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"I bet this is awkward. Being with both Bonnie and Maddie." Shane said as we walked towards the cave
"How about you shut up before i make you shut up" i said.
"feisty" Shane laughed as i went to attack him.
"Don't Maddie he's not worth it" Jeremy said as he caught me.
We walked into the cave behind Shane with the islander behind us making sure we didn't run. I was faster for sure but i would get lost so i didnt risk it .
"This is as far as i go" the islander said.
"We're on the brink of a monumental event in human history. We're going to raise the most powerful immortal creature that ever was. Come on our works not done yet" Shane said.
"Mine is. You said get the kid and the witches. So i did. I want to get paid now" he said.
Shane nodded and got the tombstone out of his bag and walked over to the islander.
"I'll say a prayer for your souls." He said as he walked away.
"That's what the tombstone was for?" Bonnie asked.
"To pay off an islander?" I asked.
"The core of that tombstone is made up of Qetsiyahs calcified blood. In some witch circles, that stones more valuable than the Hope diamond." Shane said as he walked over to the hole.
"So.. who wants to go first?" Shane asked
Shane lowered Jeremy down and then Bonnie.
"Ow" i heard bonnie say
"You okay?" I asked.
"I'm fine just slipped" she said as Jeremy walked over to her.
"Your next" Shane said.
"Obviously" i said as i walked over and allowed him to lower me down just the same.
As soon as i got down there i smelled blood and i looked over and seen Jeremy bandage Bonnie up.
I walked over to them as Jeremy helped her up.
"Hey, guys I'm coming down" Shane said.
"Bonnie what do you think will happen once you and Maddie cast this spell from my tattoo and there's nothing between Shane and Silas" Jeremy said.
"Do you trust me?" Bonnie asked.
"No" i laughed.
She looked at me and then back at Jeremy.
"Yes of course" Jeremy said.
"Then trust me when i say i promise i wont let Shane rise Silas." Bonnie said.
"Just don't do anything stupid. Either of you. If your expression or your magic gets out of hand, Shane is the only one that can help you"
Jeremy said.
"Don't worry about us we are fine. Right Maddie?" Bonnie said.
"Yeah of course" i said.
"If Shane lifts a finger to hurt any of us... I'll kill him myself" Bonnie said as Shane joined us.
"This is just amazing isn't it?" Shane asked.
"Once we raise silas all of our sacrifices will have been worth it we'll all have what we want" Shane continued
"Or he'll kill us all like my uncle said" i said.
"Listen your going to see him right. Just so you don't get any ideas, remember, anything that happens to me, something a lot worse happens to Bonnie." Shane said.
"Alright. Where's this stupid secret passage they need to open?" Jeremy asked.
"Just look for anything that looks out of place. Alright? Anything that doesn't occur in nature." Shane said.
"Like what? A drawing an inscription?" I asked.
"Yes exactly. Or a geometric perfect cuticle" Shane said looking around.
He got on the ground and started moving dirt off the spot.
"This is it! This is the spot" she said looking at us.
The three of us stood in the circle and Bonnie had he left hand on the tattoo and i held her other hand and we shut our eyes.
"Your doing it. Just breath. Focus on what your doing" Shane said.
"This isn't our first rodeo" i said
"You guys can do this. You guys are in control" Jeremy said.
"That's it its just like drawing breath. Now just pull the power into you" Shane said.
The place started to shake and i started to feel powerless like something was draining me of my power.
Everything fell through and i landed laying on the ground.
"Bonnie? Maddie?" Jeremy yelled.
I couldnt get up or even move i was weak.
"I'm fine. But find Maddie" Bonnie said as i watched her stand up.
They looked around and found me.
"Maddie!" Jeremy yelled as he ran over to me.
"What happened" i whispered.
"I'm not sure." Bonnie said as her and Jeremy helped me up.
I started to fall.
"I've got you" Jeremy said as he caught me.
