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I watched Jeremy leave and soon after my uncle came up and got me and dragged me to the Salvatore house. We waited in the other room and listened to Stefan and Rebecca talk. She did exactly what my uncle wanted her to do and that was tell Stefan were she buried Alexander because where he was the Sword was.
"I'm sorry. little sister, but you're right. You really are a hopeless fool" Klaus said as we walked into the living room.
He dipped the dagger into the the jar.
"No klaus! Don't" i said as i grabbed his arm.
Stefan came over and grabbed me and Rebecca tried to run but Klaus stopped her.
"I'm sorry Rebecca." Klaus said.
"Go right ahead. Laugh at the girl who loved too easily. But i would have rather lived my life then yours, Nik. No one will ever sit around the table telling stories about a man who couldn't love. Do it!" Rebecca cried.
Klaus wouldn't look at her.
"Look me in the eye and do it, you coward" Rebecca said.
He didn't look up.
"Don it!" She yelled and just then Klaus looked up and stabbed her right in the heart.
"No!" I screamed.
"You be quiet or your next" he said as he laid Rebecca on the couch.
He walked into another room to make a call and Stefan cover Rebecca.
"I have a plane waiting and before you ask yes Maddie you are coming i cant trust that you won't undagger your aunt" Klaus said as he walked back into the room.
I rolled my eyes.
"I'll get the sword. My hybrids will keep an eye on Connor. You put Rebecca somewhere no one will find her and make sure Jeremy forgets everything that happened today." Klaus said to Stefan as he handed Jeremy's ring back to Stefan.
"No! No don't make him forget please" i said.
"I'll take care of it" Stefan said.
"No one must know about the cure. Do you understand? Not Damon. Not Elena. Nobody. If this gets out it could mean all our deaths. So if you tell anyone, I'll erase each and every memory from all of you." Klaus said to Stefan.
"I wont say anything" Stefan said.
"It's just me, you, and Maddie in this Stefan. Some secrets are stronger than family." Klaus said as he grabbed my arm and we walked to the car.
"Stop pouting. You shouldn't fall for a silly human look where it's gotten Rebecca" Klaus said.
I just turned and looked out the window and cried soon Jeremy will forget our kiss and i may never get a chance like that again. I really just wanted to be with my father right now but i couldnt trust that Klaus wouldn't dagger my father too.
We drove to the airport and got on the plane and headed to Italy. My uncle compelled people to start digging for Alexander. I sat and watched.
"Maddie why don't you call your father tell him where you are and that you aren't in an harm I'm sure he's worried sick about you" my uncle said as he handed me his phone.
I took it and dialed my fathers number.
"Niklaus! Where's my daughter? I've been trying to reach you for a couple of days now" my father said as he picked up the phone.
"Hello daddy. I love you too" i laughed.
"Maddie! Your okay" he said.
"I mean i guess if you count not being daggered and put back into a box then yeah I'm okay." I said.
"Who has your uncle daggered now?" My father asked.
"Rebecca" i said.
"Poor girl. Where are you Maddie?" He asked.
"With uncle Klaus in Italy digging up a sword that Rebecca buried with Alexander" i said.
"I'm coming to get you" he said.
"No father please don't. Uncle Klaus is in a bad mood all the time and i dont want you to end up like Rebecca. I'm sure when Uncle Klaus has used me for whatever purpose he needs to I'll be back home with you" i said.
"Maddie this isn't right. I know you love your uncle as do i but him using you and Rebecca it's just not right" he said.
"Father please i cant see you daggered again" i said.
"Very well Maddison but i warn you be careful and walk on egg shells around your uncle one wrong move and you could be next" he said.
"I know father" i said.
"Okay" he said.
"Father i had my first kiss last night" i said.
"With whom? Shall i kill him or has Niklaus already done it?" My father asked.
"Jeremy Gilbert but don't worry Uncle Klaus made Stefan make Jeremy forget everything that happened yesterday" i said as another call starting ringing the phone.
"Oh father i have to go. One of Klaus hybrids are calling him from mystic falls" i said.
"Alright darling be careful and i love you" he said.
"I love you too" i said as i hung up and took the next call.
"Klaus phone. Maddison Speaking." I said.
"Let me talk to your uncle. We have a problem" he said.
I turned and walked to my uncle handing him the phone. He looked pissed and hung up and texted someone and soon there after he got another call and this time i listened in.
"How the hell did Connor escape?" Stefan asked through the phone.
"I blame mind-numbing incompetence, but pointing fingers isn't going to help me. You're going to help me." My uncle said.
"Well, he could be anywhere now." Stefan said.
"Think, Stefan. He took the hybrids head, which means he wants werewolf toxin." Klaus said.
"Which means he plans to stay in mystic falls and kill vampires." Stefan said.
"Which is a pity. Me being on the other side of the world digging up an old hunter, you'll have no access to my blood. And therefore the antidote. Nevertheless, his tattoo is our only map to the cure, so your task is quite simple. Find him, catch him, and above all, keep him alive. He's no good to us dead" Klaus said.
"Damon's been looming everywhere for him. If they cross paths..." Stefan started.
"You need to keep Damon in check." Klaus said.
"It would be a lot easier if i could just tell him the truth." Stefan said.
"You trust Damon with the cure? I imagine he prefers Elena the way she is." Klaus said.
"Nice try Klaus, but i trust Damon a hell of a lot more than you." Stefan said.
"And i trust no one. Which is why my sister is lying daggered in a box and my niece isn't with her father. The more who find out about the cure, the more will go after it. Nations have gone to war over less. You mark my words... you tell a soul and i will throw the hunters sword in the Mediterranean and we can end this quest right now. Am i understood?" Klaus asked.
Stefan said nothing and all the sudden Klaus got hung up on.
"Sorry to cut your call with daddy short" Klaus said as he put his phone in his pocket.
"The less i talk to my father the less he knows therefor you aren't sorry" i said as i rolled my eyes.
He shrugged and walked away.

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