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Klaus and i sat at the Salvatore's waiting for i assume Stefan to come home. My uncle helped himself to a drink which was classic. To my surprise i wasn't daggered.
"Welcome home uncle" i said as i sat in the dark.
"Ah Maddie how's Elena?" He asked.
"Shook up but she'll be okay. Where were you" i asked.
"Turns out Tyler did bite Caroline. Don't worry i saved her" he said.
"Good considering your the only one that can" i said turning around.
"Stop playing games Uncle Klaus i cant sleep" i said.
"Games? What are you talking about?" He asked
"Are you going to dagger me? If so just do it and get it over with stop dragging it out" i said.
"I'm not going to dagger you" he laughed.
"You aren't? But i disappointed you" i said standing up and walking over to him.
"Indeed But your a child Maddie you can help it sometimes" he said with a smile.
"Okay?" I said confused
"Good night" he said as he headed to his room.
Flashback over
"What are you doing here, Klaus?" Stefan asked.
"Enjoying our stalemate." My uncle replied.
"What do you want?" He asked.
"You know what he wants Stefan" i said.
"Question is what do you want?" My uncle asked. "My hybrids left town as you demanded, so please tell me what i need to do to get my family back"
"Well you see Klaus and Maddie I'm not negotiating" Stefan said as he took a seat.
"And you understand that holding them indefinitely is the same as dropping them in the ocean." Klaus said.
"No, no you leave mystic falls. And then give me a call in a few years, and we'll talk" Stefan said.
"Hell with that!" I said as a candle lite near by.
I looked at my uncle and he looked at Stefan.
"I'm going to give you another chance. Just one more. Let's make a reasonable deal." My uncle said.
"Or what?" Stefan asked.
"Well one I'll let my niece burn down you house." Klaus said.
"You make one move and i will.." Stefan started.
"Yes that's right. Crazy Stefan." My uncle laughed.
"How's that working out for you? Any friends left?" Klaus asked.
"You see Stefan I'm only going to be able to handle her out bursts for so long but one day she's going to lose it and the only person who can stop her is Elijah" my uncle said as he got up.
"I dont care" Stefan said.
"One you don't care if she burns your little town down? Interesting okay" my uncle said as we walked out.
We went to the bar and sat down and he called one of his hybrids.
"How's life on the road?" He asked.
"Boring for now" he said responding to what ever was asked.
I didnt care enough to listen in on my uncles conversation. I just drank my coke and though about how to fight the darkness.
"There's no need. I've been making friends with the towns civil servants. There's a deputy who's awfully chatty. But useful nonetheless. Are you clear on what you need to do?" My uncle said catching my attention.
He hung up the phone and looked at me.
"What are you planning now uncle Klaus?" I asked.
"You will see" i said with a smile.
We sat in the bar for what seemed like forever. And then Klaus dragged me to his car and we went to the creepy building.
"What took you so long?" Klaus asked as we walked out of the darkness.
"Hiding behind your witchy friends. And in squalor no less" my uncle said.
Then suddenly he grabbed his head and screamed as he fell to the ground.
"Insulating a bunch of dead witches not smart." Damon laughed as my uncle stood up again.
I looked at Damon and used a spell that sent him to the ground the same way. When i released the spell Damon stood up.
"I made that exact same mistake first time i came in here" Damon continued
"Well you know the funny thing about the witches is that living or dead they care about their own." My uncle said as he fell to the ground again.
"You should probably stop Uncle Klaus" i said.
"A hundreds dead witches have a thousand living descendants" he said as he screamed in pain.
"I told him" i said as i stood there untouched.
I'm a witch and a vampire I'm still one of theirs.
"And i have no problem killing every last one of them! If i don't get my coffins back!" My uncle yelled as he stood up.
"Even your own niece? Ouch" Damon said as i sent him to the ground again.
"Klaus" i said warningly
"As we speak my hybrid friend is prepared to end the Bennett line" my uncle said looking around.
I felt angry rise inside me and the flames on the candles  got bigger. Then suddenly poof our they all went and we were in darkness.
"Now... please... show me the coffins" Klaus said.
I seen then the moment we came in but then they disappeared.
Suddenly they reappeared again and i smiled.
"Here we are niece." He said looking at me then he counted the coffins.
"Where's the fourth?" He asked Damon.
"Fourth? There should only be three. My father, Uncle Kol And Uncle Finn" i said.
"Yes there's a fourth Where is it?" Klaus said.
Damon just stood there.
"Show me!" Klaus yelled.
"Well here's the thing. They can't. It's not here" Damon said.
"What did you do?" Klaus asked.
"Well Bonnie gave me a heads up. I mean i didnt have enough time to get all four but i did have time time to get one." Damon said.
"I will year you limb from limb. And only then when you are a writhing mass of blood and flesh will i rip your heart from your chest." My uncle said as he walked up to Damon.
"Sorry. Same rules apply. Leverage and all" Damon said. "I know you want your family back. But something tells me you want what's in the coffin a lot more" Damon said as he walked past.
We went home with the three coffins we did have and a hybrid helped us get them in and out.
"You have your family back. Finally." The hybrid said as he wheeled the last one in.
"You going to open them?" He asked.
"Not quite yet" my uncle said.
"What?!?" I yelled.
"I still have some unfinished business to take care of" my uncle said walking out of the room.
"What business?" The hybrid asked
"Niklaus Mikaelson!" I screamed as the entire house shook and caught fire in the room i was in.
Suddenly the hybrid yelled and landed on the ground.
And Klaus turned around with a shocked expression.
"Maddison" i heard a familiar voice.
"Maddie clam down now" i heard as a hand was place on my shoulder.
I turned around.
"Dad!" I cried as i hugged him. The fire went away and the house stopped shacking.

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