"Look it worked" Bonnie said pointing to the opening.
"You guys did" Jeremy said as Bonnie handed him his shirt.
"No we did it. All three of us" Bonnie said.
"Uh guys i need a hand. My leg is broken" Shane said.
"Best to stay off it then." Bonnie said as she walked to the other side of me.
"But you will help her? Come on Bonnie" Shane asked.
"Of course she's our friend" Jeremy said as the three of us walked away.
"Come on! Help me please!" Shane yelled.
We of course ignored him.
"Why is she so weak i thought she was powerful" Jeremy said.
"I'm right her i can hear you" i said.
"I think in the order to go the spell i had to use her power draining her magic from her because i think i was channeling her power of being an original witch" Bonnie said as we walked.
"Look at us a newbie hunter, a witch who needs adult supervision, and a hybrid 1000 year old witch. How are we one the ones that made it this far?" Bonnie asked.
"I'm glad it's you two I'm stuck with" Jeremy said.
"Me too" Bonnie said.
"I dont know how i feel right now I'm torn" i said as i slowly followed Bonnie and Jeremy.
"How are you feeling any better?" Bonnie asked.
"I can walk if that's what you mean but i cant use magic right now i cant even vamp. My uncle was right im to weak to defend myself" i said.
"No he's not. Your strong, and we all got tricked if i had known that the spell was to channel all your power i wouldn't have done it" Bonnie said.
"Yes you would have. You want to find the cure for Elena and neither of you care who gets hurt to save her" i said as i pushed past them.
They followed behind me.
"Where is here exactly?" Jeremy asked.
"Maddie your going the wrong way it's this way" Bonnie said.
"How do you know?" Jeremy asked.
"I just know" Bonnie said as she headed down the path.
I rolled my eyes and followed.
"Hi grams" Bonnie said.
Jeremy and i both looked and seen nothing.
What are you doing here grams?" Bonnie asked.
"Bonnie, what's going on?" Jeremy asked.
"Jeremy she bleed on the ground when we got in here" i said.
"I am so sorry about what happened" Bonnie said.
"How?" Bonnie questioned as she walked away looking beside her.
Jeremy and i followed her.
"Bonnie stop!" Jeremy said as he grabbed her.
"You aren't seeing your grams. If she were here i would be able to see her but i cant" i said.
"It's not her ghost. It's a hallucination. What your seeing is not real. It's me and Maddie. Your grams isnt here" Jeremy said.
"Jeremy and i are here. We are real, okay?" I said.
She looked around and then back at us.
"Jer... Maddie... what happened?" Bonnie asked.
"It was Silas. He was in your head" Jeremy said.
"He was trying to control you" i said.
"And Shane? The illusion of his wife... that's how Silas controls him" Bonnie said.
"You need to block him out of your mind" i said.
"Close your eyes" Jeremy said.
Bonnie closed her eyes.
"Listen to my voice and only my voice. I'm going to get us out of here." Jeremy said as he lead the two of us down the path.
We walked down the path and into the cave were there was a box. Jeremy walked up to it and Bonnie and I lingered behind.
"Is this it? Is this the cure?" Jeremy asked as he turned around and looked at us.
"How is that supposed to cure every vampire in the world?" Jeremy asked as he looked back at the box.
"I dont think it is Jer." Bonnie said.
"It's suck. Help me move it" Jeremy said.
Bonnie walked over and tried to help.
"It's, like, Fossilized in place. It's like trying to bend stone" Bonnie said.
"Oh my god" i said as i walked over
"What?" They both said.
"He's been frozen in a vampire statue for 2,000 years and there's only one way to wake someone who's been in a vampire statue." I said.
"We have to feed him our blood in the order to get the cure" Bonnie said.
"We have to wake him up" i said.
Jeremy grabbed a rock as started beating Silas hand to get the cure.
"There has to be another way to do this with out raising him" Bonnie said.
"We'll find away." I said.
