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"Come on Henrik and Maddie i think Klaus and Elijah are fighting again" Rebecca said.
The three of us were the youngest of the kids in the Mikealson family. I was considered second Generation Mikealson because i was the daughter of the noble Elijah the second eldest of the Mikealson siblings well not counting Fraya who died when Finn was young. The three of us ran up to the opening where Uncle Klaus and my father were indeed fighting with there swords.
"Oh look sisters arrived along with Henrik and Maddison" my father said with a smile as he looked at me.
"They've come to see my first hand victory" My father said with a smile looking back at uncle Klaus.
"On the contrary Elijah" Uncle Klaus said as he started fighting again and they fought and then uncle Klaus got my father ripped his shirt.
"They've come to laugh at you" Uncle Klaus said with a smile.
They were both good fighters Henrik often said he was going to be as good as they were one day and i wished i could fight with a sword too but that wasn't lady like so i was stuck watching my father and uncle fight.
We all laughed including Elijah and i looked up and seen Grandma and Grandpa watching not really smiling at all causing us to stop smiling.
"So.." grandpa started as he took my fathers sword.
"Why don't you teach me that trick young warrior" grandpa said to uncle Klaus.
My father came and stood by me and i grabbed his hand and lended on him.
"Father we were just having fun" uncle Klaus said to grandpa.
Grandpa hated uncle Klaus i didnt know why he was always so hard on him.
"We fight for our survival! And you find time to have fun?!?" Grandpa yelled.
I shook and my dad held me closer.
"I want to have fun! Come on teach me!" Grandpa said to uncle Klaus.
"Father it was nothing" Uncle Klaus said looking at grandpa.
We watched grandpa swing his sword around and uncle Klaus blocking it. Finally grandpa had uncle Klaus on the ground on his back. None of us moved a muscle.
"You are foolish and impulsive, my boy" Grandpa said looking down at Uncle Klaus with the blade at his throat.
"What? No more laugher?" Grandpa asked.
"Alright you've made your point, Mikeal!" Grandma said.
He stabbed just above Uncle Klaus head making us all jump except dad.
"Some days it's a miracle you're sill alive" Grandpa said to Klaus as he got up.
End of flshback.
Rebecca and i sat in the living room and she handed me a glass of Champagne as Elena walked in.
"Hey what's up?" Rebecca said looking at Elena
She invited her over to talk about what I'm not sure but I'm sure it's not all of what Elena wants. I over heard them all early they want my uncle dead and i cant let that happen as much as i hate my uncle for his choices i still love him he's family.
"You invited me over to talk?" Elena said slowly as Rebecca walked over with two glasses of Champagne in her hand.
"Alright girls. Have at it" Rebecca said.
Did i forget to mention we weren't alone.
"Okay, now twirl, please" Rebecca said as the girls entered the room.
"You've compelled your own private run way show?" Elena asked. "Couldn't get your niece to help?"
"She didn't ask. My family seems to think I'm still a child even after 1000 years. Afraid of what my father will say or do if i dress like one of them girls" i said from my seat.
Elena nodded and looked back at Rebecca.
"I need a homecoming dress" Rebecca said.
"So what do you think? Pick one" she said.
"Again you couldn't ask your niece to help you?" Elena asked.
"Um she did this part but i told her i didnt want to help her because I'm mad at her for abandoning me for a day and a half" i said looking at Elena.
"I'm not here to help you shop. I'm here to talk about why you guys don't want me to wake up Mikeal" Elena said.
I chocked on my drink a little.
Rebecca ran over to one of the girls and was about to bite one.
"I said pick one" she said angrily
"The red one" Elena said quickly.
"There that wasn't so hard was it?" Rebecca asked Elena but also hinting at me.
"Go away and remember nothing" Rebecca said to the girls and they walked out of the room.
"You do not threaten me. You will learn what i allow you to learn is that clear?" Rebecca asked Elena as she took a sip from her glass.
Elena nodded and Rebecca walked past her and over to where i was sitting.
"May i have another?" I asked Holding my empty glass.
"No you wouldn't help me" she said.
"You abandoned me!" I resorted.
"I didnt i was here in mystic Falls the entire time. You were busy saving the day!" She said.
"At least i can do something you and the rest of our family can't and that's save the day!" I yelled as i whipped a stray tear from my eyes.
"What do you want to know Elena?" Rebecca said ignoring my last comment.
"Well Elijah said your father was a land owner in Europe. How did you end up here?" Elena asked.
"May parents had just started a family when a plague struck their homeland. They lost a child to it. They wanted to escape and protect their future family from the same fate" Rebecca said sipping her drink.
"So how did you end up here? This part of the world hadn't even been discovered yet" Elena said.
"Not by anyone in your history books" Rebecca laughed.
"But my mother knew the witch Ayana who heard from the spirits of a mystical land where everyone was healthy. Blessed by the gifts of speed and strength. That led my family here" Rebecca said
"Where we lived among those people" i said continuing Rebecca's story.
I knew this story well my father told it to me growing up as a love story or a bedtime story if you will.
"The werewolves?" Elena questioned.
"To is they were just our neighbors. My family lived in peace with them for over 20 years during which time my family had more children. Including Maddison" Rebecca said
"You make it sound so normal" Elena said.
