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I went to Stefan and brought him down stairs.
"There's someone here" i said.
When we got down stairs Damon was chained to a chair.
"Whatever twisted ripper game this is, leave me out of it" Damon said as Stefan and i entered the room.
"I didnt do this" Stefan said with a smile.
"Quit screwing around" Damon said.
"He didn't do this" i spoke up.
"Ahh" Damon groaned
"It's pretty messed up though, isn't it" Stefan said.
This was my uncles kind of twisted torched but the voice i heard wasn't my uncles plus he's scared out of his mind to come back right now.
"Yep" Damon said.
Stefan and i started pulling things out of Damon and he scared every time.
Stefan walked away leaving his chained up.
"Yeah don't worry I'll untangle myself" Damon said.
I rolled my eyes and helped Damon get untangled but suddenly the curtain came opened and the sun shined in. Morning already? I questioned.
"Can't you use your witchyness to find out what's going on?" Stefan asked as Damon screamed in pain.
"I could but it would take time" i said looking at the window. I ran over and shut it.
"Well get busy" Stefan said.
"I dont take orders especially from you Salvatore" i said.
"Your a witch?" Damon asked.
"A hybrid technically" i said as i looked around.
Rebecca hadn't come home so that left me with Stefan and Damon and like hell was i staying with Stefan so i went with Damon to figure out what the hell was going on.
"Greetings Blondie. Witchy. I think you got your voodoo wires all crossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan" Damon said to Bonnie as we pulled up next to Caroline and Bonnie putting lanterns up.
"What do you mean? Why?" She asked.
"Because I'm pretty sure i just got spit- roasted by Mason Lockwoods ghost" Damon said.
"You have a 1000 year old witch sitting right next to you. Living in your house in fact" Bonnie said.
"I dont know what spell you used to send this Vicki back therefore i cant fix anything that you did. So we have to work together" i said slowly.
"And why do you think it was Masons ghost?" Caroline asked.
"Maybe because he chained me to a chair and shoved a hot poker through my chest and Maddie and Stefan had to undo everything" Damon said.
The girls looked at him.
"Let's just say I'm having déjà vu" he said.
"I thought you said that ghost couldnt physically interact with people" Caroline said to Bonnie
"They can't. Or at least shouldn't" i said looking at the girls.
"Yeah well i dont have time for a vengeful Lockwood" Damon said. "When i kill someone they're supposed to stay dead."
"Maybe if you wouldn't kill people they wouldn't go after you" i said.
"Whatever you screwed up. Fix it" he said.
"I'll help" i said getting out of Damon's car.
Damon speed away leaving me with the girls and i looked up and seen Matt looking over.
I followed the girls over to Matt, they had also seen that he was looking at us.
"Have you seen Vicki?" I asked him.
"I havent seen Vicki, i swear" Matt said. "I sent her back like you told me to" he said looking at Bonnie.
"Are you sure? Because she has just as much reason to haunt Damon as Mason Lockwood does" Bonnie said.
"Mason Lockwood? As in Tyler Lockwood?" I asked looking at the group.
"Tyler's Uncle" Caroline said glancing at me.
"She's gone, Bonnie. If she was here, I'd know it" Matt said slowly.
"Why do you think it's Vicki and not Mason?" Caroline asked.
She had a valid question and I too was curious about more things than one. Like who the heck is Vicki.
"Because if any ghost other than Vicki Donovan  has a physical foothold on our side then that means Damon's right and something  has gone really really wrong" Bonnie said.
"I've had enough of this ghost stuff to last forever. So you guys can leave me out of this one" Matt said as he walked away from us.
"Who's Vicki?" I asked.
"Matt's sister" Caroline said looking at me.
I nodded all caught up now.
"I feel so sad for him" Caroline said as we watched him walk away.
"It took a lot for him to send his sister away" she continued as she looked at Bonnie.
"Yeah" Bonnie sighs
"So much strength as a man" Caroline said to Bonnie.
"We've got a ghost problem to deal with Caroline" Bonnie said. "Save the Jeremy lecture for later" she continued as she picked up her purse.
Like i said before her and Jeremy we having a falling out about what I'm not sure but i was soon to find out. I followed the two girls i was stuck with them mostly because i had to help Bonnie fix this problem but also because my aunt abandoned me.
A book fell from Bonnie's purse and flipped open to a page.
"Did your grimoire just..." Caroline started.
"I think so..." Bonnie said looking up at me.
I had my grandmas grimoires well my uncle had them stashed somewhere in a storage locker, they were mine seeing as I'm the only witch in the family now since everybody lost the witch in them when we were turned. Uncle Kol was teaching me Magic and my father hated it because he didn't want me to learn from Kol because well Kol was dark and twisted and my father didn't want me to follow in Kols footsteps.