Suddenly i was stabbed and so was Bonnie and we fell to the ground.
"Don't listen to the witches boy. We have to raise Silas. And we have to do it now. i heard the man that just stabbed us say.
"No!" I said weakly.
"How is she still speaking?" He asked.
"She's a vampire too" Jeremy said.
He looked over and yelled Bonnie's name and ran to her. She will die i wont.
I craw over to them and the man took out another knife.
"what are you doing?" Jeremy asked.
"What you should have done already. I'm going to raise silas." the man said.
I could suddenly smell blood.
"Then I'm going to kill him" he said.
I looked over and seen Jeremy grab him and they started fighting. I bit my wrist and tried to give it to Bonnie to heal her but i could get her to take any and i was almost healed.
"You're a bit confused Mr. Gilbert. We're on the same team" the man said as he put Jeremy in a chock hold.
Jeremy turned around and kneed the guy and then put him in a chock hold.
"You stabbed my friends!" Jeremy said.
The man flipped Jeremy over and he landed on his back.
"I don't  mess around with witches or vampires." He said.
"You can't use the cure on Silas!" Jeremy said.
"It's what it's meant  for" the man said.
Jeremy got up and ran at the guy and punched him and kicked him. The guy again slammed Jeremy to the ground and i got up and ran at him but he stabbed me in the stomach again with a wood stake i maybe an original but it still freaking hurts.
"What else's would you use the cure for?" The man asked as he picked up his knife.
He looked over at Jeremy.
"Your friends... your sister... sorry Lad. It wasn't meant for that" he said as he walked over to Jeremy who laid on the ground.
I pulled the stake out of my stomach and i let myself heal.
"Nothing personal." The man said as Elena came running in and grabbed the guy and went to bite his neck.
"Don't! the hunters curse!" Jeremy said.
Elena stopped and threw him down.
She helped Jeremy up. "You okay?" She asked
"Yeah" Jeremy said as he walked over to Bonnie.
"Elena's here now. Everything is going to be okay" Jeremy said to Bonnie who woke up slightly.
"Come on we have to get you up" Elena said.
"Can one of you help Bonnie?" Jeremy asked.
I stood begins Elena and looked down at Bonnie.
"Okay i will but i need to make sure your okay first" Elena said as she bent down to Jeremy.
"I'm fine. What are you doing?" Jeremy asked.
"The cure. Jeremy after everything we've been through, it's right there" Elena said.
"It will be there after we help Bonnie" Jeremy said.
"God i forgot how much of a brat you were" she said.
"Wait a second" i said.
Elena turned and looked at me.
I glared at her and went to Bonnie.
"I'm done playing nice." She said as she grabbed Jeremy and sliced his wrist and put it in Silas mouth.
"Katherine!" I yelled.
"Hello Littlest Mikealson and little Gilbert" she said with a smile.
I watched Silas began to move and Katherine bit Jeremy's neck and shoved him down onto Silas mouth.
"Family reunion will have to be cut short." Katherine said.
Jeremy screamed as Silas let go of the cure and Katherine grabbed it and ran with it. I looked at dying Bonnie and Dying Jeremy and choose to try and help Jeremy but i couldn't get Silas to let go and then Silas broke Jeremy's neck and he fell to the ground.
"No!" I screamed.
I shook him and nothing i feed Bonnie my blood and she healed and then disappeared for some reason. Once Elena and Stefan got there i went after Katherine and ran into Rebecca who grabbed me and hugged me.
"I was so worried about you! Klaus too" she said
"Klaus knows i was missing?" I asked.
"Yeah of course" she said.
I then told her about Katherine and the two of us went home i used a spell and got us back to mystic falls. We went home and found Klaus and i ran in and hugged him.
He wrapped his arms around me and i just cried for Kol again and now Jermey. I wanted my dad too more than anything and he was going to be mad that i had been getting hurt a lot the last three days they were all trying to keep me safe.

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