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Rebecca and I stood by Stefan on this island that the cure was hidden on. We both watched Elena walk past us as if she hadn't just killed Rebecca brother and my Uncle.
"You know your not really helping" Stefan said as he looked at us.
If looks could kill Elena would be dead 1000 times.
"You're perfect capable of tying a knot." Rebecca said.
"You both are giving Elena the evil eye. It's not really helping" Stefan said.
"She Uncle and tried to get you to dagger my aunt." I said.
"She's luck y'all she's getting is the evil eye." Rebecca said.
"You know i can hear you guys right?" Elena said as she stopped.
"You know i dont care right?" Rebecca said.
She dropped her bags and vamp speed over and grabbed Rebecca by the throat and i grabbed Elena and slammed her to the ground she was holding the white oak.
"Go ahead try and kill me. But then you would have to face your real problems. Like the fact that Stefan invited Maddie and I here himself. Guess he likes me again." Rebecca said as she and i walked away.
I glanced up and seen Bonnie and Jeremy.
"I saved him and he's flirting with Bonnie" i said.
"Yes well we do learn the hard way when it comes to love don't we?" Rebecca asked
"I suppose" i said.
We all gathered around and headed for the cave in which Silas was buried.
"Satellite phone lost its signal" Shane said.
"That's a good sign" Damon said.
"Is anyone else a little creeped out?" Elena asked.
"So then leave. Out of everyone, your presence is the least necessary." Rebecca said.
"Please don't start" Stefan said.
"I'm merely starting the facts. I heard Maddie knew a spell she could take you back to Mystic Falls." Rebecca said.
"She's right. Jeremy has the spell on his body. Bonnie and Maddie are the witches that will unseal the cure. Shane is the human compass. Rebecca and Stefan have the tombstone which does god only knows what. And Elena has no point." I said.
"What about me?" Damon asked.
"You have a nice behind" Rebecca said.
We walked the woods in silents for a while until it became dark. Shane started telling the history.
"Centuries after Qetsiyah died there were these miners who were excavating a well on the island. They suddenly went mad. They bled themselves dry. No apparent reason. So, legend spreads that these miners in exchange for a drop of their blood saw visions of their lost loved ones in the well they were digging. The word traveled and explorers sought out the well to see if the legend was true." Shane said.
"So the well was magic?" Bonnie asked.
"Oh, yeah. Some people believe the voices of lost souls were just a wind vortex whipping through caves. The visions were caused by inhaling the islands poisonous plant life." Shane said.
"And what do you believe?" Elena asked.
"I believe in magic. My wife and my son died within months of each other. And so i decided to try the well out for myself." Shane said.
"I offered up my blood and i waited.... i saw my wife, i saw her eyes, her smile. My blood let me see her again." Shane said.
"Yeah, got it. Dont eat the poisonous flowers" Damon said as he walked past Shane and the rest of us followed him.
"Wait. Stop. Stop." Shane said from behind.
We all stopped and looked at him and he walked through the group.
"Is everybody paying attention? Our first lesson in survival." Shane said as he threw a stick and a net came flight up.
"Stay together. Keep your eyes open." Shane said as we started walking again.
"Uh, I'm out of water" Jeremy said.
"Here take mine" Elena said as she handed him he water.
"A magic well? Seriously?" Jeremy questioned.
"I dont know i mean.. we've all lost someone. The chance to maybe see them again? I kinda get it" Elena said as she walked away.
I followed the group and heard Elena yell Jeremy and ran back to them
"What the hell happened?" I asked.
"Someone just saved my life" Jeremy said.
The three of us caught up with the group.
"What is this place?" Stefan asked.
"According to island lore a group of college kids came her for spring break. A few weeks later, they were all found dead completely drained of blood." Shane said.
"Well, tragic for them, brilliant for us. Who sleeps where?" Rebecca said.
"Well that's lovely. There's a mystery man with a hatchet lurking in the woods and we're just going to camp?" I asked.
"We're safer here than we are hiking in the dark" Shane said.
"Let's just keep going. You know? Get the cure, get in, get out. Where is it?" Damon said.
"How stupid do you think i am?" Shane asked.
"Stupid enough to raise an immortal witch. So I'd say incredibly." Damon said.
