A step closer to happiness

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~Chapter 197~
A step closer to happiness

Charlis POV:
Oh my god- I just said yes to that?? Yes I did! And I don't regret it. I'm getting married- I'm getting married! This is so exciting! I'm gonna be happy again! I never thought this was gonna happen?? Wow. I'm getting married.

I know I know it's way too soon considering I've only been dating Fernando for 1 day but who cares! You only live once right? 5th times a charm

This marriage will work. I know it.

I mean who else would marry me. He's the only one who loves me. Everyone else never did.

I'm getting married. Wow. I am getting married.

Fernando: "really?? Yes?!"

I nodded

Charli: "yes."
Fernando: "oh my gosh! I can't believe this Charli! We are getting married"


Charli: "yeah"

This will make me happy.
I will be happy

Chases POV:
I've been waiting in this waiting room for hours. I don't know how much longer I can wait here. She can't die... she's all I have left... I've lost everything... I can't lose her. I can't. I don't know if I can be responsible for another death. It's too much.
She's my mom and I might of killed her...

The crash killed her...

The doctor came in and I stood up


Doctor: "Cole we just finished the operation"

C'mon. Please don't die on me. Please.

Chase: "and..."
Doctor: "I'm sorry..."

no no no no. She died didn't she?! She died?! For no reason?! Why! Why do bad things keep happening to me! To her?! Please say- please say this isn't true? She can't- she cannot be dead! No! This isn't fair!

Tears quickly fell from my face

Doctor: "we did everything we could..."

No! No they didn't?! Because if they did she'd still be alive right now!! But she's dead! She's dead! Because of them- because of me...

She's dead because of me... she's really dead...

I put my hands in my face

Chase: "wake me up from this nightmare please"

I cried into my my hands

I have no one... no one... everyone's gone...
I'm back to where I began but more alone...

I miss high school... so much... I had everything... a family, the most perfect girlfriend in the world... I ruin things for myself.

Chase: "arrest me. Arrest me now please. I killed her."
Doctor: "sir we were there when she had a stoke"

I shook my head

Chase: "I crashed the car all those years ago"

I will regret that day as long as I shall live.

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