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"Your word doesn't mean much. I've been living by your word all summer. During which time i never had to resort to this.." Klaus said looking at Stefan.
He focused on Stefan and looked him in the eyes.
"Stop fighting" Klaus said.
"Don't do this. Don't do this" Stefan plead.
"I didnt want you Stefan. All i wanted was Your allegiances" Klaus said slowly holding on to him.
"Now I'm going to have to take it" Klaus said once again focusing.
"Don't... dont" Stefan said.
"You will do exactly as i say when i say it. You will not run and you will not hide, you will simply just obey" Klaus compelled.
"No" Elena whispered.
"Sh" i said pushing her back.
"Stefan" Elena said.
"Shhh" i said looking at her.
"Now kill them ripper" Klaus said with a smile looking at the two kids sitting in the room other than Elena, Stefan, Klaus, And i.
Stefan obeyed and i held Elena back as Klaus came to my side.
"When's Bonnie going to be back? I want to do magic uncle Klaus" i said slowly.
"For Tyler's sake hopefully soon." He said with a smile as he kissed my head.
I was short mostly because i was young but also because my mother as I'm told was short.
After Stefan killed both the boy and the girl right in front of Elena Klaus came up beside her.
"It's always nice to see a vampire in his true element" Klaus said looking between me and Elena.
I just looked at him with disgust.
"The species has become such a broody lot" Klaus said.
"No, you did this to him" Elena said.
"Actually he did it to himself. You see if he had only listened and obeyed my uncle in the first place then he wouldn't have to of been compelled" i said looking Elena.
"I invited him to the party love he's the one dancing on the table" Klaus said.
"Where is it!" Rebecca yelled storming into the gym.
Klaus and i looked at Rebecca confused as to what she was talking about.
"Where my necklace!" She yelled.
"Not this again" i groaned.
"What are you talking about?" Klaus asked.
"She has my necklace" Rebecca said. "Look" She said handing Klaus the phone she had been looking through.
Klaus zoomed in and i stood next to him and sure enough there was Aunt Becca's neckless.
"Well well more lies. Where is it?" Klaus asked.
Stefan said nothing.
"Where is it?" Rebecca asked Elena.
"I dont have it anymore" she said.
"You're lying" i said rolling my eyes.
And Rebecca went after her fangs out and everything.
"Knock it off!" Klaus said grabbing Rebecca and pulling her off Elena.
"Make her tell me where it is Nik!" Rebecca yelled.
"Where's the neckless sweetheart? Be honest" Klaus said bending down to Elena.
"I'm telling the truth" Elena said
"Katherine stole it" she said very quietly.
"Katerina of course" Klaus said slowly.
"I thought she was dead" i said
Klaus shook his head.
"Well that's unfortunate. If we had the necklace it would make things a whole lot easier for Bonnie and Maddie" Klaus said standing up.
"But since we're doing this the hard way let out a clock on it 20 minutes. If Bonnie and Maddie don't find a solution by then i want you to feed again only this time, i want you to feed on Elena." Klaus said to Stefan.
"You know you want to" Klaus taunted.
""No, Klaus! Don't do this to him" Elena cried.
"Shut up" i said looking at her.
"No one leaves. If she tries to run Fracture her spine." Klaus said as the two of them (Klaus and Becca) walk out of the gym leaving me with Stefan.
"Why are you doing this? You must have morals like your father" Elena said to me.
"I dont. I have to do everything Klaus says or i wont get to see my father." I said.
"Why didn't he tell me about you?" She asked.
"Not a need to know. Besides he thought i was lost in the sea." I said looking down.
"Your a witch?" She asked.
"A hybrid witch and vampire" i said "now stop talking to me about my life" i said looking up at the clock which read 18:00.
"Oh my gosh! Caroline's dad! He was able to resist compilation! I dont know how but maybe it's possible!" Elena said looking at Stefan.
"It's not" i said laughing "not when it comes from an original" i said
"Yeah, yeah maybe it's just mind control right? Maybe it takes some focus and and a couple decades of training. No big deal" Stefan said
"Stefan you can control this" Elena said.
