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"Can i drink?" I asked Becca as she got herself beer.
"Sure. I'm not Klaus or you're father" she said with a smile handing me a cup.
"You alright?" Stefan asked as he walked over and took my cup right out of my hand.
"Hey" i said as he took a sip.
"You're a baby you don't need this and you don't need to dress like your 16 either" Stefan said.
"I thought Tyler would be here" Becca pouted
"Are we ignoring the fact that Stefan just took my drink?" I asked
"Tyler now huh? Fickle" Stefan said.
"I guess so" i said looking at the two of them.
"When you're willing to give me the time of day again then we'll talk. Till then a girl has needs" Becca said.
I rolled my eyes and grabbed another drink.
"excuse me" Elena said as she walked up.
"Elena. Hi what are you doing?" Stefan asked as Elena got herself a drink.
I stopped stalling and took a drink of my drink seeing as people like to tell me what to do all the time and i want to have fun too.
"I'm having fun Stefan you got a problem with that?" Elena snapped.
Stefan was my uncles human blood bag babysitter.
"Alright take it easy. We both know you're kind of a lightweight" Stefan said as she downed her drink.
I never thought about it. Was i a lightweight? No I'm a freaking hybrid witch vampire i couldn't be a lightweight. The taste is definitely not a good one at first but then you get use to it and then boy was it good.
"Uh-huh? Really" Elena said looking at Stefan "you think I'm going to let a little blood addict tell me how to drink?" She snapped again as she walked away.
Stefan watched Elena all night and i looked for Jermey i knew he was dating Bonnie but they were falling apart.
Becca and i sat on a log and watched the fire as Damon can over and sat by us.
"What no friends you're own age?" Becca asked.
"Like you can talk" Damon said looking at her
She blew out the fire on the marshmallow that she had in the fire.
"Is this supposed to be fun? I've been through like 10 of these" she said looking a Damon.
I thought it was kinda fun and it tasted good roasted marshmallows.
"No you're just looking at it all wrong" he said
Now i was confused what other way was there to look at it.
"This is a little rough on the outside. But on the inside... yum" he said as he put it in her mouth.
He was flirting with her but why i mean she pretty no lie about that but what's the catch.
"Mm it's good" she said
"Yep" he said with a smile.
I looked up and seen Elena watching with jealousy in her eyes. She liked Stefan and Damon.
Damon made her a.... what do you call it... a Smore and handed it to her
"I cant believe you've never had this before" he said.
"Well ive been in a casket for 90 years" she said taking it from Damon.
I watched Elena walk away from Stefan.
"That's no excuse" he said
"Mmm this is good" she said with a smile. "Did you try one Maddie?"
"I've had like 7 Becca" i said looking over at her.
She smiled and then looked at Damon again.
"Why are you being so nice to me?" She asked.
Finally she finds it odd.
"You hate me. You should be mean" she said.
"Well i could be mean. If that's what you're into" he said.
"Ugh" i said looking at them.
"You're distracting me. Why?" She asked.
Clever aunt Becca clever indeed. And what eve it is, it's working.
"Just trying to be a good housemate" he said as the stood up.
"There's no fair fight between us Damon" Rebecca said with her hand on his shoulder.
"Remember that" she said as she stabbed him in the stomach with her stick.
"Let's go Maddie" she said looking at me.
As we walked i smelled smoke and i looked over and seen our history teacher next to a burning car.
"Open the door" i heard him say.
"Becca" i said
"No not our problem." She said.
"It's Elena" i said running over. It was witchcraft holding her in.
"I can help" i said looking at our teacher.
I did a spell and fought the flames and opened the door and grabbed an unconscious Elena.
"Stefan's in the back" he said.
I nodded and he grabbed Stefan.
Elena woke up and so did Stefan just in time for the four of us to move and watch the car explode.
"I'm sorry i couldnt fight all the flames" i said.
"You saved us" Elena said looking at me.
"I didnt save the car" i said looking at the teacher
Rebecca walked over.
"That's my niece. Here to save the day. Your father would be proud" she said to me. Even though she hated Elena she was still proud of me for saving her and Stefan.
I went with Stefan and Elena and the teacher back to the Salvatore house and Becca went and did her own thing and i watched Elena stab Stefan in the stomach.
"Why did you do that!" I said looking at her and running to his side.
Just then Damon grabbed me.
"Let me go!" I said
The teacher and Elena left and Stefan pulled the stake out of his stomach and went to his room.
"Never touch me again" i said as he let go of me.
Suddenly there was a crash.
"Keep it up Stefan" Damon called.
There was another crash and Damon rolled his eyes and went into the living room and suddenly i seen him fly across the room.
"This is going to be fun" i heard someone say as Damon laid in the ground.
It wasn't Stefan throwing things it was this mysterious person who was he and why was here.

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