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"Aunt Rebecca, how do i look?" I said as i walked back into her room.
I seen Elena standing over my aunt who was daggered laying on the floor.
"What did you do!" I yelled.
"I'm sorry" Elena said.
"Why! She's helped you!" I said falling to the ground.
"I cant leave anything to chance when Klaus comes back" Elena said.
Damon can up the steps and into the room.
"Right in the back harsh" he said as he covered her up.
"Your a back stabbing bitch!" I yelled running at Elena but Damon grabbed me.
"Nope! Now little Elijah this had to be done and if we knew were we could get another dagger you would be on the floor with your aunt" he said.
"Let me go!" I cried.
"Not until you promise you won't do anything to ruin this plan" he said.
"I wont! I wont! As long as you promise to get my dad back" i said.
"Deal" Damon and Elena said at the same time.
Damon let me go and i looked at My covered up aunt one last time before camping out of the room.
I sat in the living room of the Salvatore house in make up and hair done when Elena walked down the stairs on the phone. When she hung up the door was knocked on.
"Elena" the voice said.
I got up and went to the door.
"Matt, hey" she said.
"Hey" he said.
"Um slight problem with your homecoming date" she said.
"What happened?" He asked.
"She da.." i started. Elena covered my mouth.
"How would you feel about a back up date" she asked.
I looked at her.
Matt nodded and Elena ran to get dressed. I looked at Matt And didn't say anything at first.
"I'm third wheeling" i said.
He nodded again as Elena came down the steps again.
"Ready?" She asked.
"Yeah" he said.
I followed them to the truck and we went to the Lockwood house.
"Good evening everybody!" I heard Klaus voice from the backyard.
I ran through the people and seen my Uncle standing on the stage.
"I want to thank you all for being here to celebrate with me" he said with a smile.
"It's been a long time coming" he said.
I walked through the people and up towards the stage. He jumped down and i ran to him.
"I'm sorry i didnt come with you" i cried.
"Hey it's okay" he whispered as he hugged me.
"I'm back now and I'm not going anywhere"
I nodded and cried into his suit. It was then that i decided that i was not going to help with this plan but i promised and i keep my promises so i had to save my uncle another way with out the plan being destroyed.
"Now wipe those tears little niece and have fun" he said as he kissed my head and walked away.
"I .." i started be he was gone.
I went and grabbed a drink and looked for him again and found him walking with Stefan. I walked over to them and linked my arm with my uncles.
"So now what? You just stop running" Stefan asked.
Klaus looked at me and took my drink that i had almost gone.
"Now i reunite my family" Klaus said with a smile as he looked back at Stefan.
"Your family? You mean the people you cart around in caskets?" Stefan asked.
"None of that matters anymore. Mikealson gone. Bygones will be bygones" he said
"Really great party. I like the band" some girl said as she walked by.
"Seems the homecoming queen is still walks among the living. Which leaves me to believe Rebecca isn't here. Where is she?" Klaus asked Stefan.
"I have no idea. I thought she was coming with Matt" Stefan said.
"Oh be honest now stefan. Where's my sister." Klaus asked.
"I said i have no idea. Now should you like me to take you to see your father?" Stefan asked.
"Well it wouldn't be a party with out the guest of honor, would it?" Klaus asked and looked at me.
"Nope" i said.
"Bring him to me" Klaus said.
"Alright. Perhaps there's something in it for me? My freedom from your compulsion" Stefan said.
"Oh, You want your freedom? Well once he's dead and his weapon destroyed, you'll have your freedom. It will be my pleasure to give it back to you" Klaus said with a smile.
Stefan nodded and walked away.
"What did i say about drinking?" Klaus said turning to me.
"You aren't my father last i checked." I laughed.
"No but in your fathers absence I'm the closest thing you have" he said.
"Absence? You daggered him and put him in a box!" I yelled.
"Okay. Okay. But once i see for myself that you're grandfather is dead I'll wake him and uncle Kol and even Uncle Fin up" he said as he kissed my head again.
"Now go listen to the band or find your friends" he said.
"I havent got friends" i mumbled
"Come again" he said.
"I said i haven't got friends" i repeated.
"Caroline will be your friend I'm sure go hang out with her" he said pointing at Caroline.
I nodded and headed towards her.
"Maddie" Caroline said as i walked up to her.
"May i hang out with you? My aunt is um well unavailable and my uncle said you would let me hang with you" i said slowly knowing we hated my family.
"Yeah. Yeah sure" she said with a smile.
"I'm sorry about homecoming i know you worked hard. You look beautiful by the way" i said with a smile.
"As do you. You look older all dressed up" she said.
"Thanks my aunt let me barrow her dress. This princess will be back to looking like a child tomorrow I'm sure" i said.
"Can i steal her for just one moment?" Tyler said as he walked up to us.
"I mean i guess" i said.
They both nodded and disappeared.
I looked around and didn't see my uncle so i got another drink to which was ruined by him.
"You're bat senses tingling Uncle?" I asked facing him.
