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"New Orleans? What the hell is Klaus doing there?" Rebecca asked as my father, Rebecca, and I sat in the living room of Rebecca's house.
"Evidently, there are witches conspiring against him. So knowing Niklaus this was a mission to silence and slaughter." My father said.
"Well the French quarter witches are not a lot to be trifled with" i said.
"You don't suppose they found away to kill him once and for all do you?" Rebecca asked.
"Rebecca in the name of our family you might try to dial down your glee" my father said.
"What family? We are four distrustful acquaintances who happen to share the same bloodline" Rebecca said.
"Hey actually you all have major trust issues and I for some reason trust each of you equally. I know deep down i shouldnt trust Klaus at all" i said.
Rebecca looked at me and then back at my father.
"I , for one, hope they've found a way to make that traitorous bastard rot." Rebecca said.
"That's your brother your talking about" i said.
"Yes well he's a traitor" Rebecca said.
"Come Maddie" my father said as he headed for the door.
"Where are you guys going?" Rebecca asked.
"To find out who's making a move against our brother... and then... I'll either stop them... or I'll help them.." my father said.
"Dad" i said.
He glanced at me before walking over to the door.
"That all depends on my mood" my father said As he opened the door.
"And Maddie? Your taking her?" Rebecca asked.
"Yes Rebecca I'm taking my daughter with me I'm tiered of not being there when she needs me and I'm also tiered of not being around her in general. She's my daughter she deserves to be with her father" my father said as i walked over to the door.
"Bye Rebecca" i said with a smile.
"Bye" she said as my father shut the door.
I jumped into the car. Finally after so many years i finally get to be with my father.
"So what did you do it?" My father asked after hours of silents.
"Do what?" I asked.
"You know. Why did you make yourself heal faster so you couldn't save that girl" my father asked.
"Um i didnt want Rebecca to have the cure. I didnt want her to be human because i don't want to lose my aunt" i said as i looked at him.
"Humm i see" he said.
"I have one aunt and one uncle i will do anything to not have to see them die. I will do anything to make sure you don't die" i said.
"You do not need to protect us Maddie you are a child we can protect ourselves and you" he said.
"I'm not a child I've done many things..." i started.
"That have gotten you hurt. Protecting Kol and protecting Bonnie" he said.
"I want to be a hero" i said as we parked the car in New Orleans.
He didn't say anything. We got out of the car and walked down the street.
"The hybrid was looking for Jane-Ann and Marcel wants to know why" a man said down an alley.
"Dad" i said as i walked towards the alley.
He followed and we listened and watched.
"Oh, that sounds like witch business. I'd say ask her yourself but i guess you can't seeing as Marcel killed her" the girl said as she turned around.
The one guy grabbed her and I ran down the alley and grabbed the guy and ripped his heart out and dropped it on the ground in front of the other guy and then my dad threw the other guy up on a part of the building that ended up stabbing him in the heart. Then we both walked out of the shadows. He handed me the hanker shift from his pocket so i could whip of my hand.
"I'm Elijah and this is my daughter Maddison. You've heard of us?" My father asked.
"Yes." She said as she nodded.
"So why don't you tell me what business your family has with my brother" my father said as i handed him the hanker shift.
She nodded and told us what she knew.
"We will get my uncle. You will meet us in the graveyard" i said.
She nodded.
Him and i walked away and found Klaus with Marcel.
"I thought he died" i whispered.
"As did I" he said as we stood in the shadows.
We watched Marcel jump off the balcony.
"Evening Elijah, Maddie" Klaus said.
"Niklaus" my father said.
"What an entirely unwelcome surprise." Klaus said.
"And what an entirely unsurprising welcome" my father said.
"Come with me" my father said.
"I'm not going anywhere. Not until i find out who is conspiring against me" Klaus said.
"I believe your beloved niece and I found that out for you" my father said.
Klaus followed us to the graveyard.
"What are we doing here?" Klaus asked.
"You wanna know what the witches have in store for you? Follow us" i said as we walked around.
My father opened the gates and lead him into the crypt where the girl was waiting.
"Sophie Deveraux. What is this?" Klaus asked.
"He's all yours. Proceed." my father said.
"You know you're famous in this town?" Sophie said.
My uncle proudly nodded.
"Witches tell bedtime stories about the powerful vampire Klaus. We know that Marcel was nothing, but an orphan street rat, until you made him what he is. And now he's out of control. He does what he wants, kills who he wants. I'm gonna stop him, and your going. To help me" she said.
He laughed and turned and looked at me and my father.
"This is why you brought me here." Klaus said.
"Hear her out" my father said.
"I dont need to hear her out. I assure you love there is not a thing on this earth that will matter enough for me to waste even 30 more seconds of my time. Elijah what madness is this?" Klaus said.
"Klaus... you need to listen to them" i heard Hayley say as she walked in with witches behind her.
He looked at Hayley and started laughing.
"You are all out of your minds if you think some liquor-fueled one-night stand. No-offense sweetheart, means a thing to me." Klaus said looking at Hayley.
"Marcel maybe able to keep us from practicing real magic in this town.. but as keepers of the balance we still know when nature has cooked up something new. For example... i have a special gift... of sensing when a girl is pregnant." Sophie said.
"What?" Klaus said.
"I know. it's impossible." Hayley said.
"What are you saying?" Klaus said as he looked at Hayley again.
"Niklaus. The girl is carrying your child." My father said as klaus looked at father.
"No. It's impossible. Vampires can't procreate" my uncle said.
"But werewolves can." I said as Klaus looked at Sophie.
"Magic made you a vampire... but you were born a werewolf. You're the original hybrid, the first of your kind. And this pregnancy is... one of nature's loop holes." Sophie said.
"You've been with with someone else. Admit it!" Klaus yelled as he headed towards Hayley.
My father grabbed him and pulled him back so he didn't hurt Hayley.
"Hey, I've spent days held captive in a freaking alligator bayou because they think I'm carrying some magical miracle baby. Don't you think i would have fessed up if it wasn't yours?" Hayley asked.
"My sister gave her life to preform the spell she need to confirm this pregnancy. Because of Jane-Ann sacrifice the lives of this girl and the baby are no controlled by us. If you don't help us take down Marcel, so help me... Hayley won't live long enough to see her first maternity dress." Sophie said.
"Wait what?" Hayley said.
"Enough of this. If you want Marcel dead, he's dead, I'll do it myself" my father said.
"No. We can't. Not yet. We have a clear plan that we need to follow and there are rules." Sophie said.
"How dare you command me? Threaten me with what you wrongfully perceive to be my weakness? I wont hear anymore lies!" My uncle said as he went to walk away.
"Niklaus." My father said.
Uncle Klaus turned around and looked at him.
"Listen." My father said.
He did as told and he like my father and i both did heard the second heartbeat.
Klaus turned around with tears streaming down his face.
"Kill her and the baby. What do i care?" Klaus said as he left.

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