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We stood out in the rain at the plantation.
I stood under the umbrella with my dad and Hayley and my aunt and uncle stood under the other one and father Kieran stood under his own.
"Did you find them?" My uncle asked Rebecca
I watched as she nodded.
"Will he bring her?" My uncle asked.
"He'll bring her" she said.
"Are you ready to do this?" Kieran asked.
My uncle looked at us all.
"Always and forever" he said as he cut his hand with a pocket knife.
He then handed it to Rebecca who cut her hand  and then she handed it to my father. My father put his hand out for mine.
"I can do it" i said.
"Maddie" he said in a warning voice.
I rolled my eyes and gave him my hand and he cut my hand then his own before handing it to Hayley and then she cut her hand.
Kieran walked over and took the knife for Hayley and dropped in in the small grave we dug for my grandma.
"It is done" he said.
With that we all headed to the cemetery with my grandma so her bones could be consecrated by Sophie so that was Davina could be sacrificed. We all had to be there as my grandmothers family.
We stood in the cemetery with the rain pouring down on us. I clung to my fathers side.
"Fire" Sophie said as fire began just behind the tombstones.
In cake Marcel carrying Davina. He sat her on the plate form and she stood up and walked stood in the empty spot between two of the already dead girls.
She looked at me.
"I wont let you die permanently Davina i promise" i said.
She smiled weakly and nodded.
Sophie put the blade in the fire and i looked over at my aunt who was crying.
"Do you believe in the harvest?" Sophie asked Davina as she stood in front of her.
"I believe" Davina said.
With that Sophie slit her throat.
I buried my head in my fathers jacket and i heard Hayley let out a squeal. I felt my fathers arm around me tighten and i refused to move and look at everyone's faces i kept my face buried.
Suddenly the rain stopped.
"It's okay" my father whispered.
I unburied my head and we watched as Marcel laid Davina down between two of the girls.
"After the harvest comes the reaping. Their sacrifices made and accepted, we call upon our elders to resurrect your chosen ones." Sophie said as she looked down at the four girls.
Nothing happened.
"We call upon our elders to resurrect your chosen ones." Sophie said again.
Nothing happened again.
"Nothing is happening. Why is nothing happening?!?" I said.
"Resurrect your chosen ones." Sophie said.
Again nothing happened.
"Please. I beg." Sophie said.
Still nothing happened.
"No!" Sophie cried as she sank to her knees and sobbed over her niece.
"No!" I yelled.
"Why is nothing happening? I promised Davina she would be fine" I said as I looked at my family who looked at me.
I shut my eyes and tried to use my own magic to resurrect the girls but I couldn't.
"Maddie stop" my uncle said.
"I have to try" i said.
"No Maddie there's nothing you can do" my father said as he put a hand on my shoulder.
"Yes there is. I'm powerful i can bring them back" i said.
"No Maddie you can't" Rebecca said.
I looked over at Marcel who looked at my uncle and vamped away.
My uncle walked over and kissed my head before vamping away.
I turned and looked at my dad.
"If you would have let me do this i could have saved them" i cried.
I pushed past my father, Hayley, and Rebecca and vamped home.
"I dont care about the vampires! She is dead! What if that was your niece?!?" I heard Marcel yell.
I watched my uncle vamp to Marcel and I thought he was going to kill Marcel but instead he hugged him.
"I'm sorry. You may think i know nothing of your grief, but you are wrong. In the days after I fled this city, i thought you were dead. It was years before I could speak your name, so keenly did I feel that loss. I'm sorry. I'm sorry" my uncle said.
I turned and walked back out to find my father and I did in the streets with Hayley.
"Are you ready to forgive me yet?" Hayley asked him as she walked up to him.
"It's not that easy, Hayley" my father said as i joined them.
"Elijah, I was wrong to go through your journals, i was wrong to tell Sophie about Celeste, but after everything that happened today, i dont know why we can't see past this." Hayley said as i linked my arm through my fathers.
"And you of all people should know why. During my fever in the bayou, you were taken inside my mind by my daughter. You know what Celeste means to me and my daughter." My father said.
"Don't you mean meant to you and Maddie?" Hayley asked as my father stopped.
"No. Do you have any idea how rare love is? In a thousand years, I've found it two times, and when I have, I have honored it." My father said.
Love... my father found love two times.... my mother, who i am a constant reminder of. Celeste clearly. I killed the first one and Klaus killed the second.
"I know what a promise means to you, Elijah, but you made it 200 years ago. I live in the now. If i feel something, I act. If i want something, i take it. I won't choose the dead over the living, so why are you?" Hayley asked.
I looked up at my father and raised any eye brow.
"I'm sorry Elijah" Hayley said as she went to walk past us.
My father grabbed her arm and I let go of his and they looked at each other and almost kissed but my father looked away. And Hayley backed away and I watched her walk down the street.
"It's okay dad to love her" i said.
He just looked at me before we followed behind Hayley.

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