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"I just think I made a mistake by not letting her see you, her own father" i heard Klaus said as i walked up to his study door.
I focused in so i could hear what was being said.
"What happened?" I heard the panic in my fathers voice.
"I came home last night to her crying. She thinks she's a freak like I am Elijah. I messed up by taking her away from you, she thinks you don't love her" my uncle said.
"I do love her Niklaus. I love her more than anything, make sure you tell her she is anything but a freak. I'm coming to Mystic Falls Nik. I will not let you continue to keep us apart, she needs me" my father said.
"Alright. I've kept you guys apart for to long." My uncle said as he looked up and seen me.
"Maddie! Why aren't you at school?" My uncle asked.
"I um i didnt want to go today" i said.
"Let me talk to her" i heard my father say.
My uncle nodded and handed the phone to me.
"I'm coming back to mystic falls for you darling. Go to school and when you get home I'll be at the house with Nik" my uncle said.
"Father i really don't want to go" i said.
"Maddie..." my uncle said.
"None of my friends will be there and you daggered Rebecca" i said.
"Maddie please" my father said.
"Fine" i said as i handed my uncle his phone and grabbed my bag and left the house.
Little did they know i had other places i could go other than school because i doubted the crew would be at school.
I walked into Tyler's house and found Stefan and Caroline talking.
"Which means her one singular burning desire is to make him happy, just like Klaus and his hybrids" Caroline said.
"What about my uncles hybrids?" I asked as i walked into the room completely.
"Oh um hey Maddie" Caroline said.
"No don't stop talking I'm interested and i wont run back to my uncle trust me" i said.
"I do trust you Maddie your the only original i trust" she said.
"It's not like Klaus and his hybrids" Stefan said.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Elena is sired to Damon" Caroline said.
"Whoa that's kind of rare. A vampire sired to another vampire is one in a million." i said.
"Exactly. Maybe it won't affect her the same way" Stefan said.
"We already know it's affecting her she's become Damon's lapdog." Caroline said.
"It's true." I said.
"Everything he says, she agrees with. Everything he asks her to do, she does. We need to do something" Caroline said as she picked up her phone.
"Wait. No. Hold on. Caroline. This isn't gossip. You can't just drop this on her before we k ow what's happening for sure." Stefan said.
"I need to talk to Tyler, ok? Maybe he'll know what to do" Caroline said.
"All right. Talk to Tyler but don't tell anyone else either of you" Stefan said looking at me.
"If this is true. Then it may have influence Elena's every action and ever emotion. Since she became a vampire." Stefan continued.
Both of us nodded.
"Alright now off to school. Do you want a ride Maddie?" Caroline asked.
"Yeah" i said with a smile.
I followed Caroline outside and to her car.
Once we got to school we found Bonnie and we talked and then Elena showed up.
"Elena, hey is everything okay?" Bonnie asked.
"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" Elena asked.
"Well, Caroline was just telling Maddie and I that you had to move out of your house to stay away from Jeremy." Bonnie said.
"Matt's at the house staying with him right now. To make sure he keeps his hunter stuff under control. He's okay." Elena said looking at both Bonnie and I .
"But are you? I mean clearly they don't have a flat iron at hotel Salvatore" Caroline said.
"Oh. I was in a rush. I mean look... do you girls have any plans tonight?" Elena said.
"Are you talking to me too?" I asked.
They all laughed.
"Of course Maddie I'm talking to you too" Elena said.
"Anyways I'm in desperate need of girl talk." She said.
"I'm in. Shane taught me some small spells I've been wanting to try." Bonnie said with a smile.
"Oh, creepy professor guy is just Shane now." Caroline said.
"He's not creepy" Bonnie said.
"We're not judging" Elena said.
"I am" Caroline said.
"Don't listen to her... so girls night?" Elena asked.
"We can raid the Salvatore wine cellar" Elena continued.
"Are you sure Stefan and Damon are cool with us crashing at their place?" Caroline said.
"I cant go home because my brother is trying to kill me. So their place is mine now, too.... I'll see you in a bit" Elena said as she hurried off.
The three of us turned around and watched Elena walk away.
Bonnie headed to class and i stayed with Caroline as she called Stefan.
"I talked to Tyler." Caroline said.
"And?" Stefan said through the phone.
"The sire bound exists because the hybrids are grateful to Klaus for relieving them from the pain of having to wolf out every full moon, and that's why they have to turn until they're not ruled by the pain anymore." Caroline said.
"Right, but Elena's not a werewolf. So what's the vampire equivalent?" Stefan asked.
"Well, that's the problem. There isn't one." Caroline said.
That's when Stefan hung up on her.
"Are you um going?" I asked.
"To Elena's get together?" Caroline asked.
I nodded.
"Probably. How about you?" She asked.
"If I'm my dad doesn't come back tonight" i said.
"Do you know anything about a vampire sire bound?" She asked.
"Um maybe but let me think on it okay?" I asked.
She nodded and i headed to class leaving her in the hall way.

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