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"Can i have some Champagne?" I asked.
"No" Klaus said as he got another glass.
We were shopping for clothes for Rebecca.
"Can i get some clothes too?" I asked.
"Not here niece. Your father wouldn't be happy" he said.
"Ugh!" I said slamming myself back into the chair.
"You use to be the fun uncle. Now i cant wait til Kol wakes up" i huffed.
I watch Klaus roll his eyes.
"There's got to be more to this dress" i heard Rebecca say.
"There's not" Klaus said. "And as for you miss attitude mini Elijah I'm being responsible of you"
Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.
"Rebecca hurry up I'm bored and Uncle Klaus is being mean" i said pouting.
I didnt have a phone to play with because Klaus said that was my fathers responsibility and that he was punishing him but didn't want to take everything away from him. To which i replied with "then let me wake him up." I got the same response i always do "when i figure out why my hybrids aren't working you have my word"
"So women in the 21st century dress like prostitutes, then?" Rebecca asked coming out of the changing room.
"Clearly" i snorted.
"Maddie" Klaus warned.
The amount of time in the last 1000 years that i actually spent with Klaus you would think he was my father because when i was awake my father was asleep and vise versa.
"You know Maddie and i got dirty looks for wearing trousers" Rebecca said.
I nodded.
"You two wore trousers so women today could wear nothing" Klaus said getting yet another drink.
"And what is this music? It sounds like a cable car accident" Rebecca said.
"I wasnt going to say anything" i said following her.
I'm 13 Rebecca is 17 and Kol is 21 and Henrik and i were close in age he was 14.
"It's dance music" Stefan said slowly.
"You dance to this?" She asked.
I looked up to my only aunt out of all my uncles i was glad i had Rebecca. I heard stories from uncle Finn about my other Aunt but she died when she and Finn were little.
"Are we done? I agree with Maddie this is rather boring" Klaus said.
"And why are you so Grumpy? I get Maddies anger but what's with you?" Rebecca asked.
"I needed one thing from you for my witch to find out why my hybrids are dying. One thing and you lost it" Klaus said.
"Are we doing this again?" I groaned.
"Yes!" Klaus said looking at me.
"I didnt lose it! It's just been missing for 90 years" Rebecca said.
"So Stefan what do you think?" She asked.
"I like it" he replied.
She gave him a look.
"What? I said i liked it" he said.
"I can always tell when your lying Stefan" she said as she walked back into the dressing room.
"Nice one! Good work" Klaus said getting another drink.
"You're the one who pulled the dagger out of her" Stefan said.
"I heard that" Rebecca said from the dressing room.
I laughed and Klaus smirked.
"Alright I'm going to get fresh air" Stefan said.
"Can i come?" I asked.
"No how about you stay with your aunt and uncle" Stefan said ask he got up and walked out.
I huffed and crossed my arms.
"Come on Rebecca" i cried in annoyance.
"Why won't you let her shop Nik" Rebecca asked poking her head out.
"Do you want to deal with her father?" Klaus asked.
"No" she said going back into the dressing room.
Rebecca finally found clothes she semi liked and we headed back to the bar where Gloria was.
Rebecca and i sat on the counter while Gloria was doing witch stuff.
"You left us" Rebecca said as Stefan arrived.
"Yeah sorry retail therapy was making my head explode" Stefan said.
"Tell me about it" Klaus said.
"What's she doing?" Stefan asked as he joined Klaus as a table.
"She's failing" he said.
"It's hard to find something when you have nothing to go on" she said.
"So use me. I only wore it for 1000 years" Rebecca said.
"See now this one offers a solution" Gloria said as Rebecca sat across from her.
"Give me your hand sweetheart" she said taking her hand.
"She's looking for the necklace" Stefan said.
"Yes unless you know something" i said looking at sketchy Stefan.
"Nope" he said shaking his head.
"I sense something" Gloria said.
"So where is it?" Rebecca said as Gloria released her hand.
"It doesn't work that way" Gloria said.
"She's getting only images" i stated.
"Right. Of a girl and her friends" Gloria said.
"Yes a dead girl with her dead friends of i dont get it back" Rebecca said.
"So channel me. I'm powerful and we can get better images" i said.
She shook her head.
"Let her help" Klaus said.
"I dont need help i need time" she said.
"Let's go get something to eat" Stefan said. "I'm hungry and I'm sure those two are as well"
The four of us walked out after fighting Klaus a bit.

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