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"Where's Elena?" Rebecca asked.
"We need to leave" Klaus said getting into the drivers seat
"With out the doppelgänger?" I asked.
"He knows where we are" Klaus said looking at us.
"Who?" I stupidly asked.
I should have knew who due to the fear in Uncle Klaus eyes.
"Mikeal" he said starting the car.
"Grandpa?" I asked confused
"Don't call him that Maddie" Rebecca snapped.
He never really went after me only my uncles and aunt and father but for some odd reason he would only look at me with pity in his eyes.
"Sorry" i mumbled as Klaus speed down the street.
"How does he know where we are?" I asked.
"He always finds us. The thing is i though he was down for good" Klaus said.
"Where are we going brother?" Rebecca asked.
"Anywhere but here" he said.
"Can we wake my dad up?" I asked hopeful.
"No. Your being punished" he said looking at me through the mirror.
"You know if i would have let Stefan kill her you would have no hybrids" i said looking at Rebecca.
"She's right you know" she said.
"It's the fact she's known all along and failed to mention a thing" Klaus said as we passed the Mystic Falls sign.
"You never asked me if i knew even though I'm an original witch hybrid. Connected to the original witch herself" i said looking down.
"You still could have spoke up" he said
"You still could have spoke up" i mocked flipping my uncle off and looking out the window.
Rebecca giggled and Klaus said nothing but I'm sure he was glaring at me.
"I'm not leaving so let me out" Rebecca said. Klaus stopped and Rebecca got out.
"She stays with me" Klaus said.
"Not" i said jumping out.
"Fine both of you are as stupid as they come" he said leaving us on the side of the road.
"Thought for sure he would stay" i said as we watched him disappear.
"Think he's really coming?" Rebecca asked.
I shrugged and we walked back to town.
We showed up at Stefan's house and Becca knocked and a boy who wasn't Stefan answered.
"Where's Stefan?" She said barging in.
We had gone shopping and had bags in out hands. She lets me dress like a teenager and not a toddler.
"Who the hell are you?" The guy asked as Becca and i found stefan.
"He left us here. My brother actually left us here" she said.
We technically told him too but she's dramatic so that's that.
"Oh I'm sorry your tone implies that I'm actually supposed to care." Stefan said.
I rolled my eyes.
"You're Klaus sister?" The guy asks Rebecca
"Rebecca, pleasure I'm sure" she said with a smile.
"And I'm Maddison his niece" i said with the same smile.
"He has a niece?" The guy asked .
"Elijah daughter" i said knowing the knew my dad.
He just nodded.
"Which ones our room?" Rebecca asked.
"Neither of you are stay here" Stefan laughted
"Rude. Both of you" She said looking at the other guy.
"I'll see to it myself. Come on Maddie" she said picking her stuff back up and heading to the stairs. I followed her.
"So i guess they are staying here" i heard stefan say.
"What are we going to do?" I asked Rebecca.
"We are going to school" she said with a smile.
"School?" I asked.
"Indeed" She said.
"And what grade will you put me in?" I asked as we walked into the school.
"Junior of course" she said.
I smiled a junior is better than whatever grade a 13 year old was supposed to be in.
"Starting with this country's original founders the native Americans" the teacher said as Rebecca and i walked into the classroom.
Yes I'm taking one class with seniors so what.
"What about the vikings?" Rebecca asked as we took a seat.
"There's no evidence that Viking explorers actually settled in the United States" the teacher said slowly.
"Who are you?" He asked
"My names Rebecca and this is my niece Maddison. We are new" she said with a smile.
"History is my favorite.." she started and then looked at me.
"Sorry our favorite subject" she said
Class went on and then the bell rang and i went to junior English while Rebecca went and annoyed the Elena crew.
"Can i sit here?" I asked the boy in my class.
"Sure. Names Jermey" he said putting out his hand.
"Maddison" i said with a smile shaking his hand.
Class started and everyone was quiet and i just looked at Jermey he was cute. Little did I know he was Elena's little brother. We had just about every class together which was some what comforting because i knew someone. At the end of the day i went looking to Rebecca but i couldnt find her anywhere so i wondered to the football field.
I seen Tyler my uncles first successful hybrid and he was kinda cute too but he loved Caroline.
"Sounds like you have an opening on the squad" i heard an all too familiar voice say. I looked over and my aunt was with the cheerleaders so i walked over there.
"What are you doing?" Caroline asked her
She didn't reply only stretched with the other girls.
"Hey. Hey." Caroline said getting my aunt attention.
"You can't just come here and infiltrate all our lives" she said to my aunt.
I sat in the bleachers and watched. My aunt a cheerleader this was about to be interesting.
"I'm only interested in yours" she said to Caroline with a smirk.
"You're spunk you're popularity. Maybe even you're boyfriend" Becca said smiling.
The whistle blew for the football team and Tyler compelled the teacher to let them go early and Caroline went and talked to him and while she did that my aunt showed off doing flips and stuff. She was good better than Caroline i bet by the look she was giving.
"Come on niece" Rebecca said looking at me. "Time to get ready for that bonfire" she said now looking at Caroline.
I jumped up and followed my aunt as we walked to the car.

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