"My misbehaving niece senses are tingling. What are you going to go when your father wakes up and finds out you've became a drunk" he asked.
"One I'm not a drunk and too I'm over 1000 years old Klaus i think he will let it go" i said taking a sip.
"Nah I'll let that be a conversation between you and him but as of right now. Your not drinking" he said taking my drink from me and finishing it.
"Did you make more hybrids?" I asked.
"Of course" he said as he started pointing them out.
I went to look for Caroline but my uncle stopped me.
"You're staying with me little niece" he said as we went over to Elena.
"Where's your date?" He asked.
"Getting me a drink" she said.
He offered her his drink that he had grabbed on the way over. She just looked at him.
"Well.. seems i have you to thank for Mikeals demise" Klaus said.
"He came at me. I didnt have a choice" she said
"Still I'm impressed" he said slowly. "It's not easy for a human to dagger an Original"
"It wasn't the first time" she said with a smile.
"Right. Elijah" he said.
"You what!" I said.
"Now Maddie" Klaus said looking at me.
I felt even more rage build with in me. I was getting more and more angry and my powers where getting harder and harder to hold back.
"Claim down please" he said.
"You seem nervous" Klaus said to Elena after noticing her looking around.
"I'm not nervous. I just don't like you" she said.
"Right. Straight to the point then, shall i love?" He started. "People have been after me for 1000 years and I'm always one step ahead. So whatever you're thinking of trying, go for it, give it your best shot you won't succeed" Klaus said.
I looked at Elena i wanted to kill her so bad i was so angry with her but i couldnt kill her i hate killing people.
We were standing at the ping pong table when one of my uncles hybrids came to us.
"You have a visitor" she said.
"Well tell my visitor I'm on the brink of a victory here." Klaus said.
"He said his name was Mikeal" she said.
I looked at Klaus and he took his shot and made it into the cup.
"Then we mustn't keep him waiting." He said. "Move everyone out back"
She nodded
"I'm going to have a little chat with my dad" he said as he looked at me. I got scared very scared.
We started towards the door.
"Tony, you know what to do" he said as we walked past a man.
"I didnt know what was going to happened when i talked to you on the phone" i said as we walked to the door.
"I know love" he said looking at me.
"Are you mad at me?" I asked.
"No love you haven't done anything wrong" he said.
I nodded.
"Hello, Niklaus" Grandpa said as we walked over.
"Hello, Mikeal. Won't you come in? Oh, that's right, i forgot. You cant." He said with a smirk.
"Or you can come outside. If you want" Grandpa said.
"Or i can watch my hybrids tear you limb from limb" Klaus said.
"They can't kill me" Grandpa said.
"True. But it will make one hell of a party game" klaus said.
"All i have to do is rub these two fingers together and they'll pounce" Klaus said with a smile.
"The big bad wolf. You haven't changed. Still hiding behind your playthings like a coward. You only forget, they maybe be sired to you, by they are still part vampire and they can be compelled by me" Grandpa said as one of the hybrids handed Elena to him.
I looked between my uncle and my grandpa.
"Come our and face me Niklaus, or she dies" he said.
"Go ahead. kill her." Klaus said
"No, Klaus. He'll do it." Elena said. "Maddie please"
"You definitely deserve this Elena. If he really kills you" i said
"You have you're niece fighting your battles son. You take her father away and make her your little witch!" Grandpa said.
I felt tears build up in my eyes.
"If she dies, this lot will be the last of your abominations." Grandpa said.
"I dont need them. I just need to be rid of you" Klaus said.
"To what end, Niklaus? So you can live forever with no one at your side?" Grandpa asked.
"Nobody cares about you anymore, boy! As soon as you wake Elijah he will take his daughter and go else where with her and take Rebecca and Kol with them" he said looking at me.
I swallowed.
"Who do you have other than those whose loyalty you've forced?" He asked my uncle. I could tell he was getting angry.
"No one" my grandpa said answering his own question. "No one" he whispered again.
"I'm calling your bluff, father. Kill her" Klaus said angerly.
"Come outside and face me you little coward. And i wont have too" Grandpa said slowly.
"My whole life you've underestimated me. If you kill her you lose your leverage. So go ahead. Go on. Kill her" Klaus said. "Come on old man, kill her"
"Kill her!" Klaus yelled
Grandpa just laughed.
"Your impulse, Niklaus. It has and will forever be the one thing that keeps you from truly being great" grandpa said.
I looked at Klaus Who had a tear fall from his eyes.
He indeed stabbed Elena in the back and dropped her to the ground to both mine and Uncle Klaus' surprise. I jumped a little and Grandpa just laughed.
Suddenly i was knocked to the ground by damon who grabbed Klaus and stabbed him.
"No!" I yelled but the hybrid girl grabbed me and dragged me to my grandfather who then held me so i couldn't move.
I watched Elena get up.
"Katherine" my grandpa whispered.
She smiled and brought out grenade looking things.
"Kaboom" She said as she threw them to the wolves.
I looked back at Damon tackling my uncle. He brought his hand up ready to stab my uncle when he was pushed off by someone.

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