadn't noticed had continued to fall.
"Yeah I'm fine. I'm a... helping Caroline set up since Bonnie bailed" i said as i went to walk past him.
"Hey did Klaus do something? Is that why you were crying?" He asked as he stopped me.
"Oh um no my uncles in a oddly good mood. Look i have to go find Caroline" i said.
"Okay. Um find me later?" Jeremy asked.
I nodded and walked away to find Caroline.
"Whoa. Whoa. Stop stop. Those flowers go in the back, as indicated by the floral chart that you guys had plenty of time to memorize" Caroline said to three girls carrying flowers.
They turned around and walked away.
"Yeah thank you" she said.
"Where would you like me boss?" I said with a smile as i came up behind her.
"Oh my god. Maddie I'm so glad you made it." She said as she looked at her clipboard.
"Yeah you can thank my uncle" i said.
"Now, how did i know i would find you at the helm of this ship?" I heard my uncle say as he walked up to Caroline.
"Speak of the Devil" i said under my breath as i rolled my eyes.
"Go away I'm busy" Caroline said.
"I was wondering what time i should pick you up tomorrow." Klaus asked.
"How about a quarter to never." Caroline said.
"I was promised a date. In return for one of my hybrids." Klaus said.
"Yes, a date, like to a movie, where we don't have to talk and i can our at least three seats between us." Caroline said.
"Surely the reigning Miss Mystic falls won't be hosting the party alone. And i assume you aren't taking Tyler... not after his indiscretion with his lady werewolf friend." Klaus said looking at Caroline.
"Fine. If you insist on coming, meet me here, 2pm black tie optional. And i already have a dress, so dont even think about getting me so much as a corsage. You understand?" She said as she headed inside of the building.
He nodded. "I'll see you tomorrow Caroline" he said.
Caroline went inside.
"You look as though you have been crying what is wrong little niece" he asked finally acknowledging i was there.
"It doesn't really matter. Now if you don't mind i have to go my next task from Caroline" i said.
"I'll see you at home in 2 hours Maddison" he said as i headed into the building to find Caroline.

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