Reality check

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~Chapter 35~
                    Reality check

Charlis POV:
I swear to god- why can't they ever behave??
I did not wait this long for our relationship to end in a day. Unless I can convince these mother fuckers to not tell their stupid ass dad, then il have to break things off with Chase and I don't want to have to do that. But it might come down to that.

Ugh. I just wish I locked my door.
Or if I wasn't busy being jealous of blaire and complaining about it to chase than he probably would have never kissed me and we wouldn't be in this situation right now.

Now I'm gonna have to convince them to not tell him and who knows how that's gonna go? They never listen? Why should they listen now?

I walked over to them

Charli: "please don't tell your dad about this"
Willam: "we are"

They are never gonna listen

Charli: "Il get you candy"

I don't know what ten year olds like

Samuel: "is he our new dad?"

They looked at chase-

Charli: "no he is not your new dad"

I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Samuel: "okay, we are telling on you"
Willam: "yeah same here"

They started walking away but I grabbed them and pulled them into the room.

Charli: "listen you little shits, I'm done playing "NicE MOmmY" with you. First of all, Who names their kids Samuel and Willam?? Your mom went through 9 months of hell just to name her kids Samuel and Willam? Who the fuck even thinks of that shit? What kind of names even are those??"

I'm getting besides the point

Charli: "second of all, you need to learn how to do your own fucking work?! What are you 10?? When I was 10 I was paying the bills with my 7 hour after school job that earned me 6 dollars an hour. Start cleaning up after your self??"

I could see that they were crying

Charli: "third, do you think I give an actual fuck that your daddy is rich??"

They started crying more

Charli: "look at me?!"

They looked at me

Charli: "does it look like I give a fuck?!"
Willam: "n-no-"

I rolled my eyes

Charli: "Exactly?! So stop treating me like I'm your cleaning lady cause I'm not?!"

They nodded and started balling their eyes out

Charli: "so yeah, you can go ahead and tell your dad about this but I will convince him to stay with me and I will make your life a living hell."

Samuel: "w-we wo-nt"
Willam: "w-we won't t-tell him"

They cried harder

I smiled

Charli: "I'm glad we've come to an agreement"

I love when they cry, it makes me so happy.

I let go of their wrists and they ran away crying
I closed the door behind them and locked it
I looked over at chase and he looked shocked

Charli: "what?"
Chase: "that was a little harsh char don't you think?"

I rolled my eyes

Charli: "nope, it's what they needed to hear"
Chase: "okay"

He doesn't understand how annoying these kids are

Charli: "it's how my parents raised me and it's how it's gonna go from now on"
Chase: "Charli your parents were abusive"

Right. Forgot he knew about that

Charli: "now that I think back on it, it wasn't that bad"
Chase: "yes it was? Do you not remember what they did to you?"

9 years ago

Chases POV:
Charli and I have been dating for like a week now.
Our relationship has been moving pretty fast considering she's already my girlfriend and I was in love with her before we started actually dating.
When she kissed me and said I was her new boyfriend I wasn't sure If that was some sort of revenge plan on Justin or she was actually serious. But now I know, she was serious.

I woke up in Charlis bed with my arms around her. She woke up straight after me

I noticed she still had her makeup on

Chase: "why do you wear makeup in your sleep?"

She shrugged

Charli: "I don't know"
She slurred cause she was still half asleep

Chase: "so, it's the weekend. What do you wanna do today?"
Charli: "let's go to the park"
Chase: "okay"

I kissed her on her face-

That's a lot of makeup-

Chase: "why are you wearing so much makeup under your eyes"

I can taste it all

Charli: "eye bags, I'm pretty tired"

I put my thumb under her eyes and started rubbing it off

Charli: "Chase what are you doing?? This took a long time to put on?!"

As I rubbed off more I saw purple

Chase: "what is this?? Are these bruises??"

What happened? And why did she lie to be about it?

I rubbed off the rest and there we purple almost black bruises under her eyes-

Charli: "okay, I fell"
Chase: "you just told me you did it cause you were tired"

Now I'm getting worried

Charli: "yeah I'm also tired..."

She's lying

Chase: "who did this to you? You can tell me the truth I won't tell anyone"

She sighed

Charli: "fine but it's not a big deal so don't get all mad, okay?"
Chase: "okay?"

She looked up at me

Charli: "do you believe those rumours about me?"
Chase: "what rumours"

She rolled her eyes

Charli: "you know, you don't have to pretend you don't know about them, the one about me sleeping with the entire football team"

I sighed

Chase: "of course I don't believe them"
Charli: "well the truth is, I'm actually a virgin..."

She's a virgin??

Chase: "well don't feel bad, I'm a virgin too"

She looked shocked

Charli: "really??- Okay anyways this is beside the point. The point is, my parents believed the rumours. Let's just say they weren't happy"

Her parents did this to her?? Oh my-

Chase: "you're parents did this??"

She nodded

Charli: "that's why I invite you over so often, they never do anything when your here"
Chase: "I'm sorry, I should have been there?? I could have stopped it??"
Charli: "no you couldn't have."

I could've And now she's hurt. I could have prevented that

Charli: "even if you could have stopped this one, you couldn't have stopped everything else they did."

They've done this more than once?

~End Of Flashback~

Okay so a lot this chapter is just a flashback looking into Charlis past
Because we already know a lot about chases past, so I'm getting more into Charlis now

Word count - 1102

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