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"Come on Maddison the Casket Girls are arriving we need to save them" Rebecca said.
"Let's go" i said as i sat my book down.
We vamped to the road where the horses took the girls on the way to the governor's house.
"Get them out. We want to see the women." The men shouted from outside the carriage.
Rebecca and I stood a bit away waiting as the men surrounded the carriage carrying the girl.
"Come on. We want the women." They yelled again.
"They have no clue what they are getting themselves into when they agree to come here" i sighed.
"They believe that the guys here are gentle" Rebecca said looking over at me.
"Far from it" we both said at the same time as we laughed.
We heard the girls scream from inside the carriage.
"Show time niece." Rebecca said.
"I'm not killing anyone" i said.
"Come on Maddison just a little fun?" She pouted.
I shook my head.
"To save these poor girls?" She asked.
"Alright fine." I said rolling my eyes.
We vamped over and started killing the lot.
The driver then stuck his head out of the door and was completely horrified when he seen Rebecca and I.
Rebecca grabbed him and killed him.
We looked at each other, nodded and walked over to the door of the carriage.
"Oh, there, there, little lambs. All the bad men have gone away." Rebecca said as she whipped her mouth.
The girls looked horrified.
"Vous etes en securite ici. Pardonnez le desordre." I said.
"Where did you learn French?" Rebecca asked.
"I picked it up when we were running about over there and father has taught me a little here and there" i said.
"I'm impressed" she said before looking back at the girls.
"Us girls have got to stick together. Now, is there anything you want to take with you?" Rebecca asked them.
They nodded and slowly got out of the carriage and grabbed some things from the caskets in which held their clothing.

"What are we doing Rebecca?" I asked as we walked the streets of New Orleans.
"Taking in the partying" she said with a smile.
"Yes I dont have time for this i have spells to study" i said.
"You've been studying the spells for hours Maddie. Take a break enjoy the celebration" she said.
I took a deep breath and rolled my eyes.
"Alright but I'm going to need drink" i said.
"Brilliant" she said as she grabbed us both a drink.
"Let's head home and get ready for the celebration" she said.
I nodded and we headed back to our family home.
Klaus let my father, Rebecca and I move in last night.
"Oh wait! Clothes rack" Rebecca said dragging me to the dresses.
"Ugh! Dull, dreary, hideous." Rebecca said as Marcel walked up behind us.
"Talking about the clothes or something else?" He said.
"Why, feeling insecure?" Rebecca asked as she looked at him.
I cleared my throat reminding them i was still there.
"This festival might as well be in mine and Maddie's honor. We need proper costume, so bugger off." Rebecca said as she went back to looking at the dresses on the rack.
"Rebecca..." Marcel started as he put his hand on her elbow.
"Don't. You made your choice." She said as she swatted him away.
"You and Klaus are best friends again. You've relinquished your right to touch me." Rebecca said as she moved off the rack and over to a box.
Marcels phone began to ring and he just stood there. Rebecca looked over at him.
"I wonder who that could be" she said with a smirk.
Mercel looked upset on the phone and when he hung up he turned to Rebecca and I .
"Davina is missing" he said.
Rebecca grabbed the box full of dresses and the three of us went back to the house.
Mercel went to talk to Klaus and my father and Rebecca and I went through the clothing. After the apparent meeting Klaus was standing on the balcony that over looked our sitting area.
"So the witch is missing?" Hayley asked Rebecca and I as she walked over holding a dress.
"Walked right out the front door, apparently" i said.
"Know anything about it?" Rebecca asked.
"No, although I did tell her that the witch elders were dead." Hayley said.
"Why would she care, when the witches tried to kill her in their ritual?" Rebecca asked.
"I think it was more that Marcel didn't tell her that the one thing preventing her from being free had been eliminated." Hayley said.
"So you are the reason she's run off." Rebecca said.
"Hey, i was just telling her the truth. She's the one who realized they were just using her to keep their control over the witches." Hayley said.
"Well I've never been a fan of the boys club. Just wait, Elijah will join them, and the three of them will be impossible." Rebecca said as she glanced up at Klaus and Marcel.
"Used by the witches, lied to by Marcel, manipulated by Elijah, threatened by Klaus... she's like a modern-day casket girl." Rebecca said.
"Are you talking about Davina or yourself?" Hayley asked.
"Does it matter?" Rebecca asked as she looked at Hayley.
"Either way us girl have got to stick together. Right Maddie?" Rebecca said.
"Oh, um yeah right" i said looking at my aunt.
Davina wasn't as free as she thought she was with the witch elders dead she was still in danger and we needed to find her first.
"Maddie!" Klaus yelled.
I rolled my eyes and walked last my aunt and up the steps where Marcel and Klaus were.
"What?" I asked.
"We need a favor. From a powerful witch" Marcel said.
"Funny how I'm only powerful when one of you needs something. Don't tell me, you want me to do a locator spell to find Davina" i said.
"Yes" Marcel said.
"No" i said.
"Maddie" Klaus said in a warning tone.
"No, i will not find Davina for you guys, she left for a reason. I will find her but it's not for you guys" i said as i walked past them and into the study.
"For the record Marcel, I'm not just a powerful witch. I'm the most powerful witch" i said as i put my hair up and pulled the map out of the desk drawer.
"Got something of hers?" I asked.
"No" Marcel said.
"How am i supposed to do a locator spell?" I asked.
"Hold on" Marcel said as he went to leave.
"Forget it i can do something else" i said as I shut my eyes.
I did the spell i did when Kate almost killed Marcel. I connected my mind to Davinas and was able to see and hear and feel what Davina did.
"Ah!" I said as i sank to the ground.
"Maddie!" I heard my father say as his foot steps approached.
"Someone is using magic in the quarter" Davina said.
I seen a flash of where she was an apartment with Josh and Cami. And then a flash of someone doing a locator spell.
"They are trying to find me" she said.
I took a deep breath and opened my eyes.
"She's not safe" i said as my father helped me up.
"Where is she?" Marcel asked.
"I dont know the exact place but the witches in the quarter are looking for her they know she isn't with us and they know she is missing. If they find her first they will attempt to finish the ritual and Davina will be sacrificed" i said

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