"No he can't" i said slowly looking between the two.
"When that buzzar goes off... just just drink from me" Elena said.
"You're being very brave" i said. "Listen to yourself Elena"
"You don't get it! She's right i cant control myself i cant stop" he said.
"I'm a ripper!" Stefan yelled.
"Rippers dont Stop" i said slowly looking at Elena.
She had so much hope in her eyes like she was in control of what was going to happen in 10 minutes but she didn't and for the sake of these guys i hope Bonnie hurries.
"I listen to the words that come out of your month and all i hear is the sound of your heart pumping blood through your body and when that clock ticks down... I'm going to have to feed on you. And you want to know what's worse? I'm not going to be able to stop" Stefan said.
"I don't  believe that. You can fight it" Elena said.
"Are you deaf? He's a ripper! Rippers can't stop" i said looking at her.
She honestly believed that she could make him stop and the only person who could make him stop was my uncle. But this is a punishment for Stefan lying and Elena being alive in the first place, which he actually needs. You see I'm connected to the original witch and i know how to make Uncle Klaus hybrids but he hasn't asked me and what he wants isn't in Bonnie's Grimmore.
"You just have to want it bad enough" Elena continued ignoring my comment.
I rolled my eyes.
"Why? Because i love you?" Stefan asked.
"Yeah" Elena said "that's right Stefan because you love me"
"He loved my aunt once" i said looking at the couple.
I could see in Stefan's eyes he loved Elena more though and even though he told Klaus he didn't care he did and deep down he was trying to fight it. If Elena dies then no hybrids and that's what the ancestors want. I would disobey the ancestors for my family in fact i do it all the time.
They both looked at me. "He did, but not as much as he loves you" i said
"You will fight because after everything that we've been through you owe me that" she said looking back at Stefan.
"You know what you're right. You're right. I owe you everything. Because through all of this you are the one thing that has kept me from giving up; from turning it all off" Stefan said slowly.
"But i cant help what i am Elena. The more blood that i get, the more i want. And if i get so much as near yours... you are dead" Stefan confessed.
"Fantastic little heart warming confession Stefan" i said looking at him. "Too bad it won't mean much soon" i said looking at the clock which had 4 minutes left.
"Where did your uncle go?" Elena asked me.
"I dont know he left me here to babysit you lot. Hopefully he's looking for Bonnie even though i dont need her" i said.
We looked at the clock and it was at 2 minutes.
"Elena you have to run" Stefan said.
"But Klaus said" Elena started.
"I know What Klaus said. But if you stay it won't matter" Stefan said.
"And what's to stop Maddie from doing what Klaus said?" Elena asked.
"I'll take care of her" he said.
"Um hello right here" i said looking at them.
"Elena please please please there's no other way" Stefan begged.
The clock was ticking on seconds now and i was about to be a witness to this killing and Klaus will kill me if he finds out i knew all along that he needs Elena's blood to make hybrids.
"Go!" I screamed.
Elena looked at me confused.
"There's another way. Stefan it's for you to fight" Elena said as we approached single digit numbers.
The buzzer went off and Elena remanded standing in the middle of the floor.
"Stefan i love you. Fight, Stefan and don't give up" Elena said.
"I cant hold it" Stefan cried.
Stefan lunged for Elena and i jumped and pushed Stefan into the wall.
"Elena go! Run!" Stefan yelled.
"Klaus is going to kill you" he whispered.
Elena did as told and ran for the gym doors.
Stefan went after her and i tailed behind as they ran down the hall but Elena was caught by my uncle.
"We've got to stop meeting like this" Klaus said to her.
I swallowed hard. As he grabbed Elena and we followed Stefan.
"Now this is fascinating. I've never seen this before" Klaus said as we walked in on Stefan about to stack himself.
"The only thing stronger than your craving for blood is your love for this one girl" Klaus said waving me forward.
I slowly joined my uncles side.
"Why don't you turn it off?" Klaus asked handing me Elena.
"No!" Stefan said.
