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"Maddison" i said as i took the phone from my uncle.
"Hello niece. Meet me at the school" Rebecca said as she hung up.
"Do you not ask who it is?" I asked as i handed my uncle his phone.
"Not really" he said.
"I'm going to the school I'll be back." I said.
"Fine. I have things i need to do today anyways" He said as he continued to clean up his stuff.
I walked into the school and seen Caroline walking the halls with the white oak stake.
"What are you doing with that?" I asked as i walked up to her.
"Maddie! What are you doing here!" She said as she attempted to hide the stake.
"I was called by my aunt." I said as i pushed past her.
I was mad at her she was willing to hand my uncle over to the hybrids and didn't even think of how it would affect me. Then again everything everyone has don't the last 1000 years has never been a "hey Maddie what are your thoughts?"
I knew she plained to use the stake on my aunt but i was going to stop them from attempting to kill my aunt even if it meant i died.
Suddenly i heard a scream and i ran back and i seen my aunt with the white oak in her hand. Rebecca walked me and Caroline to the library and then went to find Stefan.
About ten minutes later Rebecca walked in with Stefan.
"Stefan!" Elena said as she stood up.
"Did i say you could move?" Rebecca asked.
Elena sat back down.
"Class is in session" Rebecca said as she let go of Stefan.
"You've all been compelled. Well except Maddie of course but you all no the rules. Answer my questions honestly, no disobedience, no one leaves. April my sweet take notes. This is how you get answers in this town. Let's start with a little quiz" Rebecca said as she walked around the table in which all of us sat at.
"In the year 1114, my brother learned... thanks to yours truly... about a brotherhood of vampire hunters with tattoos that grew with each kill. And these tattoos reveal what? Elena?" Rebecca said.
"A map" Elena said.
"Which led to, Caroline?" Rebecca said.
"A cure for vampirism" Caroline said.
"Perfect. We are all caught up" Rebecca said with a smile.
"Now Stefan Salvatore, the last time we seen each other, you had a vampire hunter but in order to decode the map, you needed the location of the hunters sword, which you got out of me using very dirty tricks. Assuming you found the sword, you must have found the cure, and yet you are all still vampires, which means something went wrong." Rebecca said as she looked over at April who was literally taking notes.
"What are you doing?" Rebecca asked.
"You asked me to take notes" April said.
"She wasn't being literal" i said.
"However a flow chart would be nice, which means index cards and push pins. Go fetch" Rebecca said.
April nodded and got up and went to get what Rebecca asked for.
"You're wasting your time. We don't know anything." Stefan said.
"So you just gave up? I thought you'd do anything to save Elena, even if it meant taking the cure yourself so you could grow old and die with her." Rebecca said.
Elena and Stefan looked at each other.
"Why do you look so surprised? I'm missing something what is it?" Rebecca asked.
"They broke up" i said.
"Now let us go" Caroline said.
"Broke up?" Rebecca laughed. "Wait, I'm confused. I thought Elena was your epic love, Stefan." Rebecca said as she sat down.
Nobody said anything.
"I asked you what happened, and you have to tell me." Rebecca said.
"She slept with Damon." Stefan said.
I looked over at Caroline who was never supposed to tell Stefan that's all Elena asked when she told us. Elena looked at Caroline too.
"So vampire Elena is a trollop who likes bad boys, which explains why Stefan reeks of alcohol. But what it doesn't explain is why sweet, loving, innocent Elena could be so heartless towards Stefan. How could she hurt you like that? Answer please." Rebecca said.
"She didn't know it at the time, it she was sired to Damon" Stefan said.
"A sire bond. Fascinating. And what do you think about that Elena?" Rebecca asked.
"I think you're sad and bored and in desperate need of a hobby." Elena said as she looked at Rebecca.
"You're hiding something. 'Fess up" Rebecca said.
"I didnt sleep with Damon because of the sire bond. I slept with Damon because I'm in love with him." Elena said.
"Well this has been fun but i really must be leaving. I have no purpose being here" i said as i stood up.
"Sit down! You aloud Klaus to dagger me, you didn't even fight him" she said.
I said down.
"What does any of this have to do with the stupid cure?" Caroline asked.
"You're right. We got off the point. Stefan how do i find the cure? Unless you would rather talk about Damon and Elena all day" Rebecca asked.
"There's a professor. He knows where the cure is." Stefan said.
"Thank you and where do i find this professor?" Rebecca asked.

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