"Okay please tell me that's a recipe for witch cookies" Caroline said as Bonnie picked the grimoire up off the ground.
"It's a manifestation spell" Bonnie said.
"It's used to reveal veiled matter" i said looking over Bonnie's shoulder.
"What's veiled matter?" Caroline asked.
It was my turn to know something that Caroline didn't.
"Ghosts" i said slowly looking at Bonnie and then at Caroline.
"Let's go" Bonnie said heading to her car.
"Um i dont get in cars with people i barely know" i said slowly following them.
"Do you want to help or not?" Bonnie asked.
"I do but how do I know you aren't going to drop me off in the woods and leave me there because you hate my aunt and uncle" i asked.
"You don't" Caroline said grabbing my arm and dragging me along with them.
We didn't indeed go to the woods to an old house the three of us got out and went into the house.
"So this is where you brought Jeremy back to life." Caroline said as we walked down some stairs.
"Yeah" Bonnie said.
I could feel the ancestors power in this house and some of them wanted me to leave because of what i was but part of them wanted me to stay because of what i was.
"Sorry i know it's creepy but Maddie and I need a private place to do the spell" Bonnie said.
"There's no chance it's haunted by a hundred dead witches who were horrifically burned to death here in this very spot, is there?" Caroline said clearly scared.
I laughed.
"They aren't here anymore" Bonnie said as i took a seat across from her.
"Right" Caroline said. "A pinkie swear?" Caroline said slowly.
Caroline lit the candles and Bonnie and I joined hands.
"Ready?" Caroline asked. "Need me to do.." But she didn't finish.
Bonnie and I started chanting the spell and things began to move like the wind had been blowing.
"Bonnie i dont like this" Caroline said. I heard the fear in her voice.
But Bonnie and I continued.
"Bonnie" Caroline said again.
Suddenly we stopped and i opened my eyes and an elderly lady was next to Bonnie with her hands on her shoulder.
"Is that your?" Caroline started.
"Grams?" Bonnie questioned
"Something's wrong" i said as i let go of Bonnie's hands.
"I cant believe you're here" Bonnie cried.
The elderly lady nodded and came in-front of Bonnie.
"Now Stop you're crying, we don't have time for tears" she said to Bonnie.
"Nice to see you again, Caroline" she said to Caroline.
"Hi, miss Sheila" Caroline said with a smile.
"A fine mess you've made, honey" the lady said to Bonnie.
"I'm trying to help her fix them" i said slowly.
"Yes i see that and thank you Maddison Mikealson" She said with a warm smile.
How did she know me, my name my full actual name.
"The witches told you there'd be consequences to bringing Jeremy back and you did it anyways" she said to Bonnie.
"I didn't have a choice" Bonnie said. "I love him and I couldnt just let him go"
"I understand. But you cracked open the door to the other side. There's an old witch over here. She took advantage of it, she took advantage of you, honey" the women said to Bonnie.
"When you did that spell to send Vicki Donovan away, she wedged the door wide open giving a free pass to anyone with unfinished business" she continued.
"How do you know this?" Bonnie asked.
"Witches talk. Even on the other side" she said.
"Who do you think makes all the rules?" She asked.
"What do the witch want?" Bonnie asked.
"That's Original vampire business, not yours" she said to Bonnie.
I looked up and the women was looking at me. I was an Original Vampire What did the witch want with my family and who was it.
"I dont want you getting in the middle of that. I'm here because you upset the balance of nature and it's your duty to set it right. You need to close that door. And Maddison is going to help you do that" the women said.
Caroline quickly dialed Elenas number and she answered and told her everything that Bonnie's  grandma had told Bonnie.
The three of us went searching for the necklace you know the one that belongs to my aunt but we couldn't find it anywhere. I walked in on Bonnie and Caroline talking.
"Elena caught Jeremy kissing Anna" Caroline said to Bonnie.
"What?" Bonnie said.
"I'm sorry" Caroline said
"He kisses her?" Bonnie asked clearly hurt.
"She's got a foothold now and she probably thinks she's staying here. But us three are going to find that necklace. Okay" Caroline said to Bonnie as i officially joined them in the middle of the room.
The three of us tore the place apart and we couldn't find the necklace anywhere.
"Ugh! I give up!" Caroline said.
"Give up? Are you kidding me?" I asked looking at the blonde.
"It's not anywhere in this room!" She said
"Because it's not here!" I said as Bonnie's phone rang.
Caroline answered it and then after a somewhat heated conversation she hung up. Maybe minutes later we got another call Jeremy had the necklace and we headed for the town square to get rid of the ghost for good.

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