"Come on" Klaus said walking forward. "Your humanity is killing you. All the guilt must be exhausting. Turn it off"
"No" Stefan said.
"Stefan" Elena said.
I bit my lip not getting in the middle of it this time.
"Your strong. But you're not that strong" Klaus said standing in front of Stefan pulling the stack out of his hand. "Turn... it... off" Klaus said looking into Stefan's eyes.
"No!" Stefan yelled pushing my uncle away from him.
Klaus pushed him into a wall and compelled him to turn it off.
"No!" Elena said trying to go forward but i held her back.
"What did you do" Elena said.
Stefan then turned off him humanity.
"I fixed him" Klaus said turning and looking at the two of us.
"I think a test is in order. Don't you?" Klaus asked as he walked forward taking Elena from me.
"Ripper... perhaps you'd like a drink" Klaus said slowly.
Elena took a sharp breath in.
"From the doppelgängers neck" Klaus continued.
Stefan lunged forward and Klaus grabbed me and pulled me back as Elena screamed.
"You let her get away. What are we going to do about that little niece" he asked.
"No please don't uncle Klaus please I'm sorry" i cried.
"You disappointed me." He said.
"No! Please I've done everything. Please" i cried.
"You let her get away! You held Stefan back so she could run!" He Yelled
"All i want is my dad" i whispered.
"He's going to have to wait while your being punished" Klaus said to me whipping a tear off my face.
"No" i cried as klaus stopped Stefan from killing Elena and then drugged me with him to find Rebecca and Tyler.
"The verdicts are in the original witch says the doppelgänger should be dead" he said as he walked into a class room.
"Does that mean we can kill her?" Rebecca said with a smile.
"No." I said looking at my uncle.
"And why is that little witch" he said. He already knows... and he knows i knew all along.
"It means the opposite" i whispered.
"Correct. It means the opposite" Klaus repeated.
"What?" Rebecca said.
"Elena's blood. Drunk it" Klaus said handing a vile to Tyler.
"No. No. No. Tyler don't" the blond that Rebecca held back said.
"If he doesn't feed, he'll die anyways love" Klaus said.
"consider this any experiment" he said holding the blood out for Tyler.
"It's okay" Klaus whispered to Tyler.
Tyler did as told and fell on the ground.
"Tyler! No!" The blond yelled.
"Bloody hell Shut up" Rebecca said moving back with the girl in her hand.
Tyler looked up at my uncle with glowing eyes.
"Well that's a good sign" Klaus said with a smile.

"So the doppelgänger isn't the problem?" Rebecca said as the three of us sat outside of the hospital.
"Her blood is the solution" i continued.
Klaus looked at the two of us.
"Seems so" Klaus said. "But our niece knew that didn't you sweetheart?"
"Yes.. But you never asked if i knew what the problem was!" I said.
"Thought maybe just maybe you would step up and say something Maddison" he said.
"Klaus she's only a little girl" Rebecca said protecting me from the rath of Klaus.
"1000 years in the grave and the Original witch is still messing with you" Rebecca said.
"It makes sense if you look at it from her perspective. It was her fail safe in case i ever broke the hybrid curse. The doppelgänger had to die in order for me to become a hybrid but if she was dead..." Klaus said.
"Then you couldn't use her blood to sire yourself a new species" Rebecca said.
"Leaving you alone for all time" i said
Klaus nodded.
"Is this what this is about? You're obsession with hybrids. You just don't want to be alone?" Rebecca said.
"What i want is to take my girls and my hybrid and get the hell out of this one pony town" Klaus said.
"Why don't the two of you go get the truck and I'll get Elena" Klaus said looking at us.
Rebecca nodded hesitantly and grabbed me and we went to get the truck.
"He's mad at me" i said.
"He'll get over it" she said looking over at me.
"He promised me my dad if he figured out why the hybrids weren't working and i disappointed him" i said with tears.
Rebecca stopped and got in front of me.
"Listen to me Maddison. I'll make sure you get your dad back no matter what. And then the tree of us will leave Klaus once and for all" Rebecca said with a smile whipping my tears.
I nodded and we continued to the truck.

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