Its not me?!

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                   ~Chapter 106~
It's not me?!

Charlis POV:
Those are the same flowers I see every night in my hallucinations, those are the same flowers my secret admirer has sent me.

Has it been him all along?! He played this terrible joke on me?! This isn't even a joke?! This made me think I was crazy?? This Made me go out of my mind and for what?! A joke?!

Charli: "how could you do this."

He looked confused

Chase: "do what??"
Charli: "you played this "joke" didn't you?? You think this is funny?! It's not funny-"
Chase: "charli?? I didn't do it??"

I'm convinced he did. Those are the exact flowers.

Chase: "why would you even think that?! I'd never do that to you??"

Okay. Maybe I jumped to conclusions Too quickly

Charli: "why did you buy the exact flowers my stalker buys??"

It's too big of a coincidence though

Chase: "I remember from high school?? You told me these were your favourites then??

Oh- now I feel really bad- I'm an idiot my god.

Charli: "I'm so sorry- im just really paranoid"

He put his hands on my waist and hugged me

Chase: "that's okay,  I understand. You must be going through a lot and im so sorry I should have talked about it with you more, I wasn't sure if you were still getting hallucinations. Just know, that whenever you're scared or paranoid just wake me up, it doesn't matter what time it is, I'm always here for you Char, and I love you. I'd do anything for you."

I smiled then kissed him

Charli: "you really mean that? You'd do anything for me?"

He nodded

Chase:  "anything and everything. you're the girl of my dreams, Il do whatever you want"

What ever i want? Sounds fun

I smirked

Chase: "you always gotta find a way to make things uncomfortable"

Whattt that's totally not true.

We arrived back at the hotel we walked inside. we went over to the elevator and I pressed the our floor.

Chase: "tell me if somethings wrong okay?"

She nodded

Charli: "I know"
Chase: "promise me"

A promise seriously?? What am I 3?

He brought out his pinky

Charli: "I'm not 5 chase"

He left it there

Chase: "just do it"

I shrugged

Chase: "fine okay"

I brought my pinky out and we shook pinky's

Chase: "great"

I walked over to the bedroom and laid down on the bed

Charli: "I am so tired"

I just wanna sleep the rest of the year

Chase: "you can take a nap"
Charli: "I thought we were Gonna do something"
Chase: "we will, I know you're tired so il let you sleep"

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