"It was" Rebecca said with a smile.
"Once a month our family retreated to the caves below our village. Maddison clinging to Elijah side and Henrik and I following close behind my father. The wolves would howl all through the night. And by morning we would return home.
"Ayana you burned me" Rebecca said after touching a curious necklace.
I was with Rebecca this morning.
"It is not use to touch" Ayana said.
"Mother!"  Rebecca and i heard a yell.
"Is that Klaus?" Rebecca asked looking at Ayana.
I looked at Rebecca and slowly nodded. It sounded like my uncles voice and i was sure it was.
"Something is wrong!" Rebecca said grabbing me and pulling me out of the house with her.
Uncle Klaus was carrying a lifeless body in his hands and that body was Uncle Henrik, my best friend.
"Henrik!" I screamed as i ran over to them.
"Mother!" Klaus yelled as he sat him down on the ground. Rebecca ran over close behind me.
Henrik was bloody up pretty bad.
"Henrik!" I cried.
Flashback over
"One full moon Klaus and my youngest brother Henrik snuck out to watch the men turn into beasts" Rebecca said to Elena.
Rebecca looked over and whipped a fresh tear from my face.
"That was forbidden. Henrik paid the price" Rebecca continued.
Everyone started to gather around.
"What happened?" Grandma asked kneeling beside him.
My father came running. He picked me up and moved me from the scene.
"No!" I cried trying to pull away but my dad didn't let go only watched from a far.
"The wolves" cried Klaus.
Grandma picked up Henrik head.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" Klaus cried.
"We must save him. Please There must be away" my grandma said looking at Ayana.
"The spirts will not give us away, Esther" Ayana said slowly feeling Henrik pulse.
"No, no" i cried. My father hugged me and i heard his heart breaking too.
"Your boy is gone" Ayana said to grandma.
"No. No." My grandma said.
Klaus sat there and cried and Rebecca stood by him with her hand on his shoulder.
Flashback over.

"That's was the beginning of the end of peace with our neighbors. And one of the last moments my family had together as humans" Rebecca said looking at Elena who was clearly in shock.
Elena's phone rang.
"You better get that. It will be Damon checking up on you" Rebecca said clearing her throat.
"Can we get on with the story?" Elena said as she hung up the phone.
"Honestly i dont get you and Stefan as a couple" Rebecca said slowly.
"Why would you? You don't know anything about who he really is" Elena said looking at Rebecca
"I know exactly who he is. He's a vampire. We're a predatory species. We don't have time to care about humans and their silly little lives" Rebecca said with a smile.
"Is that why you did that runway show earlier? If you don't care about the homecoming dance?" Elena said.
Rebecca stiffened up. The thing about Rebecca and she wanted nothing more than a human life.
"You know what? I'm just going to go" Elena said as she got up.
"You haven't even heard half the story" Rebecca said
"And your not going to tell it" Elena said turning and looking at Rebecca and i.
"You're just bored and looking for someone to push around. Find someone else to play with" Elena said.
Rebecca looked at me and back at Elena.
"Maybe you can compel yourself a friend" Elena said.
"The necklace wasn't Stefan's to give" Rebecca said. "It belonged to the original witch"
"The one that put the hybrid curse on Klaus?" Elena asked.
"Not just the hybrid curse. She's the one that turned us into vampires" I said slowly.
"Please, Ayana, i implore you. You must call upon the spirts before the next full moon" Grandpa said.
I was sitting by the fire alone just listening to the world around me.
"I will not. It's a crime against nature" she said to my grandpa.
"Ayana we have already lost too much" my grandma said.
I was learning magic at this time i knew what they were referring to. Witches were to keep nature balanced i learned that from Uncle Kol.
"We can not lose anymore" grandma said as she stood behind me.
"The spirts can help us find away to protect our children and our grandchild" my grandma said as she kissed my head and rubbed my arm.
Flashback over
"So the vampirism was a form of protection?" Elena asked.
"What else would it be?" Rebecca asked.
"A curse" Elena said.
"My parents only saw a way of keeping the remainder of their children alive and their only grandchild alive as well" Rebecca said.
"Yeah but why stay? If they were so afraid of werewolves why not leave?" Elena asked.
"Pride. My father didn't want to run anymore" Rebecca said.
"He wanted to fight. Be superior to the wolves" i said.
"Where they could bite. We had to bite harder." Rebecca said.
"Where they had speed. We had to be faster" i said.
"Agility, strength, senses" Rebecca said.
"Everything could be heightened. Our family could live forever" my grandpa said
"At what cost?" My grandma asked
"This magic you speak of breeds consequence. This is the making of a plague, Esther" Ayana said.
"The spirts will turn on you" She said again talking to my grandparents
"Please, Ayana" Grandma pled.
"I will have no part in it. And if you were smart you wouldn't drag that powerful little girl into it either" Ayana said.
The first born or every line in the Mikealson family was powerful and i was the first born i was like Aunt Fraya Who i never got to meet.
"She will be made more powerful. Unkillable" my grandma said.
But Ayana left the house.
"If she will not protect our  family. Then it is in your hands alone, love" grandpa said.
Flashback over

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