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"Your coming with me Maddie" Klaus said as we pulled up to a build.
"Okay" i said
"Rebecca you're staying with Stefan until he wakes up" Klaus said helping us both out of the truck.
"Alright" she said.
Klaus and i walked into the building which i assume is the high school being as i heard kids talking about a senior prank?
We seen a girl walking down the hall and Klaus vampire speed up to her.
"There's my girl" he said as i appeared next to him.
"Klaus" she breathed out.
He smiled.
She tried to run and he grabbed her arm.
"You're supposed to be dead" he said. "What are we going to do about that?"
"You put a rather large kink in my plans sweet heart" he said as we walked to halls.
"The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to create more hybrids. I havent been able to do that and i bet it has something to do with the fact that you're still breathing" Klaus said
"If your going to kill me just do it" she said as we got to two big doors.
"Not until i know im right. I do have way to make you suffer" he said opening the gym doors.
"Attention seniors you have officially been busted. Prank night is over. Head on home" Klaus said as the three of us entered the gym.
The kids groaned and headed out. He stopped two of them a boy and a girl and compelled the girl to stand on one foot and compelled the boy to beat her to death if she lost her balance.
"Don't Klaus you don't have to hurt anyone" the girl whispered.
"Oh come on love of course i do" he said.
Classic my uncle. Where ever Klaus was someone was bound to get hurt. If not humans then his family.
"Where's Stefan?" The girl asked.
This must be the girl that Stefan loves and Aunt Becca is jealous of just slightly.
"Stefan's on a time-out" Klaus said.
"What did you do to him?" She asked as the doors opened.
We turned and seen a girl and a guy walk in.
"Bonnie get out of here!" The girl yelled but it was to late Klaus had left the girls side and vampire speed over to Bonnie's side.
"Ah i was wondering when you would show up" Klaus said
I could sense fear in everyone which meant Klaus could which made him happy.
"Now we can begin" Klaus said with a smile looking at me.
He told the girl with the leg up and the boy with her to relax and sit tight and the did as told.
"I assume you are the reason Elena is still walking around alive" Klaus said to Bonnie.
"That's right. If you want to blame someone, blame me" Bonnie said.
I held on to Elena because i knew Klaus wanted me to make She she didn't try to run.
"Oh there's no need for blame love" Klaus said. "Just your witchy interference seems to have caused some undesirable side effects and since you caused the problem, I'm going to have you find the fix." He said with a grin
Just then the door opened yet again.
"Get off me!" A boy yelled as he was pushed into the room followed by none other than my aunt Becca.
"Hush" she said as she joined Klaus.
"I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebecca and my niece Maddison" he said introducing Becca and I .
"Word of warning Rebecca can be quite mean and so can Maddison" he said laughing as the crew looked between the three of us.
"Don't be an ass" Rebecca said as she shoved the boy into Klaus hand.
"Leave him alone" Elena said.
"I'm going to make this very simple. Every time i attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid they die during the tradition. It's quite horrible, actually." He said forcing the boy to drink his blood. He tried to resist but Klaus was stronger than him.
"I need you to find away to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake... you better hurry" Klaus said as he snapped Tyler's neck.
Elena gasped.
"If Bonnie is successful Tyler will live through his transition. Go on then go fetch your grimories and when you get back Maddison is going to help you" Klaus said with a smile as he looked at me.
He was going to let me help! I'm only the most unique and powerful witch ever and just because I'm 13 means nothing.
"We'll hold on to Elena" i said looking at Klaus and Becca.
"for save keeping of course" Klaus said smiling.
Bonnie and the other boy ran out of the gym at Elena's nod.
"So this is the latest doppelgänger" Rebecca said slowly walking up to Elena and I.
"The original one was much prettier" she said being a bitch.
"Becca they all look the same" i said rolling my eyes and looking at my uncle.
"Enough Rebecca" Klaus said "take the wolf boy else where will you?"
"And what of Maddie?" She asked.
"She'll stay right here" Klaus said putting his hand on my shoulder.
Rebecca smiles and drags Tyler's body out of the gym leaving Elena, Klaus and I.
"Just ignore her petty little thing" Klaus said to Elena.
"How do you have a niece?" Elena said looking at me. "I though vampires couldn't procreate"
"Alas Elena She was born before we turned" Klaus said looking at me.
"Is She Rebecca's?" She asked.
"Oh no. Better and you know him" Klaus said with a smile.
"Elijah?" She asked.
"Ding ding ding." He said with a smile.
Klaus and i went and sat on the bleachers and waited for Bonnie to get back. I knew how to fix Klaus hybrid problem but why ruin the fun. I would have said something before but i thought the doppelgänger was dead.
"Stefan!" Elena said looking at the door.
"Klaus" Stefan said.
"Come to save you damsel mate?" Klaus asked.
"I can to ask you for your forgiveness" Stefan said.
I laughed and Klaus gave me his famous warning glance the same glance i get from my dad, i miss my dad and I'm so close to getting him back.
"Pledge my loyalty" Stefan said.
"Well you've broken that pledge once already" i said looking up at Stefan then at my uncle who looked and me and then at Stefan.
"Elena means nothing to me anymore"Stefan said.
"He's lying" i whispered.
Klaus only nodded.
""And whatever you ask of me... i will do"  Stefan said.
"Fair enough" Klaus said standing up.
"Let's drink on it" Klaus said walking towards Elena and the other two kids.
"Kill them" Klaus said pointing to the other two kids.
Nobody moved and you could tell the boy and girl were scared.
"Well? What are you waiting for?" I asked looking at Stefan.
"No! Stefan don't!" Elena said.
"He won't hurt me he already said" she started but i cut her off by smacking her across the face  making her fly backwards.
Stefan raced towards me and Klaus and Klaus stopped him and grabbed him.
"She means nothing to you? You're lies just keep piling up" Klaus said.
"Let her go! I'll do whatever you want, you have my word" Stefan said.
"You're word doesn't mean much" Klaus said.
Elena got back up and walked over to me.
"Your father would want better if you. He didn't want me dead" Elena whispered to me.
"You don't know what my father would want. And I'm doing all this to get him back so i have to do what my uncle says" i said pushing her way from me.

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