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We have been on the road for a day.
"Where little witch did Elijah say he would be?" Klaus asked me
"I said south that's all he told me." I said.
"Maddison come on" Klaus said.
"What? Be said to call him when i got Rebecca. The mystic falls council took my phone so i cant call him Uncle Klaus" i said.
"Then grabbed that map and use a locator spell and find him" Klaus said.
"Oh use your phone to call him" i said.
"And let him know I'm alive? I want to surprise my bother little niece" he said glancing at me.
"You also going to tell him how you put your only niece and sister in danger and then was going to leave us both to die? I saved your ass Uncle Klaus and you didn't even bother to come and save mine" i said looking out the window.
"Your right how selfish of me. Perhaps i should have risked being killed again to save you and Rebecca even though you had it under control. Maddie you are a strong Mikealson witch who has yet to tap into her full potential and with my help and Kols help and even your fathers help we will unleash you to the world" Klaus said.
"I dont want your help anymore! You left me to die! What were you planning to tell my father? She saved me Elijah but i couldn't save her from death by the very people you we hesitate to let her go to to save our sister" i said looking at him.
"I dont have a sister anymore they are both dead" Klaus said.
"Dead?!? Are you out of your mind listen to yourself Uncle Klaus! Over stupid blood bags!" I yelled.
"The last of Elena's human blood! I cant make me an army to protect our family" he said.
I rolled my eyes and pulled out the map and pricked my finger and dropped a drop of blood on the map and shut my eyes and began the spell. I wanted our of the car and away from my uncle.
Suddenly his phone rang and he answered.
"Alright I'm on my way" he said as he hung up.
He made a U-turn.
"What are you doing?!?" I yelled.
"We have something we need to do little niece" he said.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"Back to mystic falls to protect Tyler from a hunter" Klaus said.
"And you need me why?" I asked.
"I always need a trusted witch by my side." Klaus said with a smile.
"Sure but you weren't saying that when you left me to die!" I yelled.
"Alright Maddison i get it your angry with me. But you need to drop it." Klaus said.
I rolled my eyes and turned back to the window.
We arrived in mystic falls a day later and went straight to the Lockwood home where two hybrids met us there.
"Thank you Klaus for coming it means a lot" Carol said.
"No problem" he said as he sat down.
"Alright I'm going to go pick him up I'll be right back" Carol said as she walked out the door.
"This blows" i said as i sat next to my uncle.
He just looked at me.
"Mind if i barrow your phone to let my father know we are okay?" I asked.
"Oh i guess seeing as we will be here awhile" he said as he handed me the phone.
I got up to walk into another room and Klaus grabbed my arm and pulled me back down.
"Stay here though" he said.
I rolled my eyes and dialed my dads number.
"Hello?" My dad said sounding very confused.
"Dad? It's me Maddie" i said.
"On Klaus phone? What happened to your phone? Where are you and Rebecca? It's been days" my father said.
"Rebecca and i got caught by the council but we got away. Then the council blew themselves up. Klaus is alive i put a spell on him and he banished Rebecca because she got rid of all his blood for creating more hybrids and he can't get anymore because Elena is a vampire now" i said.
"Where are you I'm coming to get you" he said.
"Klaus won't let me leave he says he needs me" i said.
"Tell Klaus i want to talk to him now!" My father said.
I handed the phone to my uncle just as we heard the door to the house open.
"Sorry brother i have to go I'll talk to you soon" he said as he hung up.
"Klaus!" I said as he stood you and put his phone away.
"Who the hell are you two?" I heard Tyler say to the hybrids standing in the front room by the door.
"Tyler it's okay they are here for your protection" Carol said.
"More deputies?" Tyler asked.
"Not exactly" Klaus said as the two of us plus another hybrid walked into the room.
"They're hybrids" Tyler said.
"I was halfway to Florida bringing my niece home when i was called and told you were attacked. I had hope to leave mystic falls for good but duty calls." Klaus said.
"Nice to know you care." Tyler said through his teeth.
"I dont. I should have killed you for the little stunt you and your friends pulled... stopping my heart, and then hurting my niece while she was protecting my body. Leaving me in a coffin to rot." Klaus said.
Was he actually angry they hurt me? Does he really care after all? None sense Maddie Klaus is a evil little ass hole who only cares about himself.
"Yeah, well you used my body as an escape hatch, then kissed my girlfriend, so maybe we're even" Tyler said.