"I'm shocked you even want the cure considering you've got the most to lose once Elena's human." Shane said as he walked away.
"Shane doesn't know what he's talking about" Elena said as she walked over to Damon.
"Yeah, well, we'll find out tomorrow." Damon said.
"Do you really think that I'm gonna take this cure break the sire bond, and fall out of love with you?" Elena asked.
"No. I'm saying we don't know. And if we find it tomorrow, we will." Damon said.
"This cure is gonna change so many things. Jeremy's not going to want to kill me anymore. We're finally going to get rid of Klaus. Bonnie's mom isn't going to be a vampire. And anyone who wants to take this cure is gonna have that option. Caroline, Stefan, and you. If you want it." Elena said.
I started feeling really angry because they were all planning to kill my last uncle. First Henrik, then Finn, then Kol, and now Klaus.
"No. I get it. Everything changes tomorrow. It'll all be unicorns and rainbows." Damon said.
"No, not everything. That's what I'm saying. Damon not my feelings for you." Elena said as she kissed him.
I turned away and went to Rebecca who was sitting next to Stefan by the fire.
"Well eight of us and nobody thought to bring s'mores." I said.
"What are you dining with that?" Rebecca asked Stefan who was holding the tombstone.
"We're a day away from finding the cure. Not letting it out of my sight" Stefan said.
Suddenly there was a sound and Rebecca grabbed Stefan.
"Did you hear that? I swear this place is haunted" Rebecca said.
"Um, your crushing my arm." Stefan said.
She laughed. "Okay. You got me. I'm a scaredy-cat." Rebecca said.
"You do realize you're an original vampire, right?" Stefan said.
"Which is precisely why you should stop teasing me. I'm very powerful. Now what are you going to do when Elena becomes human and comes running back to you?" Rebecca asked.
Stefan looked over at her.
"You said you would take the cure to be with her, you'd have children and grow old. Is that still true?" Rebecca asked.
"Well, why do you want to take it? Aren't you...the perfect vampire?" Stefan asked.
"Isn't it obvious? It's all an act Stefan. Being a vampire is miserable. I would give anything to be human. Normal." Rebecca said.
"If i take the cure.. it wouldn't be for her... I'd be for me" Stefan said.
I got up and headed to mine and Rebecca's tent and went to sleep the next morning we were all awoken to the fact that Jeremy was gone.
"Jeremy!"Elena yelled as she walked back to the camp site.
"Did you guys find anything?" She asked.
""He's not on the trail." Bonnie said as her and I walked back on to the campsite as well.
Yes Bonnie and i went looking for him together and we didn't kill each other or even attempt to.
"His gear is still here" Shane said as he came out of Jeremys tent.
"He's not at the quarry. Either" Stefan said as Rebecca and him joined us back at the camp site.
"Split up" Damon said.
"Uh, I'm going to stay and try a locator spell. Maddie will you help?" Bonnie asked.
I nodded and her and i went into Jeremy's tent.
"Okay. I'll stay here and make sure the two of them are safe" Shane said as he followed us.
"I'll stay here and make sure your not lying" Damon said as he too followed us.
"Fine we will keep searching the island." I heard Elena say.
We walked out of Jeremy's tents with one of his shirts and Bonnie and i closed our eyes and threw the shirt into the firepit and we did a spell that started a fire and we opened our eyes and the fire started leading us to the woods. We looked at each other and started to follow it.
We followed it for what seemed like forever until we came up to Jeremy being held by an islander in chains and Shane.
"How did we get here? What's going on?" Bonnie asked as we walked up to the three.
"I see the locator spell worked" Shane said.
"The path behind us just..." i started.
"magically disappeared? You can thank the talents of Massak. He's a witch. Should either of you try and escape he'll ensure that you will never find your way back." Shane said looking at Bonnie and i .
We looked at each other both scared in our own way.
"So the gangs all here. Silas awaits" Shane said as he started to walk away and Bonnie and I followed against both of our better judgment.
I was suddenly wishing i had taken Rebecca's offer and call my father and tell him what had happened and finally get away from all this drama and be with my father but i wanted to be apart of something big. I was feeling extremely guilty for my uncles death like i hadnt done enough to save him even though both Klaus and Rebecca said it wasn't my fault and that Kol dug his own grave.

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