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"Don't touch my family," We heard Klaus say as my father and I walked into the church.
"Leave her," my father said as we enter the sanctuary.
"He gave his word," i said.
"You tend to give your word often. In the most inopportune times, brother." Klaus said.
I looked at my father who stood in the door way with his hands behind his back.
"We've been doing things your way all day. Come on. Just one little snap, and it's toodle-loo, Agnes. She deserves it." My uncle said.
"Niklaus, do not make another move. You have asked for my forgiveness. I will grant you that forgiveness, but do not make me break my word." My father said as he walked towards Klaus and Agnes.
I followed behind him and we stopped right in front of the two. Klaus has his hand around her throat. Klaus' face twitched in anger but her backed away with his hands in the air.
"My noble brother and his try hard daughter. How's that for personal growth, eh?" Klaus asked looking at my father and I.
"Still, it is just like you brother to spoil my fun." Klaus continued.
"Shut up!" I yelled.
"Not necessarily" my father said looking at Agnes.
My father ripped out the hearts of the witches who were there with Agnes and I stayed perfect still starring at Agnes. I dont care what my father promised Sophie because the deal was Uncle Klaus didn't kill her nothing was said about me being the one to kill her. He dropped the hearts on the ground and i seen fear rise in Agnes eyes.
"I swore you would not die by my brothers hand. I said nothing of my own," my father said as he whipped his hands off.
Apparently father daughter minds think alike.
My father grabbed Agnes by the the throat and looked at her while i moved to stand by my Uncle.
"No one hurts my family and lives." He said as he broke her neck and threw her to the ground.
"No one." My uncle said as he turned and walked out.
I stepped over Agnes body and followed him out.
My father and I returned home to the place empty and dark.
"Hayley!" My father shouted as we walked into the sitting room.
There was nothing just silence i couldn't even hear a heart beat.
"She's not here" i said looking at my father.
He picked up his phone and dialed Rebecca's number.
"Goodbye means goodbye Elijah" Rebecca said into the phone.
"She with you?" My father asked.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Rebecca asked.
"Hayleys gone!" I yelled.
"Where is she?" My father asked.
"What?" Rebecca asked.
"Marcel was here" Klaus said as he walked into the sitting room.
My father took the phone away from his ear and the two of us turned and looked at my uncle.
"Oh no," i said.

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