"Not even close. But you hybrids are a dying breed. I cant make more of you, and i wont have anyone taking liberties with the ones i have left. Consider them your new bodyguards." My uncle said as he walked away from Tyler grabbing my arm and taking him with me.
"I can walk on my own!" I said trying to get lose.
"I cant trust that you won't escape. I need you Maddison" he said.
"Bull shit Uncle Klaus. You just don't want to be alone" i said as he shoved me into the car.
"Where are we going now?" I asked.
"Your going to school little niece" he said as he drove me to school.
"Wonderful" i said.
He pulled up and i got out and walked inside the building and seen a guy walking towards Jeremy and Stefan heading that way too so i figured why not jump right in.
The man and Jeremy went into a classroom alone and Stefan and I walked up to the door.
"What are you doing here?" Stefan Whispered.
"Um clearly protecting Jeremy as are you" i said.
"No i mean here at school i figured you and Rebecca would be gone by now" Stefan said.
"Rebecca? She's here?" I asked.
"Yeah i seen her a few minutes ago" he said.
"I have to go" i said as i ran off.
I ran i to Rebecca as she walked out of the bathroom.
"Rebecca!" I said as i hugged her.
"Maddie. You're okay." She said.
"I'm fine. Are you okay?" I asked.
"Never better. I'm having a party tonight at my new house want to come?" She asked.
"I cant Klaus has me on a short leash" i said as i looked down.
"Maddie were is Elijah?" She asked.
"Florida, Miami. Klaus and I were halfway there when we got a call to come back because a hunter was after Tyler" i said.
"I will call your father to come and get you" she said.
"No dont! I dont know what Klaus will do to him if he comes to get me. I dont want to see him in a box again" i said.
"Okay alright but I'll still call him tell him where you are and tell him your worried. Now go get to class" Rebecca said.
I nodded and headed to Biology where Jeremy was supposed to be.
After school i headed back to Tyler's where my uncle was. I walked in and went and found Klaus.
"How was school?" Klaus asked.
"The hunter was there and so was Rebecca" i said.
"That's fine stay away from the hunter" he said as he got up and walked out of the room.
"Can i go to Rebecca's party?" I asked.
"No way. You are staying right here" he said as he stopped in front of a room.
There was a girl standing in there.
"You're a new face" Klaus said.
She turned and looked at us.
"And i take it from your accent you're an old one. Klaus." She said.
"My reputation precedes me, hopefully, not all bad." Klaus said as he walked in and i followed close behind.
"A little bad, mostly repulsive." She said.
Klaus just stared at her.
"So you're a friend of Tyler's. That's strange. He's never mentioned you." Klaus said.
"And i think i know why" Klaus said with a smirk.
"Let's go Maddie" Klaus said as he turned and walked out.
I smiled at the girl and walked out behind my uncle.
My uncle took a seat at a desk in another room and i sat in the desk.
"She quite fetching that Hayley" Klaus said as Tyler walked in.
"Where is she?" Tyler asked.
"She had to run, but don't worry. I had her take the back door so Caroline wouldn't see" i said.
"Whatever you two think you know..." Tyler said.
"We don't know anything. But I've put together a pretty convincing picture. Why don't you tell me where my imagination deviates from reality." Klaus said as he stood up and walked towards Tyler.
"You went off into the Appalachians to break my sire bond. There you met a pack of werewolves, begged them for help and among them was a girl. She was gorgeous, with the same animal instinct as you. Emotions ran high. inhibitions ran low." Klaus said.
"Stop it" Tyler said.
"Then, in a moment of weakness, the thick sexual tension became something much more real." Klaus said into Tyler's ear.
"I said stop!" Tyler said as he turned around.
"And Caroline has no idea" i said slowly.
Then the phone rang and Klaus picked it up.
"Hello Damon" Klaus said.
"Klaus, wheres Tyler?" Damon said from the other side of the phone.
"Tyler's otherwise occupied. Making big decisions about honesty and whatnot. Is there anything I can do?" Klaus said looking up at Tyler.
"I'm going after the vampire hunter. So if he'd like to join..." Damon said.
"He wouldn't. I, however, would" Klaus said.
Damon told him where he was and Klaus hung up the phone.
"You little niece are staying here with Tyler the cheater" Klaus said.
"What? No i want to go with you!" I said.
"No you aren't coming. I already put your life in danger once this week i wont do it again" he said as he walked out.
I looked at Tyler and sat down.

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