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I followed my dad and Sabine into the crypt where Sabine pulled the map out and Davina's old hair brush.
"Do I even want to know why you have that?" I asked.
"I was using it to find Davina when she went missing" Sabine said as she shut her eyes.
Everything was quite for awhile then she opened her eyes.
"This isn't working" she said.
"She's nowhere to be found?" My father asked.
"No, it's more like she's everywhere. She's hemorrhaging magic. That means we have less time than we thought we have got to find her" Sabine said.
"Move over" i said pushing her out of my way.
"If i cant finds her you can't." Sabine said.
"Am i technically more powerful that you?" I said looking at her.
"Yes." He said.
"Alright. Let me have a stab at it, all of you are so rude and have no faith in me" i said as I shut my eyes.
I heard the thunder clap and i knew that we were entering the water stage. I wasnt going to do the locator spell, that takes time. I was entering Davina's mind like i had done twice before, fully aware that I would feel everything she felt but I would see and hear what she did and hopefully give clues to Sabine as she knows the city well.
"All this power you had let me punish the witches and it let me run the city, and i let that mean too much. All right, but that's over with now. One survivor to another, all i want to do is keep you alive, i swear." Marcel said.
I felt sadness and scared and around me i seen a garage door and I heard birds.
"I'm scared. I dont know what's wrong with me." Davina said.
"You're not alone. We'll fix this." Marcel said.
"You won't let them hurt me?" Davina said.
"No. Nobody's gonna touch you." Marcel said as Davina hugged him.
The storm started to get worse as my magic began to tangle with hers.
I shot open my eyes and looked at my dad.
"What? Where is she?" He asked.
I debated, not sure if i wanted to tell but i knew i had to in the order to save her.
"There was a garage door and i heard seagulls" i said.
"The docks" Sabine said.
"It didn't work. I tried to consecrate her and absorb her magic, but there's nothing there." Sophie said as she walked in.
"I dont understand. A witches magic is infused in her bones until consecrated." My father said.
"Well, then someone's already taken it because there's nothing there." Sophie said.
"There has to be another way" my father said.
"There is no other way." Sabine said.
"Unless you know of some super powerful dead witch whose bones were never consecrated, it's over" Sophie said.
"May I?" I said stepping next to my father.
"Hold on Maddie, there is someone else actually." My father said.
Sophie look at him.
"My mother" he said.
"That too i guess" i said shrugging.
"We will be back" my father said as he headed out and i followed.
"Couldn't I just do it? I mean i can become an elder, or i am sorta one. Im more powerful than one" i said as we drove home.
"No maddie stay out of it" my father said.
"Dad! Listen to me! I want to consecrate grandmas bones and have her magic and I want to finish this harvest ritual to make damn sure Davina comes back" i said.
"You will do as I say and you will watch or you will be stuck at the compound with Klaus minions watching you" he said as he got out of the car.
"I'll kill every last one of them if you leave me here" i said as i followed.
"Then listen" he said as we walked in and found Rebecca and Klaus.
"Study I have an idea" my father said to them as he headed for the study.
"Did you find Davina" Klaus asked.
"Maddie did" my father said as Klaus, Rebecca and I sat down.
"Great then what's this?" Klaus asked.
"Celeste has been consecrated we need a back up. I've volunteered our mother" my father said.
"It's taken, 1000 years, but you've finally gone mad. Our own mother?" Rebecca asked
"Yes, our beloved mother, who Niklaus has affectionately places in a coffin in his basement, not daggered but quite dead." My father said.
"Well she did try to kill us all." Klaus said.
"I say we put her to use and put her to rest once and for all." My father said.
"Now if we bury grandma on land owned by one of her descendants, she becomes a New Orleans witch, and we as her family share in that ancestral magic." I said.
"But we are vampires. Maddie is the only one of us who can practice magic. And none of us can own property for that matter." Rebecca said.
"Yes. With regard to practicing magic... and as for owning property... not all of our mothers descendants are dead." My father said.
"The baby" Klaus said.
"Correct, the baby" I said
"The parish tax assessors office is just steps outside of the quarter. Hayley will hold the title to the plantation. So if we bury our mother there and we consecrate those a grounds, we can finish the Harvest Ritual." My father said.
"Or we can let me preform the damn thing" i said.
"No!" my uncle and father yelled as they looked at me.
I rolled my eyes.
"You're a bit of a mad genius, Elijah." Klaus said looking at him.
"Count me in" my uncle said as he stood up.
"Am i the only one thinking? Our mother was the most powerful witch in history. And then Maddie was born and now holds second or even first in that title if she knew how to control all her magic. If we bury our mother, we hand all her power to our enemies to use against us." Rebecca said.
"Given our circumstances, I hardly see that we have a choice, Rebecca" my father said.
"Let Maddie take her power it's the best idea. Because if the New Orlean witches have it then only Maddie can fight them if they come back to use it on us and I dont know about you guys but I'd rather not see my niece fighting that war" Rebecca said.
"No. She isn't going to participate. She is powerful enough if you add more power to her she really won't be able to control herself" my father said.
"I dont know what I bother. You two will do what you want anyways" Rebecca said.
"No. Our decision must be unanimous." My father said.
"This is not a democracy. If we don't let the witches do it then we let Maddie and I dont care who does it but it's getting done" my uncle said.
"You are right about all of what you said except the part where my daughter is involved" my father said.
"I'm not a kid dad! Let me prove to you that I'm more than capable" i said.
"You are a kid Maddie like it or not and I am protecting you." My father said as the rain began to pour outside.
"Water. The next sign has begun" i said.
"Rebecca?" My father said.
"Kill a demon today, face the devil tomorrow. Count me in" Rebecca said.
"Good and Maddie?" My father said.
I looked at my uncle and my aunt then my father said.
"Fine do it your way" i said.
"Well, this is no family reunion without our mother. I'll fetch her." My uncle said as he left the study.
"Promise me Maddie you won't do anything to get involved." My father said.
I narrowed my eyes at my father angrily.
"Whatever helps you sleep at night father" i said as i crossed my arms over my chest.
Rebecca got up and left after my uncle did.
"Go change Maddie we have a long over due burial to attend" my father said.
I rolled my eyes and got up and went to my room and changed.

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